
Descendant Of The Moon

A shapeshifter hasn't been seen in years; that is until the birth of Fauna. Cast away from her home in Alarick woods, Fauna finally finds family with the weretigers who take her in as one of their own. Things are going smoothly until peace is threatened by the werelion Ari who wants Fauna at all costs for her power. Fauna must journey to the caves of the werebears and find out her potential before war and chaos breaks out in the forest they call home.

Okeke_Chiazokam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Four - Part One


At Lord Bruce's command, Fauna retreated to Saber's room where she was to rest until the persecution at first light.

She tossed and turned, but not even the herb prepared for her by the Healers could help her sleep. Saber on the other hand slept soundlessly and peacefully beside her, and not like someone who was to oversee a public execution.

Before she retreated, she overheard Lord Bruce and Bone talking and they were considering an evacuation. She wondered what would happen if they were to relocate. What would it mean for the cubs? What of the tigresses who were to deliver soon? They weren't strong enough to move, and they couldn't be left behind. The cubs were important as they were the future of the clan.

She sat up from the mat, her heart racing. Despite the cold air, beads of sweat formed on her face and her neck and it caused her hair to cling to her body. She brushed locks of snowy white hair away from her face and stood quietly so as not to wake Saber.

She stared at Saber for a moment, a pang in her chest as she thought about the first time she met him. He sacrificed a lot for her before he even knew her name. She reminisced their meeting. She was merely a voice in his head pleading for help. He had no reason to come to her aid, but he did.

He had managed to convince his father into the suicide mission, but they got away and Fauna was a free person, forever indebted to his kindness. And he never asked anything in return. He took her as his sister and he provided her with protection. However, she repaid his kindness by putting him and the others in danger.

She shook her head and walked out of his room. Her mind was set. She knew what she had to do. She was determined to keep everyone she loved safe from harm. Ari had to be up to something if he was threatening war after five years. She couldn't sit still and wait to be caught by surprise.

She sucked in a deep breath and peered into the darkness; her eyes narrowed as she navigated her way towards the North-side. The south was always heavily guarded, though after what just happened, she feared they may have doubled patrol at the North-side.

She was a Lady. The Sniffers shouldn't stop her. She could go wherever she wanted. She hoped.

The crescent moon shone overhead, following her as she made her way through the thick forest which was awfully quiet. She stopped in her tracks and decided to head through the West-side. It was the least guarded as it led to the human settlement. Because the werefolks didn't want to be seen by humans, they very rarely ventured in that direction.

She broke into a run, not even stopping when trees scrapped against her skin nor when her feet dashed against rocks. She feared if she stopped running, cowardness could take over and she would flee back to Saber and she couldn't afford to. She had to do this for him.

"I'm doing the right thing!" She repeated to herself again and again, like a mantra. She could feel the forest thin and the air get more polluted by the substance of the humans. She knew the moment she crossed the territory, her scent would change and it would leave her vulnerable to any werefolk she came in contact with.

She knew she possessed no fighting skills and if she didn't manage to navigate Ari's pride in time, she could be killed in the wild. She didn't stop though. "I'm doing the right thing," she repeated to herself.

Just when she was about to cross the invincible line that marked the edge of their territory, a strong force rushed into her, knocking her sideways and into a tree which snapped in half under the unexpected weight.

She stumbled and fell; the stones tore at her flesh, but she felt herself start to heal. A force was pinning her down and she struggled under the weight of her attacker, blind fear gripping her.

"Would you stop fighting? I wish you no harm, but by the dragons, I will hurt you if I have to," the voice instructed.

Her senses rushed to her and she stopped struggling as she realized she wasn't being ambushed by a stranger. When he saw she was calm, he got off her and stretched his arm out to her. With defiance, she accepted and allowed herself to be pulled up.

Even in the dark, she could make out his deep scowl and his bright purple eyes were condescending.

"Are you out of your mind?" Kali scolded her; his bulky frame appeared even more intimidating in the dim light. "You could have been killed by the Sniffers who were instructed to attack anything that tried to cross any of our borders."

She swallowed hard and fiddled with her fingers. She didn't expect to be attacked. The Sniffers had a great sense of smell. They wouldn't hurt her. They knew better than to face the wrath of Lord Bruce.

"I was just going for a run," she lied, but she wasn't fooling anyone.

"And our land isn't enough for you? You wanted to venture out of the… You idiot! You were thinking of walking over to Ari, weren't you?"

She cast her gaze to the ground and said nothing. However, her silence was answer enough for Kali who snarled at her. "I have half the mind to allow you walk into your death. Are you insane or something? Quit trying to play hero and –"

"I am not trying to play hero!" She snapped. She was tired of being treated like a child. "I simply hold no desire in watching you all lose your lives trying to protect me. What's one life compared to all who would be saved?"

He furrowed his brows. He was taken aback by her outburst as Fauna was not one to speak out. He was moved by her words, but he thought she was being irresponsible and irrational.

"If Ari gets his hands on you, I fear for every were-creature in existence," he spoke softly in hopes that the child would understand just how serious what they were facing was. He knew she was scared and was only trying to help, but going to the power-hungry lion was not the way to go.

"Why? What's so special about me?" She sighed deeply as she gestured to herself.

Kali was about to respond when he noticed the skies were changing colours. He pointed to itand Fauna followed his finger and sighed. It was almost first light. The execution would be soon and she had to be present.

She and Kali returned to the throne room in silence where Saber was already going crazy in search for her. When he sensed her approaching, he rushed outside to meet her, his hair dishevelled and worry in his violet eyes.

"I was searching for you," he told her and she offered a sheepish smile.

"Indeed. I was worried he was going to rip someone's head out. Now, that would have been a fun appetizer before the execution." Zara walked up to Fauna and nudged her playfully in the rib and Fauna offered the eccentric girl a tight-lipped smile.

