
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Eastern
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122 Chs

Demonic Beast Tide (1)

A monstrous wave of Demonic Beasts surged forth from the forest, thousands of twisted creatures charging with reckless abandon. A collective gasp escaped the defenders as the sheer scale of the horde materialized before them. Even atop the imposing walls, they could feel the earth tremble with the approaching onslaught.

"Open fire!" a general roared, his voice a beacon of command in the mounting chaos. A rain of arrows shot from the battlements, a hail of death aimed at thinning the beastly ranks.

The air thrummed with the twang of bowstrings and the clatter of arrows striking flesh.As the demonic tide slammed into the base of the wall, a different kind of defense came into play. Elder Gu Tong, his weathered face etched with grim determination, bellowed, "Throw them down!"

Responding with practiced efficiency, Blood Condensation Realm cultivators surged forward. With coordinated movements, they hoisted massive boulders – some the size of small houses – imbued with their cultivation energy. Heaving with exertion, they launched the rocks over the ramparts.

The boulders arced through the air, transforming into deadly projectiles. With bone-crunching thuds, they smashed into the demonic throng below, flattening beasts and sending shockwaves through the packed ranks. The stench of singed fur and burnt flesh mingled with the cacophony of roars and pained screeches.

Two grueling hours had passed since the first demonic beasts slammed against the city walls. The air hung thick with the stench of blood and burning fur, the cacophony of roars and screams a constant assault on the senses. The defenders, though weary, held the line with admirable resilience. Arrows rained down, boulders rained down, and cultivators fought tooth and nail to stem the tide.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling roar erupted from the depths of the forest. It was a sound unlike any other, a primal challenge that sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned warriors. Bai Yu, ever vigilant, narrowed his eyes in the direction of the source."Second stage Demonic Beasts!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the din. "King rank!" A collective gasp rippled through the ranks of the Gu Kingdom defenders. These weren't your ordinary beasts; these were monstrous aberrations with power enough to match Bone Forging cultivators.

"Both of you," Bai Yu declared, his gaze resolute as it met Elder Gu Tong and Commander Xi Tang's, "take on these King-ranked beasts. Don't let them breach the walls.""Understood, Lord Bai Yu!" they responded in unison, a grim determination hardening their features. They readied themselves, channeling their cultivation energy as they waited for the monstrous forms to emerge from the treeline.