
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Eastern
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122 Chs

Core Disciple of the Sword Emperor Gate

The clash erupted with a cacophony of ringing steel. Bai Yu danced around his opponents, his sword a blur of white against the backdrop of the arena. He employed a dazzling display of footwork and swordsmanship, appearing and disappearing with a whisper, leaving trails of afterimages in his wake.The three inner disciples, initially confident in their superior cultivation, were quickly thrown off guard by Bai Yu's speed. Their coordinated attacks faltered as they struggled to track his movements, their strikes landing on empty air.A flicker of excitement ignited in the green-haired elder's eyes. This young man, a mere Mid Law Domain Master, was holding his own against three Late Law Domain Masters! The elder leaned forward, his gaze fixated on the mesmerizing dance of swordplay unfolding before him. Here, within the arena, raw talent was blossoming under the pressure of combat.Three minutes into the intense duel, the tide began to turn. Frustrated by their inability to land a single blow, the inner disciples unleashed their domains. With a coordinated roar, three distinct domains – swirling vortexes of energy – crashed down upon Bai Yu, engulfing him in their combined might.The green-haired elder, a silent observer until now, murmured under his breath, "Now what will you do, Bai Yu?" A hint of concern flickered across his otherwise stoic face.A confident smile played on Bai Yu's lips as he met the challenge head-on. With a silent command, his own domain, the "Sacred Sword Domain," materialized around him, a shimmering sphere that crackled with potent sword aura. It served as a shield, deflecting the brunt of the combined domains pressing against him.But Bai Yu wasn't content with just defense. He seized the opportunity presented by the momentary lull in their offensive. With a surge of power, he unleashed his technique – the Seven Star Soaring Dragon. Seven streaks of condensed Sword Qi erupted from Snowflower, weaving together with lightning speed to form a magnificent dragon of pure energy.The arena reverberated with a deafening boom as the dragon slammed into the combined domains, shattering them with a single, powerful strike. The resulting shockwave sent the inner disciples flying backward, their bodies slamming into the arena walls with sickening thuds. All three lay unconscious, defeated.The green-haired elder, his face alight with a mixture of surprise and exhilaration, vanished in a blur of movement. He reappeared before Bai Yu in the blink of an eye, a wide grin splitting his face. "Haha! Excellent! Normally, only Late Law Domain Masters pass the Core Disciple Test, yet you, a Mid Law Domain Master, have achieved this feat. You possess exceptional talent!"With a flourish, the elder presented Bai Yu with a token and a set of shimmering purple robes. "This token displays the number of the mountain peak you'll reside on," he explained."Thank you," said Bai Yu, bowing respectfully.The elder watched Bai Yu walk away, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "I must inform the Gate Master," he muttered to himself. "A truly remarkable talent has arrived at the Sword Emperor Gate."