
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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75 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Demon Awakens IV

'Except for suddenly getting the Gu System, everything else went according to my plan. I have already gotten my hands on the Liquor Worm and used Spring Autumn Cicada's aura to refine it. Getting the Gu System although it was a surprise, was in a good way. This will benefit me greatly in my journey.'

Fang Yuan was suspicious about this system which he had suddenly gotten, after all this was a cultivation world with an already established model for cultivation. How come there was suddenly a system?

After thinking about it Fang Yuan could only think of one answer about how the system came about – Heaven's Will.

'Heaven's Will probably searched through the memories of my previous world. I have read a few novels in which the protagonist had the help of a system. It must have gotten its idea from that.'

'The reason it must have gone through so much trouble is definitely to stop Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. But then why did it swap me with Fang Yuan?'

This was what he could not understand. And as he did not have any clues to investigate this matter he decided to think about it later.

Even though he did not fully trust the system, Fang Yuan decided to use it with caution. After all, having such a convenient tool and not using it would be a waste.

"Master before you leave you should sell that still alive Wine Sack Flower Gu in the System Shop." Rou Xi said.

"Rou Xi I can not only sell this Gu to the system, but I can also barter and get myself another Gu worm in exchange for it right?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Yes, you can master." Rou Xi replied.

Listening to what Rou Xi said Fang Yuan fell into deep thought. According to what Fang Yuan planned he would get all the Gu he needed from Flower Wine Monk's inheritance, focus on raising his cultivation to rank three, and would then leave Qing Mao Mountain. But now with the help of the System, he could relax a little and enjoy his life on the Qing Mao Mountain as the biggest problem which was having insufficient resources was solved by the System. With this System, Fang Yuan could buy/sell or barter whatever he wanted. Thus, there was no need for him to constantly be in a rush anymore, he could take his time and enjoy his stay on Qing Mao Mountain.

With his thoughts cleared Fang Yuan smiled and decided on what he wanted to do next.

Fang Yuan followed Rou Xi's instructions but instead of selling the Wine Sack Flower Gu in the System Shop he had decided to exchange it.

'What I want is a Gu that influences emotion, so normally I should search for it under the Wisdom Section i.e., Wisdom path as it is believed that emotion path was derived from wisdom path, but it was later revealed that emotions also fall under the Humanity Section i.e., Human Path.' With such thoughts, Fang Yuan searched for the Gu in the Humanity Section as he wanted a Gu which influenced people's bodies more than the mind.

After scrolling for a few moments Fang Yuan found the Gu he wanted and got it.

The Wine Sack Flower Gu was evaluated to be 50 primeval stones, and the Gu that Fang Yuan wanted was around 20 primeval stones, as such the System had to give him the remaining 30 primeval stones balance.

The Gu was in the shape of a hand glove, an extremely thin glove in skin color, there was only one for the right hand. It was a rank one Gu called Invoke Lust Gu. If Fang Yuan touched anyone while activating this Gu, then the lust in their body will be awakened. This was the Gu that he wanted. Since he was not in such a hurry anymore he decided to play around in the Gu Yue village and his first target shall be Shen Cui, if she remained loyal to him even after finding out that his aptitude was only C grade then he will not toy around with her but on the other hand if she was not loyal to him and sided with his Uncle and Aunt to frame him for anything like attempted rape then… hehe… He will thoroughly enjoy and take his time playing with her.

"Master the balance 30 primeval stones, which the System owes for that Wine Sack Flower Gu, you can either leave it for adjusting against future transactions or you can withdraw it right now and use it." Rou Xi said.

"Mhmm… How do I withdraw it?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Are you able to see a box named 'primeval stones' at the bottom right corner? Please select it. After that, you would be able to see two options – Pay and withdraw. In withdrawal, you will be able to see the amount which the System owes you and in pay, you will be able to see the amount that you need to pay the System if you choose to do transactions with primeval stones. So right now, you should see the number 30 in the withdrawal option and 0 in the payment option. Just put your hand inside the withdrawal option you will be able to feel a bag inside, once you pull that bag out you will find your 30 primeval stones inside it." Rou Xi said.

After hearing what Rou Xi said Fang Yuan took out the bag containing 15 primeval stones which he obtained from Flower Wine Monk and prepared to put it into the System after all it would be safer there.

"STOP! STOP! What are you doing?" Seeing what Fang Yuan was about to do Rou Xi immediately stopped him.

"I am putting these primeval stones into the System for safekeeping." Fang Yuan answered.

"Nono… you cannot do that. Once you put something into the System it cannot be taken back out, so if you put those primeval stones into it, you can only use them for buying something from the System in the future. For the withdrawal option you can let the primeval stones stay there and take them out whenever you want it, but for the payment option once you put it in you won't be able to take it out. And withdrawal is only for withdrawal and pay is only for payment, meaning from withdrawal you can only take primeval stones out and not put it in." (Rou Xi)

Listening to what Rou Xi said Fang Yuan sweated. 'S-so c-close, a little more and I would have put it into the System. Thankfully Rou Xi stopped me. I will have to just keep them in the new furniture that I had Mother Shen buy for me as I had previously planned in the first place.'

While having such thoughts, Fang Yuan opened the jar of aged wine that he had bought last night to use against the Liquor Worm but went unused. He drank a few mouthfuls and splashed a little on his clothes, to make him appear drunk. He laid down on the ground and rolled a few times to make himself look like a drunken waste, before exiting the crevice and moving towards the village to return home.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NewWhitecreators' thoughts