
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

FateScore · Fantasy
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272 Chs

Yamamoto Clan

Alex was lying comfortably on his seat, as he chilled while looking at his women working hard. 

Except Hikari and Airi who were seating on front seat, all other women of his were naked. 

Miyo, Natsumi and Shiho were doing their best to pleasure Alex in different ways. 

"Ah~" Moaned Shiho as she bit her lips seductively while getting her anus plowed by Alex's dick. 

Alex looked at those jiggling breasts of hers which moved up and down every time Shiho bobbed her ass. 

As for Kitsune, she was sleeping beside Alex's head in her cute fox form. 

She seemed to like sleeping a lot, of course only after getting fucked and creampied by Alex. 

After their confrontation in the abandoned church, Alex had subdued Freya completely. 

This women who resisted fiercely while getting raped was acting like a docile wife after Alex made her his women. 

She begged Alex for forgiveness, as she told Alex everything she knew. 

Hayashi Honoka... This women was one of them, she had gotten a divination as well like Freya and Kai. 

But there were some limitations to these people, like they couldn't talk about these divinations with anyone, neither directly nor indirectly. 

Freya and Kai could discuss things because both of them were chosen by the World's Will. 

Alex stopped thinking about those things, as he for now focused on these women in front of him. 

All three of them had young bodies and nice faces, they were classmates in their college year. 

They were from Capital as well. 

Alex enjoyed their pussies without getting bored until they reached their destination. 

The city was glamorous, filled with sky-high buildings and beautiful architectures. 

Miyo, Natsumi and Shiho explained every sight to Alex enthusiastically like little girlfriends who wanted to be pampered. 

Alex didn't ignore them, as they were his women, he had to take care of them and pay attention to them. 

Girls told him about the city as they got their pussies railed, while their breasts being squished against transparent windows. 

Alex understood that the city was divided in two areas. 

Inner city and Outer city. 

Inner city was for nobles while outer city was for commoners, that was mostly it. 

Yamamoto Clan headquarters were on east side of Inner city, that's where Alex was going. 

Alex dropped all three of his women, who helped him from boredom with a smile, he told them that he would contact them sometime. 

All three girls were sad, but they bid Alex goodbye with beautiful smiles. 

Alex didn't care that much for these girls, as he ordered Airi to take them to Yamamoto Clan. 

Alex now turned to Hikari as he said, " Mom, First thing we need to do is to solidify your control over Clan, your father is already old, so you will be the one taking charge any way, as for Kazuya... We will plant spies around him and then we will slowly cut him off from everywhere. "

"Yeah, Kazuaya is fighting fiercely, main reason is Takahashi Hina... She is being supported by Takahashi Clan, " Said Hikari. 

"That women isn't a problem, I will find a way to bring her to our side... Kazuya's other wives could be handled easily as well, " Said Alex with a depraved smile. 

"Sigh, I really pity Kazuya... The women he loved for his whole life, won't be his in the end, " Smiled Hikari, she had already forgotten that Kazuya was her son. 

Now she only loved Alex, her feelings were jumbled, as she loved Alex as a man as well now, but she could wait for him to accept her as his women. 

Alex as well smiled as he pulled Hikari in his embrace and then seizing her lips completely. 

He felt satisfied by forcefully kissing the head of one of the top Clans in Sakura Country. 

The car soon stopped before a grand mansion, it's courtyard must have spanned for miles. 

The mansion was glamorous and magnificent, the guard on the gate checked on the car and seeing Airi on the driving seat, he let them pass with a respectful salute and bow. 

Alex looked at the mansion curiously, as Hikari who was seating on his lap said proudly, " Yamamoto Clan has been in power since centuries, its foundation is too deep... But I will make it all yours my son, that will be my gift for you. "

Alex felt gratified at Hikari's words, even if he himself wasn't that much interested in this wealth, for someone like Hikari who had bestowed her whole life for this Clan, giving this up to Alex showed how much affection she held for him. 

Alex felt that all of his pampering and love that he gave to Hikari wasn't wasted. 

Manipulating her to fall for him was very hard, it took lots of time and hardwork on Alex's side. 

Hikari had always been in depression because of her condition, but even then she was smart and strong willed. 

Alex slowly chipped away the walls she built around her heart making her fall for him. 

Even though she now acted as if she was Alex's stepmother, she loved him as a man completely. 

This was clear from how she acted all jealous when Alex fucked his women in front of her while ignoring her. 

Alex stopped thinking as he took took a peck at Hikari's lips and then pushed his head inside her bosom, " Thank you mom, but I only need you, cause I love you. "

Hikari's expression blossomed like a flower as she said, "I love you too Alex... My son. " 

Hikari had now stopped feeling awkward about her condition, she knew that Alex going to make her his women, but was only waiting for the right moment. 

