
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Eastern
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120 Chs

Tempering the Bones

The young man spoke, his voice hushed with respect. "The Azure Sword Sect boasts twenty-five Core Disciples, the top three being absolute monsters in their cultivation. Senior Sister Shui Weng reigns supreme, on the precipice of a breakthrough into the Late Xiantian Realm. Right behind her stands Senior Brother Qi Wuming, a formidable cultivator in the Mid Xiantian Realm. Sadly, the previous Third Rank Core Disciple perished on an external mission. However, Senior Brother Li Feng has swiftly filled the vacancy, and whispers abound that he'll soon reach the Mid Xiantian Realm himself."

A flicker of recognition crossed Bai Yu's mind as he heard the name "Li Feng." He recalled an arrogant individual, seemingly affiliated with Li Feng, who'd attempted to recruit him for the newly formed Skysword faction.He finished his meal, savoring the last bite as he contemplated the information he'd gleaned.

Core disciples, mountain peaks, factions – these were the things he aspired to one day. But first, he needed to focus on his own cultivation, on pushing his limits and honing his skills.Bai Yu returned to his countryyard and settled onto the grass.

With a resolute nod, he thought to himself, 'It's time to utilize the next stage of the True Chaos Scripture.' The next step involved using the Chaotic Energy to refine his bones to their very limits.Inhaling deeply, Bai Yu channeled the chaotic energy into his bones.

A sickening CRACK echoed through the air as the first fracture ripped through him. Yet, a steely resolve locked his jaw, preventing any scream from escaping. Beads of sweat, not of pain but of intense exertion, erupted across his skin, glistening like morning dew under the summer sun. He gritted his teeth, the taste of iron sharp on his tongue, as he pushed the chaotic energy further, welcoming the bone-shattering agony as a twisted form of baptism.

Through gritted teeth, Bai Yu forced out a guttural, "I need to endure this!" His body wracked with pain, bones splintering and reforming in a brutal cycle. Each agonizing crack echoed in the stillness, a testament to his unwavering determination. "This pain is enough to drive a man mad," he thought, the very edges of his sanity tested. Yet, with each agonizing break and subsequent reforging, a surge of raw power coursed through him. His bones, under this relentless torture, were growing stronger, denser, each iteration defying their previous limitations.

Sweat, not of weakness, but of sheer exertion, drenched him, his resolve hardening alongside his very skeleton.Six grueling hours crawled by, each minute a crucible of bone-shattering agony. Finally, as the relentless assault on his senses reached its peak, Bai Yu succumbed to unconsciousness.

When he awoke, a film of sweat clung to his body, a testament to the ordeal he'd endured. He pushed himself upright, a wave of dizziness washing over him momentarily. But as he regained his footing, a different sensation flooded him – a surge of exhilarating power pulsed through his muscles and bones.Grinning widely, Bai Yu clenched his fist. The air around his hand crackled with a barely contained energy. "What incredible strength!" he thought with a surge of joy. The pain, the near-insanity, all faded into insignificance compared to this newfound power coursing through him. He strode towards the well, his movements now imbued with a newfound grace and power. As he splashed cool water on his face, washing away the remnants of sweat and grime.