

She is a girl filled with mystery.. she felt cursed living in a nightmarish reality over again, her supposed perfect life was just an illusion. . . How will you feel if the life you led turns out to be just a dream or is it a nightmare? if not how could my perfectly normal life end up being my brain playing evil tricks on me. I woke up just to realize I had been in a coma for years.. The delight on my parent face to behold their daughter alive again.. but here I am with the feeling of being amongst strangers and with the dreadful feeling that I don’t belong here? but if I don’t belong here and not in the life I had once led and left behind.. Who am I? and where exactly do I belong??.. This novel promise thrilling adventures, emotional roller coasters and magic!

Noel_dabak_Comfort · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Grimly Kingdom

Damien Pov:

The journey to Grimly kingdom turns out to be so stressful for my mental health. I hate traveling long distance. The only times I can tolerate traveling long distance is when Shira is with me, at least I get to cuddle for the whole journey but now I don't even know why am going through all this discomfort. I almost turn back several times but I know if I did, Shira will be very disappointed in me.

I know I have to do this. I need to know where I come from, how my real family is. If I am being sincere with myself, for the longest time, I had always been very curious of my real family. I feel hurt that they seem to be uninterested in my wellbeing. whenever they come over to the White haven kingdom for any form of ceremony, they barely look my way. They act as though they do not know me. that form of disregard was so painful, I learn not to expect anything from them anymore. and now I do not feel anything for these people, If there is any form of emotion I might hold for them, it is most definitely Hatred.

I do not know the agreement they had with Shira's parents, or why they feel that was the best decision they had to make at that time but that does not mean they should totally abandon me as though I don't matter. I would never make this journey if it is not for Shira urging me to come. I really am not interested in getting to know these people not after them making me feel as though I never mattered all this time.

 I cannot count how many times I had cried whenever they turned their back at me or act as though they do not know me. The turmoil I had to go through, I will make sure they realize how they do not matter to me anymore. I might be related to them by blood but that is as far as it goes. I had long rejected them as family.

I am finally at the Grimly kingdom, but just as the name suggests, there is something gloomy about this place. Everyone demeanor is as though they are carrying a huge burden on their backs, I hope they will all loosen up a bit, life is not that serious.

Welcome to the Grimly palace Brother, I heard Duriel voice drawing near when I got to the palace gate, he seems to have been waiting for my arrival. 

I hope your journey was not stressful. you may leave your guards and carriages here, they will be well catered for. Now Brother follow me let me give you a tour of our home. I know you left home a very long time ago and you might not remember the intricate of the place. but first let me show you to your room.

Mother and Father kept it just as it was when you left, Nobody was allowed to enter your room except the maid that tidy it up.

Duriel why did you think that information was necessary? I have no interest in that Knowledge. I just asked you to show me to the room where I will be sleeping during my stay here. This is not my home anymore.

Brother do not be so uptight, I know you are not happy with the family but you will understand us soon. We are not the evil one, Mother and Father had no choice. But that is not my story to tell. 

What is he even talking about? I do not care what excuse they have to give. what story they had to tell, that will make me forgive this family. I am here out of courtesy nothing else. After the whole parade of the palace, my take home is the fact that my Family is apparently very wealthy, not as wealthy as Shira's family of course but they are close. And they are really meticulous with their architecture. The palace is truly immaculate.

Now let me show you to the most interesting part of the palace. Am sure you will love it as well. It is my personal haven but am willing to share. Our other sinlings are not aware of this place, that means we now have a secret to share.

He took me to this cave, where spring water flows through. The water is so blue and pure, and warm to the touch. There are chairs beside it, which give the ambience of relaxing at the beach. He must have used magic to make a garden grow in here.

This is where I go to when I wish to escape, I mean when I want to be alone. You might not remember it but this was our spot when we were kids, I might have given it a little refurnishing though. Haha

We can relax here until it's time for dinner, that is when you will get to meet everyone. Mother and Father are in a meeting with some elders at the moment hence the reason they could not join in welcoming you home when you arrived. I am to keep you company until then.

Duriel is acting a little too strange, he is being too nice and it is beginning to creep me out. We have been on a friendly term, at least he is the only one in my family who check up on me. He might have ulterior motive which is to be close to Shira but at least he comes around. I cannot say I know him that well, because he comes over and stay for a day or two and then he leaves. it always seems as though he is keeping tabs on me. He always give this vibe of I am a pleasant person but I also have this feeling of him keeping me at arms length. 

Why are you acting weird Duriel ? You are being a little too nice and it is creeping me out.

Brother don't be paranoid. Am just being a great host. Am naturally a nice person best believe. It is true. You might not remember but we use to be very close when we were younger. I will tell you this since you are here now and there is no reason to hide anything from you anymore. I know you might feel like you don't know me and that is because even if am allowed to come check up on you on occasions, I am not permitted to form any relationship with you. Hence me keeping a distance whenever I come to check up on you, although it was not my intention. I truly miss you Big brother.

That was so heartfelt, but why do I find it hard to believe. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot trust Duriel. He says something but his eyes tell otherwise. But Shira always says until they give you a definite proof they are bad, you might as well give them a benefit of doubt.

I will try and be accommodating for now. He might think he knows me due to the tabs he has been keeping on me but just like he has been doing, I only showed what I wanted him to see. I know they have a reason for inviting me here. There is an ulterior motive here which I will surely unravel during my stay here. This whole charade might just be so I could let my guard down but they can try.