"I found her. Seemed like she went out for a run," Kali blatantly lied to Saber which caused Fauna to furrow her brows at him before she relaxed and smiled at him in appreciation before she turned to Saber and nodded in agreement.

Saber looked something between amused, unsure and impressed. The corner of his lips tugged upward ever so slightly and he reached over and gripped Fauna's shoulder fondly.

"Don't work yourself out. However, I'm glad you're attempting to train yourself. We must go now. It's almost time for the execution." He turned to Kali and Zara who bowed their heads in respect towards him and he nodded in acknowledgement before he walked away, Fauna close behind him.

Fauna wished she could refuse. She wished she didn't have to witness the death of a member and someone she considered a friend, but she was a Lady, and she had to.

She stood by Lord Bruce's left-hand side while he addressed the public. She watched as Ginger pleaded for her life, but her cries fell on deaf ears. She had committed the highest offenses, and there was no pardoning her. She watched as Bone stepped forward and with a blade that she had never seen before, Ginger was beheaded.

It all happened so fast. One second, she was so full of life, and the next, she was gone and not even her rejuvenating ability could help her regrow a head. The crowd winced, but Fauna saw that no one cried. Ginger had no friend, neither did she have any family that would mourn her.

She was surrounded by the most supporting people, but she refused to make herself at home. Fauna reminded herself that Ginger brought it on herself. True, Tigers could be irrational and hot-tempered, but the clan was efficient and they all looked after one another. If Ginger felt alone, it was because she wanted to.

Fauna refused to meet with anyone's eyes. She didn't want her false display of confidence to shatter. Moreover, she also had to discreetly project calmness as people were tense. The moment it was over, she turned her back and walked away, not bothering that Lord Bruce was still talking. She didn't like the sight of bloodshed.

She waited in the throne room until Lord Bruce walked in, his long black hair scattered around his face. He walked over to his throne where he sat and behind him, Saber, Bone, Zara, Hailey and Ryker followed. Kali was already gone with the other hunters and he barely participated in the council meetings.

Saber stood beside his father, his violet eyes cold and Fauna could feel the irritation emanating from him. He was pissed off that he had to witness an execution. This was the first they had had in their clan and he hated it. He was also angered that Ginger willingly wanted to put Fauna in danger.

"We have to talk about the next step to take," Bruce addressed the tigers. "We don't know what Ari is planning, but we cannot sit and wait around. First and foremost, we need to ensure Fauna's safety. How do we do that?"

"Well, she has been training. What else can we do but make sure she's strong enough for war?" Hailey suggested, but Lord Bruce shook his head.

"It is not enough. Fauna is a Shapeshifter, and we know nothing about that. She has powers that we cannot even begin to fathom. Bone cannot train her."

Bone nodded. He took no offense as he knew the Lord spoke the truth.

"What do we do then? I have spoken to the Elders, and even they know so little of Shapeshifters. How does Ari have information that we don't?" Ryker sighed.

He hated that he didn't know what to do, and he didn't want a war to break out. He wasn't a fighter. Most of them weren't.

If the lions attacked, Ari wondered whether the Soldiers were enough defence.

"I don't know how Ari does anything he does. However, that isn't what we should be bothering ourselves with right now. The main focus is Fauna," Bone noted and they all nodded in agreement. All except Fauna.

She hated that she was the main focus. She hated that all of this was happening because of her. She couldn't utter a word of complaint though. It was what it was and there was no use whining about things.

"I have an idea, though none of you are going to like it," Zara piped, a huge, wicked grin on her face. Already, Fauna knew she didn't like whatever Zara was thinking of.

The short tigress with flaming red hair stepped forward and leaned against Fauna, her eyes glinting with excitement. Fauna's heart stomped with anticipation. As much as she liked Zara, she was terrified of her.

"I know someone who's well interested in what humans think is the mythical world. He knows I'm a werecat. I lived with him for a while before I was obtained by pink-eyes over here." She pointed a thumb to Hailey who furrowed her brows at her.

"Obtained? You smelt me and immediately raced after me. I thought you wanted to kill me. You practically begged to follow me when I mentioned the clan and –"

"To much information." Zara waved off Hailey and turned her grin to Lord Bruce and Saber. "If there's anyone who'll know anything about Shapeshifters, it's my friend."

"You want to learn about Shapeshifters from a human?" Lord Bruce spat. It sounded completely outrageous, and he hated the idea of mingling with humans.

All humans ever did was to pollute the earth and destroy nature. Humans were no good. They were even worse than the lions, in his opinion.

"Yes, yes, I know how outrageous that sounds, but –"

"It doesn't sound outrageous. It sounds reckless and stupid!" Ryker snapped and Fauna could feel his growing paranoia. "Do you know what humans would do to her the moment they realize she isn't human? You of all people should know how dangerous humans are."

Indeed, she did. However, she didn't let the things humans put her through break her. Zara was strong and refused to allow her past define her. It was one of things Fauna liked most about her.

"I know. I trust this person with my life, and I'll protect Fauna with my life. Nothing can snatch her from my paws." She raised her palms and showed it to Bruce, her smile unwavering. "Nothing can get past me; you should know that. Moreover, we're desperate. We need to know about her powers in order to train her, and the humans have books that contain knowledge."

"Books that were made from trees," Hailey reminded her, but she waved her hand in dismissal.

"Yes, they are highly destructive and hold no care for nature. No one is disputing that. However, this is important. For Fauna."

Lord Bruce stroked his beards in thought. He hated the idea of Fauna or his tigers frolicking with the humans, but Zara was right. They were desperate and any knowledge they could sink their fangs in would be appreciated.