
Depression's Rhapsody: Poems of a Young Soul.

Greetings everyone! If you're up for it, please join me on a journey of self-discovery through humour, both light and dark. My book, Poems of a Depressed Young Adult, explores our inner demons in search of a silver lining. We'll laugh, cry, and explore the beauty of life even in times of sadness. It won't always be easy, but let's be brave and take the plunge together! I might be slow on updates, so check back often to see what new insights I've discovered. Thanks for being part of this beautiful journey!

Laiba_Ihsan2001 · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Toxic Parenting

My parents belittled me, never caring of my needs,

No love or support to give, only words that bleed.

It was their way of having control over me,

To make sure I'd stay in line and never disagree.

They were scared that I would be someone else instead,

But what they failed to realize was that I was already dead.

So now I'm left to find the pieces of my broken heart,

Knowing that nothing can fill this toxic void from the start.

But as much as it hurts and even though I feel like giving up,

I have to keep going for myself and not give in to their corrupt.

This one was tough, it hits too close to home. I hope my vulnerability will be able to help others out there who are struggling.

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