
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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75 Chs

Chapter 58 - Harming the Wang family II

Mo Meili slowly stepped out.

When the two men saw her their breathing stalled and soon their eyes turned lustful. Her outer robe was loose as such it exposed one of her silky smooth shoulders, her legs below her knees were bare too, as Fang Yuan had told her to take off her pants right now it was covered by her outer robe which reached till her knees.

Mo Meili's entire face was red. While she was not showing any important parts it still made her feel shy to show her skin like this. But she followed Fang Yuan's orders acting according to the script that Fang Yuan had told her, she said "Husband, see I had told you that we shouldn't do it out here in the open. But you wouldn't listen. These two brothers, we are sorry to trouble you. We will leave immediately."

"Leave? Of course, you can leave but first compensate us. Because of the noise, you two made while making out you probably scared away a few wild boars. So before you go pay up for at least ten wild boars worth of primeval stones." Er Gou Dan while looking at Mo Meili's exposed legs and licking his lips.

Second brother Wang remained quiet and stared at Mo Meili. Normally he wouldn't be interested in such things but this girl was even more beautiful than his sister. And he as a normal healthy man seeing such a beautiful girl dressed like that and knowing what she was doing just a few moments ago as they had heard her moans, he was aroused. And it was not like he was going to marry this slut. He would just vent and throw her away.

'No, I need to kill this woman. For her to be able to sexually attract me she could become my weakness in the future.' Second brother Wang thought.

"Ten wild boars worth of primeval stones?" Meili exclaimed. "This brothers aren't you bullying us too much?"

Ten wild boars worth of primeval stones was too much even for Gu Masters, asking a young couple to pay that much they were making things difficult for them on purpose.

"Let's go." Fang Yuan simply took Mo Meili's hand and pulled her away.

"Brat stay right there. We aren't done talking." Er Gou Dan immediately shouted.

Naturally, Fang Yuan ignored this. The next second he heard the sound of an arrow being released from the bowstring. As Fang Yuan was on alert he easily dodged the arrow which was aimed at his right leg simply by shifting it.

"Boy you can go if you want, but leave the girl behind. We will return her to you after we are done using her." Second brother Wang said as he lowered his bow.

"Done using her? Second brother Wang I don't think we will ever be done using her. Damn, I haven't even touched her yet I am already hard." Er Gou Dan said as he looked down at his pants. There was an obvious bulge there.

"Shut up!!" Second brother Wang hissed. He too was influenced by Er Gou Dan and could feel himself growing in his pants. 'This won't do. Instead of killing her after enjoying her. I should kill her right away. What if I develop a soft spot for this slut after I have sex with her? What if she can seduce me with her body? I must never allow anyone to have so much control over me.'

Having firmed his mind he nocked another arrow on his bow and aimed it at Fang Yuan's neck.

"Boy leave now or I will kill you." Second brother Wang said he wanted to kill the girl immediately for every second he spent gazing at her beautiful face he could feel his determination to kill her waning.

"Whoa! Second brother Wang you are that desperate? But that is understandable after all this girl is really beautiful." Er Gou Dan said as he snickered, then he turned to Fang Yuan and said. "Boy, it seems like you don't want to leave. In that case, stay back and watch as your woman pleasure's me and the great Second brother Wang. Don't worry we won't break her. Come girl first use your mouth to pleasure us two big brother's penis. Hehe… After you see our big cocks and get pleasured by it you will refuse to go back to your husband's tiny penis." Er Gou Dan spoke as he loosened his pant, getting ready to free his erect little brother.

'This idiot. I must never go hunting with this guy again.' Second brother Wang thought as he got distracted because of his remarks, now he couldn't help but fantasize what it would feel like to have the girl's mouth wrapped around his penis. From the corner of his eye, he saw Er Gou Dan loosening his pants, getting ready to take them off.

'Here's my chance.' Fang Yuan who was closely observing the Second brother Wang immediately took action when he noticed his distracted look.

'This idiot! What the heck is he-' When his thoughts reached until here he was suddenly assaulted by overwhelming pain.



Two blood-curling screams were heard at the same time.

Second brother Wang suddenly found himself lying on the ground, he looked at his hands and right leg which were the source of the overwhelming pain he was feeling, and found that the fingers of both his hands had been cut off and there was a deep cut on his right leg just above the ankle, the foot was currently attached to his leg by just a thin piece of flesh.

He looked at Er Gou Dan who was screaming his head off while trying to decide if he should use his left hand to hold his cut-off right arm or his crotch which appeared to be bleeding too.

Ignoring the two rolling men on the ground Fang Yuan turned his head and looked at Mo Meili with interest.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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