
Depression's Rhapsody: Poems of a Young Soul.

Greetings everyone! If you're up for it, please join me on a journey of self-discovery through humour, both light and dark. My book, Poems of a Depressed Young Adult, explores our inner demons in search of a silver lining. We'll laugh, cry, and explore the beauty of life even in times of sadness. It won't always be easy, but let's be brave and take the plunge together! I might be slow on updates, so check back often to see what new insights I've discovered. Thanks for being part of this beautiful journey!

Laiba_Ihsan2001 · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Farewell

It's been a long journey and it feels like an eternity,

But I know deep down that this is the end of me.

The darkness has left me, but the pain still lingers on,

It's quieted down but I will always remember what's gone.

The last of my words have been said and heard,

It's time for me to move on from all the hurt.

I've come full circle with these poems so dark,

But it's not goodbye forever just a promise for a new start.

My heart and soul have been laid bare for all to see,

But I now accept that life doesn't always have to be so bleak.

The darkness will still linger, but it's never the end,

There is always a way forward, no matter how hard we may bend.

Authors note: I'm so proud, but I also feel a sense of sadness at the same time. But I know this is not goodbye to my journey and that I will continue on for many years to come. If you enjoyed this journey with me, thank you for being there and I hope you can take something from it too.

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