She was ready to wait for her Alex, just being with him and sharing his love was enough for her now. 

The car soon stopped before the majestic mansion, as Airi first went out of the car. 

Hikari as well stood up from Alex's lap while straightening her clothes. 

Airi opened the door like a loyal chaffleur as Hikari went out followed by Alex. 

There were lots of people standing outside waiting for Hikari to greet her.

They quickly surrounded her while giving out their pleasantries. 

Alex who was standing at the back started evaluating these people. 

Kitsune was sleeping on his shoulder, she only took a glance and seeing these weaklings she went back to her rest. 

With her skills, she looked like a cute pet. 

While looking around, Alex saw a middle aged handsome man who was most likely Yamamoto Kazuya. 

Beside the man was standing a very beautiful women, her aura and etiquette resembled that of fairy. Her looks outshined everyone standing around. Her slight smile could make flowers blossom in everyone's heart. She was wearing a traditional Kimono like dress which had loose sleeves and covered all of her body parts except her face. Her skin was snow-white without a single blemish as if bathed in a milk. While her voice was melodic and musical. 

She was Takahashi Hina, Kazuya's wife in name and one of the top three beauties of Sakura country! 

Her title wasn't misplaced at all, her beauty was enough to make people stare at her in love, in just their first meeting. 

Hina was standing beside Kazuya showing her status that wasn't inferior to her husband. 

She greeted Hikari politely with a smile, while Hikari just nodded at her. 

Kazuya as well was ignored by Hikari, making her stance clear for everyone to know. 

Rumors about Hikari and her son's strained relationship were going around but now it became clear. 

Hikari only smiled slightly at a young boy may be 15 years old. 

Alex knew him, as he was going to be one of his pawns to capture Arisu in future. 

He was Yamamoto Ryuji, the son of Kazuya from one of his other wives. 

In real timeline he had a crush on Arisu and was killed by her, becoming the reason for her marriage beyond the seas. 

He was standing behind his father, alongside his mother and stepmothers. 

Alex looked at Kazuya in admiration, as all the women in this man's harem were beautiful, it seemed that he even had few cute daughters. 

Alex smiled at him in greeting. 

Kazuya ignored Alex, as if he wasn't there at all. 

Hikari who was greeting other branch family members saw this, she felt angered as even she had never ignored her Alex. Then how could this third-rate trash could do so?! 

After giving pleasantries, she went back to standing beside Alex.

She said to everyone, " This young man standing here is my adopted son, Yamamoto Alex. I hope you all will get along with him, he's a genius in every field and a capable young man who will help our Clan to reach higher heights. "

Yamamoto Clan members had complex expressions as they looked at Alex. 

It wasn't rare to adopt children from outside the family, but they were mostly adopted as infants, while Alex was a full grown man. 

Also his position as Hikari's adopted son was too... High... 

Everyone looked at Kazuya waiting for him to say something to his stepbrother. 

"Lord mother, what do you mean by adopted son? He isn't from our Yamamoto bloodline so how could you give him such a position? " Asked Kazuya defiantly. 

"Yamamoto Kazuya, I'm the acting Head of the Clan, I can do changes which will be beneficial to our Clan. Alex is a talented young man, he will be needed by Clan, " Said Hikari. 

Everyone understood that this was bullshit, but they didn't understand why Hikari was giving Alex a chance to contest for the position of head of the Clan. 

Alex was an outsider, so without a doubt no one will support him. 

Kazuya also knew that Alex wasn't that much of a threat to him in politics. 

Clan wasn't just made from Hikari, when choosing next Head, Alex will need approval of Clan members which was impossible. 

As these people all believed in bloodline integrity, giving the position to some outsider was not in their dictionary. 

So, for now Kazuya decided to go through this, as he could even use this Alex as a reason to chip away his mother's influence slowly. 

Saying that she had become old and muddleheaded bringing some foreigner outsider inside the Clan wasn't hard. 

Kazuya now looked at his mother in displeasure while snorting at Alex. 

After greeting Hikari once again, he went inside the mansion, his wives and Hina followed along with his son and daughters. 

This was actually quite disrespectful which made all people around to sigh in amusement waiting for some show to unfold, which might even lead to them obtaining some benefits. 

Other branch family members greeted Hikari while some came to talk with Alex as well. 

Alex entertained everyone, as his top notch conversation skills came into work. 

These people also now understood by talking with Alex that he was really an outstanding talent. 

Alex looked at all females inside the Clan, as he felt that his time here will be interesting. 

Each of these women were top notch beauties, with model like bodies. 

He evaluated each and every one of them and then added them in his must-fuck list. 

After that everyone left for their own places while Hikari, Alex and Airi went inside the mansion. 

