

She is a girl filled with mystery.. she felt cursed living in a nightmarish reality over again, her supposed perfect life was just an illusion. . . How will you feel if the life you led turns out to be just a dream or is it a nightmare? if not how could my perfectly normal life end up being my brain playing evil tricks on me. I woke up just to realize I had been in a coma for years.. The delight on my parent face to behold their daughter alive again.. but here I am with the feeling of being amongst strangers and with the dreadful feeling that I don’t belong here? but if I don’t belong here and not in the life I had once led and left behind.. Who am I? and where exactly do I belong??.. This novel promise thrilling adventures, emotional roller coasters and magic!

Noel_dabak_Comfort · Fantasy
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37 Chs

I Love Fun

Shira Pov:

I feel so drained right now. I had completely burned myself out but it has been worth it. I needed that and am glad I could be there when Damien needed me. So I guess I cannot leave now, I had to continue the meditation to restore my lost energy. Being here has been good for me. I was disoriented a little bit due to the encounter with my Mother projection or whatever that was, and wanted to leave but I guess that is no longer an option. So I sat down to continue my meditation.


I just had dinner with Damien, Lance and Alfred. I could feel their glances. They know am hurting even when am putting on the facade that am okay. I just did not want to seem weak. They also lost Mother and Father and they also needed to grieve. I have to at least be strong for them even if I am a complete wreck inside but I guess they could all see it even when I thought I was doing a great job at hiding my feelings.

I had to excuse myself as I could feel my act beginning to falter, I cannot break down here. I will not be able to live with myself. I know this is foolish. Damien and my brothers are the shoulders I could always lean on but I could not just bring myself to be that selfish when they are hurting as much as I am. 

I came to the compound garden to get away from the prying eyes of Damien and my brothers. I needed the peace and quiet. I needed to be by myself. I got the serenity I crave for a minute but then I feel someone coming towards me. I look back to see Lance walking close. Lance I thought I said I needed to be alone, why are you here. Please go away.

Sister that is no way to talk to your brother who cares about you. I can clearly see that you are hurting. we all could see, you are hurting. please let me be here for you, I want to be here for you. He said as he draw closer. 

Lance I am fine. I said as my eyes get blurry with tears threatening to fall. I stubbornly wipe them off. I cannot be weak right now. I feel the need to show them that I am fine.So they could also let go of their pain. I feel it is my obligation to show how strong I can be so they can also be strong. But the fact that I seem to be falling woefully is not auguring well with me.

Sister you do not need to put up a front with me. We are all hurting. And we can also heal together as we help each other heal. We do not have to do this alone. He said as he got very close to me now. This is my brother whom I love with all my heart and my being. I do not need to feel alarmed by his presence, He held my head in his palms and I saw him giggle wickedly. I thought I saw it wrong. My head must be playing tricks on me. I must be so sad to the point of hallucination. Then I felt his grip on my head tightening.

What are you doing? You are hurting me please stop. But he instead tightened his grip on my head more. My head feel like it is going to explode any moment now, as I feel myself unable to pull his hands away no matter how hard I try. This is not my brother, as I saw the person face in front of me alternate between my Father, Mother, Damien, Lance, and Alfred with a creepy giggle. What sort of evil sorcery is this.

We thought you are going to be a formidable foe, Imagine our disappointment to see you this weak. So what is all the hype about you being very powerful when you are already a wreck just by your parent dying. You are no fun. The entity in front of me with the weird head thing going on said with a creepy giggle. 

I know right then I will have to jump body or I die.

I gasp out loud as I open my eyes to see myself in a meditation position inside the sacred garden. Yes I have been meditating and then I was shown this vision or should I say the past. This must have been what I could not remember of what happened on that day. The day that mark the beginning of me having to Jump bodies while roaming aimlessly in the human world. knowing not who or what I am. It is no wonder Zozo was not able to feel any threat from the person. They came to me when I am at my lowest, using the face of the person I love and trust the most in the whole world.

Master why are we remembering all that now. We could not remember no matter how hard we try earlier, but it just came back to us now as if the lid to the blockage had been lifted. So that is what happened. They almost had us. But we still cannot put a face to whoever did that to us, since they seem to have been using dark magic. How could they have been so cruel. Who could they be? Why did they seem to really want us dead. I heard Zozo ask as she seem to be very disconcerted at the moment.


I tried to think hard on what I just remembered. They seem to have been watching me closely. They had the information of where I was, how am feeling. They failed at that time but I doubt they would have given up that easily. They must be strategizing on what to do next. I might not yet know who my foe is but I guess I now know how they are thinking. What they really want. They want me, I guess they can come get me.

I will be most delighted to fully engage in this surprise game with whoever this is. They are never going to catch me unawares anymore with their dirty tricks. I could also play this game. I should surprise them just as they have surprised me even if I currently had no idea how I am going to go about it. They wanted fun, I love fun. I find myself laugh so hard, tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

I immediately feel the need to get out of this place. It feels like a pull, something seems to be calling to me as I stand up and walked out of the sacred garden. The door closed behind me as I find myself walking towards Alfred's room.

I could see Alfred, Lance, Elder Elser and some menders standing over someone lying on Alfred's bed. I walked closer to see Maya who seem to be lying lifelessly on the bed. 

What is going on here? What did I miss? Why is my maid lying on Alfred's bed and why did she seem to be dying. I must not have asked that aloud as nobody seem to have heard me and they also seem not to be aware of my presence. I feel the pull once again drawing me closer to her, as I felt myself hold on to her head.