
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Eastern
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122 Chs

Fighting in the Air

With a flick of his wrist, he unsheathed his sword, a blur of silver against the backdrop of the stormy sky. The "Thunderclap Draw" technique erupted from his blade, a flash of gray sword qi that ripped through the air with the speed of lightning. It found its mark with unerring precision, piercing the heart of one of his adversaries in a single, devastating blow.

The unfortunate victim, his eyes wide with disbelief, crumpled in mid-air, plummeting towards the ground like a broken kite. The remaining four Jade Dragon Island experts faltered for a moment, a flicker of fear momentarily replacing their initial rage. The swiftness and lethality of Bai Yu's attack had sent a stark message: he was not to be underestimated.

A tempestuous battle erupted high above Stormwind Island. The remaining four Jade Dragon Island experts, their initial fury replaced by a tinge of fear, launched a desperate assault on Bai Yu. A flurry of attacks – fists, blades, and bursts of concentrated energy – rained down upon him.But Bai Yu, a whirlwind of silver and gold, danced through the onslaught with breathtaking agility.

The Azure Cloud Steps propelled him across the sky in a series of impossible maneuvers. "Sou!" "Sou!" "Sou!" His form flickered in and out of existence, leaving only fleeting afterimages as he evaded each blow with inhuman speed.

Below, a separate battle raged on the ground. Elder Xiu clashed with two Stormwind Island opponents simultaneously. His saber danced with deadly precision, deflecting blows and delivering counterattacks with a skill honed over decades of experience. Every clang of metal against metal sent shockwaves rippling through the air, a testament to the ferocity of their exchange.

Elder Su, wielding his spear with unwavering focus, dueled against the remaining Stormwind Island expert. His movements, while less flamboyant than Elder Xiu's, were no less effective. Each thrust of his spear was measured, calculated, and aimed at a vital point. The clash between these two warriors, though less flashy, crackled with a raw intensity, a deadly dance of offense and defense.

The surrounding Stormwind Island cultivators, mere mortals compared to the combatants above, could only watch in awe and terror. The figures of the Xiantian Realm experts blurred into streaks of motion, their movements too fast for the untrained eye to follow. The occasional booming impact and the shockwaves that rippled outwards served as the only reminders of the brutal battle unfolding beneath the aerial duel.

The aerial battle raged on for a grueling three minutes. Thousands of blows were exchanged, a blur of steel and flashing techniques against the vast canvas of the sky. With mounting desperation, the remaining Jade Dragon Island experts unleashed their most potent attacks – the Earth God Spear, Thousand Fire Blades, Ice Palm, and Poison Cutter.

A deadly storm of energy converged on Bai Yu.A cold realization washed over him. "I lack truly powerful techniques," he thought, a flicker of frustration momentarily breaking his concentration. But despair was a luxury he couldn't afford. With a steely glint in his golden eyes, he declared, "Then I'll make do with what I have!"Raising his sword, Bai Yu channeled all his power. A terrifying aura crackled around him as an immense blade of pure sword qi materialized on his weapon.

It pulsed with a raw, destructive energy, a testament to his unwavering will.With a thunderous roar, he unleashed this attack. It collided with the oncoming storm of techniques in a deafening explosion that shook the very foundations of Stormwind Island. A shockwave radiated outwards, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned cultivators below. Blood trickled from the lips of those unfortunate enough to witness the battle firsthand.

The aftermath was a chilling tableau. Two figures plummeted towards the ground, their screams lost in the ringing silence. The two mid-Xiantian Realm experts from Jade Dragon Island lay broken, their bodies wracked with pain and defeat etched upon their faces.

Bai Yu, his own body wracked with exertion, stood panting in the air. Blood trickled down his mouth, but his golden eyes burned bright with an indomitable spirit. Opposite him, the two remaining Late Xiantian experts from Jade Dragon Island fared even worse. One clutched a severed arm, his face contorted in agony. The other, his chest a bloody mess from a deep sword wound, coughed violently, terror replacing his initial arrogance. They had underestimated Bai Yu's power, and the consequences were dire.