This mansion was actually made for main family members. 

While branch family members had their own mansions. 

Alex looked around at glamorous mansion which wasn't less magnificent inside than it was on outside. 

"Son, Airi will show you your room, freshen up. After that we will go see my father, " Said Hikari, getting her father's approval will help Alex in solidifying his position. 

"Okay mom, and no need to waste Miss Airi's time, just arrange one of the maids here for me, and tell me if you need something, " Said Alex. 

Airi had already filed divorce against he husband, so she was now unmarried. 

Alex stared at young maids that were going around for their work, they would bow to Hikari and everyone whenever passing by. 

All of these maids as well were beautiful and young, it seemed that to be a maid here there was a special criteria that aligned with beauty. 

"Sigh, okay... Airi... " Hikari looked at Airi. 

"Yes madam, " Replied Airi as she went to arrange someone for Alex. 

"Mom, while you are here take care... This is for you, " Said Alex, as openly he went close to Hikari. 

He gently moved her short hair back, while donnig a necklace on her neck. 

He then slowly said, " This is the artifact which will keep you safe in any condition. "

"Thank you Alex..." Hikari went in pleasant daze, as she looked at this beautiful ruby colored necklace on her neck. 

She looked at Alex's eyes which held adoration and love for her. 

Her eyes turned slightly wet as she for the first time had gotten a gift like this, which held love of someone for her. 

Last gift of such was given to her by her father, when she was too young to remember that now, but even then she wasn't as glad as she was to relieve this necklace. 

Hikari had thrown all of her chips in Alex, she had decided to love him unconditionally like her own self, so she was happy to know that Alex felt the same way. 

She quickly pulled him in embrace, but made sure to not go overboard, as there were lots of prying eyes here. 

She had to wait until Alex completely took over Yamamoto Clan for her to act close to Alex like she usually does. 

Alex as well didn't go overboard as he showed the affection that a filial son like him should show. 

All the maids who were around looked at this open show of love and affection, as they found out that their mistress and this foreigner young master were really close. 

"Madam... " Airi soon came back in time, to see Alex and Hikari embracing each other, she felt slightly jealous but didn't say anything. 

"Hmm... Alex this is the head-maid of our mansion, Mio. You can ask her anything you need, okay? " Said Hikari pulling out of the comfortable arms of her son. 

Alex smiled and nodded. 

Kitsune as well smiled and nodded, imitating her mate. 

After that Hikari and Airi went their own way, as they must have things to catch up on in Clan. 

Alex looked at Mio, as she bowed deeply in respect. 

"This way young master, " Said Mio respectfully. 

Alex looked at this middle aged women, who as well was a beauty not less beautiful than Akiko, Hayashi's manager. She had her black hair donned in a bun with a sharp eastern style pin. She was wearing a maid uniform with long skirt and full sleeves, with a white collar. Her attitude was remarkable and calm as of a novel servant, neither too subservient not too flashy. Her breasts which were hidden behind an apron were ripe while her ass as well was perfect. 

Just one look at her and Alex could say that she was a seasoned combatant, her bearings said so. 

Alex remembered his sexy maid Yaeko, her breasts and ass was larger than this Mio's, she as well was quite proficient in combat but this Mio was no doubt stronger. 

"Show me a way, Mio, " Said Alex while patting Kitsune, to which Mio started walking in front with her hands held in front of her stomach. 

Her steps steady and calculated, Alex could already spot dozens of weapons on her. 

Her hairpin, collar, shoes, ribbon on her apron, ring on her index finger of right hand and who knows how many more weapons she had under those clothes of hers. 

"We are here young master, this is your room, please come inside, " Said Mio slowly standing in front of a grand door. 

Alex went inside as he looked around, there were no cameras... No voice recorders or transmitters... Nothing harmful and troublesome. 

The room was the very best, Alex liked it, as this room was going to be his control room from now on after all. 

Alex no doubt knew that this was one of the best room, with everything Alex needed... Airi must have taken special care of what he needed. 

Mio then showed Alex bathroom and other things, as she explained some more things about the mansion. 

Alex heard everything carefully and nodded each time. 

Mio was soon done with explanation and bowed to Alex before leaving for the door. 

"Wait, " Said Alex as Mio was on the door. 

"Yes, young master? " Asked Mio, with a curious expression which said that she wanted to help her young master in anyway. 

"Close the door and stand where you were before, " Ordered Alex, his tone had changed, his aura was different. 

His attitude now had dominant and authoritative effect, which made Mio to widen her eyes in surprise for a moment. 

But, she then went back to normal, as she closed the door and stood before Alex awaiting for her orders. 

"Tell me my erotic maid Mio, can I order you to do anything? " Asked Alex with a depraved grin...