
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Eastern
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120 Chs

Lost Star Cave

Two months flew by in a whirlwind of activity. The news of the Lost Star Cave opening had ignited a fire within the Bai Clan, and cultivation efforts reached a fever pitch. Finally, the much-anticipated day arrived. Two figures stood proudly before the clan gates, their auras buzzing with newfound power – Elder Xiu, the head elder, and Elder Long, a middle-aged man with flowing blue hair and a sword strapped to his back. Both had successfully broken through to the coveted Middle Xiantian Realm, earning them the right to accompany Bai Yu on his expedition.

As they awaited their leader, a figure materialized beside them, seemingly out of thin air. It was Bai Yu, transformed by his year of seclusion. His youthful features remained, they were framed by long, flowing white hair. His golden eyes gleamed with an intensity that spoke of immense power, and a faint smile played on his lips. The passage of time seemed to have no effect on his youthful appearance, a testament to his extended lifespan as a Law Domain Master.

"Greetings, Lord," the Elders echoed in unison, a mixture of awe and respect lacing their voices.

Bai Yu surveyed them, his gaze lingering on Elder Long. The man's rapid progress was a source of satisfaction. Elder Xiu's breakthrough was expected, but Elder Long's swift ascension was a direct consequence of Bai Yu's teachings and guidance – a testament to the effectiveness of his Sword Dao exposition.

"Time is of the essence," Bai Yu declared, his voice resonating with authority. "Let us depart."

With a surge of power, he propelled himself into the air. Elders Xiu and Long, wasting no time, followed suit. The three figures soared towards the horizon, a blur of white, blue, and gold, leaving behind the hopeful gazes of the Bai Clan. 

Two days of travel brought them to their destination – a desolate island shrouded in an air of mystery. The Lost Star Cave loomed before them, its entrance a gaping maw in the rocky cliff face. Bai Yu and the Elders descended, their cautious steps echoing in the stillness.

As they approached, a vast throng of cultivators materialized into view. Over a hundred thousand strong, they represented a diverse spectrum of power levels, from seasoned veterans to wide-eyed novices. The three most powerful sects in the region – the Bloodsword Sect, the Azure Sword Sect, and the Fire King Sect – had all sent delegations, their banners proudly displayed.

A palpable tension hung in the air, a cocktail of anticipation and thinly veiled hostility. Bai Yu scanned the crowd, his gaze sharpening. Each of the three dominant sects boasted a Law Domain Master, their auras radiating power and possessiveness.

However, amidst this sea of cultivators, Bai Yu remained a ghost. With a skillful manipulation of his aura, he rendered himself invisible to their senses. It was a strategic move, allowing him to observe the situation and assess the competition before making his presence kn