
descend of the Chaos God

Crimson rain is the norm, the tang of iron a constant companion. In the Martial Spirit World, survival is a brutal song, sung by the strong over the broken bodies of the weak. This island-born boy, Bai Yu, harbors a dream that strains against the shackles of his small world. His path? Not the fisherman's life his fate seems to prescribe, but a climb so steep, so treacherous, it leads straight to the thrones of the gods. Will his ascent be paved with the blood of his enemies, or can he forge a different path in this unforgiving realm?

Chaos_Immortal25 · Eastern
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122 Chs

Clash of Domains

The battle raged on for a grueling three minutes. Shockwaves intensified with each passing exchange, pulverizing the cavern walls and sending tremors through the earth. Suddenly, the Azure Sword Sect's Vice Sect Master unleashed a formidable technique. "Azure Sword Domain!" he bellowed, his aura exploding outwards. A swirling vortex of azure light materialized around him, a domain – a manifestation of his deepest comprehension of the sword.

Not to be outdone, Elder Zhu responded with equal fury. "Vermilion Bird Domain!" he roared, his own domain erupting into existence. A fiery inferno engulfed him, mirroring the mythical phoenix he'd named his technique after. The two domains collided in a cataclysmic event, the air crackling with raw power as opposing energies clashed. The sheer pressure threatened to overwhelm even the strongest bystanders.

Witnessing this spectacle, Bai Yu found himself captivated. "Domains," he murmured, his eyes gleaming with a newfound understanding. "They differ based on one's path and comprehension. Even among fire and sword domains, there are variations."

Suddenly, the Bloodsword Sect Master joined the fray. "Bloodsword Domain!" he roared, unleashing a crimson domain that pulsed with a malevolent aura. The oppressive pressure intensified, forcing Bai Yu to his knees. A metallic tang filled his mouth as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. His own domain – a critical tool he desperately needed – remained stubbornly out of reach.

But just when despair threatened to consume him, a spark of defiance ignited within Bai Yu. Gritting his teeth, he channeled every ounce of his will, every lesson learned in his secluded training. His golden eyes flashed with an icy resolve as he roared, "Sacred Sword Domain!"

With a blinding flash, a luminous golden domain materialized around Bai Yu. Countless swords materialized within the domain, each radiating a holy aura. This was the manifestation of his understanding – the Sacred Sword Domain. It clashed against the Bloodsword Domain, the Holy aura pushing back the oppressive darkness.