
Chapter: 2 The Return.

January 27th 2017, Mumbai Central Railway Station.

A boy in his late teenage stepped out of the station and looked at the streets in front of him, he was almost six feet tall had broad shoulders and remarkably thin waist, he had fair skin and tonned muscles he tied a head band around his forehead which was slightly tilted and covered the upper side of his left eye he had a handsome face yet the right side of his face had two small scars which were almost unnoticed and slightly curled dark hairs, he wore a plain black full sleeves t-shirt and blue jeans with white snickers his left hand was covered in a black glove which was in his pocket. He hung the small bag on his shoulder and walked toward a stylish car which just arrived at the side of streets, as soon as he sat in the car he noticed a young girl of similar age as him sitting on driver seat she looked in back and said " It's all nice and cool that you want to start your business in this city but shouldn't you have at least told me that, and here I thought that you're gone for good that day, seriously Raahitya dada you're like a damn cockroach"

The young man who was now named as Raahitya raised his eyebrows and spoke in a funny tone " Yep uncle was right you're still as troublesome as always, but firstly this isn't the nicest way to talk to your brother who came back after five long years if this goes on then I am worried that no guy would want to date you let alone marriage, but still our Chutki is all grown u.. Ouch" Raahitya failed to react to the box of tissues thrown at him all of a sudden while the girl giggled and said while interrupting his words " I dare you to call me that again I am going to college now and I have a name and it's Aarohi , if my college friends hear you saying that my whole bachelors life will be ruined and I won't be marrying anyone if you kept looking this han.. never mind, let me show you my college so that you can pick up and drop me " Raahitya said while rubbing his head " Hey dumb woman you've almost taken out my remaining eye, and yeah one more thing why do you need me to pick up and drop you if you have a car? " To his question Aarohi replied " Well you see it's my dad's car and I don't have a driving license yet so things get troublesome while returning home from college." " get up from there right this instance you dumbass, I can't believe that uncle still restrain himself from beating you up, doesn't he scold you or something" said Raahitya " Well yeah he does scold me but I won't listen" saying this Aarohi pressed on accelerator and released the clutch suddenly which caused the car to get a jerk and Raahitya who was about to pull her ear was thrown backwards in seat, thanks to the morning there was less traffic so it was much easier to drive the car cleanly and yet the girl was driving so recklessly that it won't be weird to get fined by traffic police. Dodging a few dozens of bikes and a few dividers the girl swiftly drifted the car in front of her college gate and looked back at Raahitya smiling and uttering a few words in the loud music of car said that " Don't you dare to be late, I'll be waiting here sharp at 5:30 pm, also listen I arranged a job of librarian for you in my college I have to ask for a friend for help so behave here" to her words Raahitya raised an eyebrow and said " Who said I needed a job here and why in the world do you think I need to work any ways" Aarohi glared at him and said "I did it on my own because I am worried about you do you really think that I'll believe when you said this and that about your business, a boy my father found on streets suddenly became a millionaire in five years after leaving this city those kind of things be better left to fantasies you gotta have a degree and a job to survive in a place like this I don't know how you lived in Pune but you're still young and you can still work for your future for our future….. anyways I am leaving for classes it's getting late" Raahitya was dumbfounded and kept staring at her till her back seem like a distant silhouette, in his mind he said 'Damn girl whom did she learnt this kind of crap I hope her college life goes smoothly no I won't let that happen let's take this opportunity for staying close to her, silly girl I can even be a cleaner if I could stay close to you what's this librarian shit counts for. Raahitya looked at his watch and pulled out his phone to call someone, "Hello, I am currently at Eklavya Institute of Engineering and Management, I need you here in 10 minutes.

Raahitya parked the car at the side of road and went to the tea shop, he looked at the shopkeeper and raised his index finger up, the shopkeeper nodded and filled the cup with tea and asked the a young boy to give it to Raahitya, meanwhile Raahitya pulled out a cigarette from the box in his pocket and lighten it with the match box which was already on the table, just as he was about to finish his stuff a Mercedes Benz came there smoothly two guys wearing white T-shirt and blue jeans got out of it, they noticed Raahitya and went toward him, "Who might be this young man next to you? " asked Raahitya to the man who just came there " Oh him he's the new guy I was planning to train, well he's still under training and he's probably the only one I'll ever train" said the man, Raahitya smiled and said " Naagya you fuckin ass hole who do you think I am, let's have some tea before we talk." Raahitya looked at the tea shop owner and made another gesture for a cup of tea, the shop keeper filled another two cups of tea and gave them to the boy while asking him to serve them at the table where Raahitya was sitting, the boy received the cups and walked toward the table, as soon as he put the cups down Raahitya held his wrist with right hand and punched the boy on his neck the boy was feeling heavy headed and was about to collapse when Raahitya let his wrist go and held his hairs instead, after pulling them backwards, the guy began to shout in pain, Raahitya took this opportunity and emptied the cup of tea in his mouth, after throwing the empty cup on ground Raahitya held the jaw of that boy tightly so that he won't spit the tea out, the boy gulped the tea and somehow manage to free his hand from Raahitya's grip, ge didn't waste a moment there and ran away from that spot, Raahitya stood in front of Naagya and said, "When I sat here first thing I noticed was fear in shopkeepers eyes he was afraid of the boy, I mean it was hilarious in its own way, an all grownup man in his late thirties is being afraid of a little twerp Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha but seriously why would you add aphrodisiac in my tea ? what was your goal? oh and one more thing who the fuck are you keeping eye on in this college?" The one who is now know as Naagya sighed and said, "Damn, and here I thought that I almost got you once in my fukin life, about the college, one of our target's son studies here so I thought that it'll be rewarding if we set someone to tail him, anyways why did you call me here of all places?" Raahitya said "I called you here because I'll be working here for now that is, so give me the name and picture of our little lamb I'll keep an eye on him it'll be easier since I'll be inside of that damn college, by the way you can ask the boy to leave here and do something a little bit more productive. Now the important part, how's the progress of our new restaurant here in this city?"

Creativity can be acquired, knowledge can be acquired, wealth can also be acquired, even appearance can be changed yet after a period of time creativity is lost, knowledge is forgotten, wealth is spent, even looks fade away still human has the tendency to run after these three superficial things, these poor creature known as humans constantly ignore what is the greatest gift among everything yet it's the cruelest curse, it's time. Yes the time we spend every second it'll only move forward not waiting for anyone even for gods themselves.

Desire_Aarmancreators' thoughts