

The Universal AI Queen has awakened the Earth's spirit. Spirit Energy rejuvenated the world. People started to cultivate and become stronger. 1000 years later now that humans have managed to overcome the Chaos and take control of Earth once again. Riyansh with his two friends have sought to travell the universe and reach the apex but would he be able to is another matter. While on his journey to the apex his starting point is already a massive boost due to a mysterious existence. Note:The cover is not mine. ____________________(___________) __________) ______________() _____ #Beast Taming #Alchemy #Forging #Space #Universe #Harem

Mortal012 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Ch : 5 The Pack

Just as they were thinking on how to get out safely from this situation all 50 stage-1 wolves attacked on them. "There is no way out of this situation we have to kill all these wolves." said Ayansh. "I tried to send a distress signal to Lily but even that is not working " said Riyansh. "So let's just kill all these wolves and get the hell out of this Dungeon." said Dev as he killed one of the stage-1 wolf with his Axe. One after One they started to kill the wolves.

Riyansh used the 'HEAVEN DESTROYING GLAIVES' first three forms : "STAR SLASH" "DOUBLE QI SLASH" "SLAUGHTERER" to kill wolves one after another.

Dev also used his Axe techniques first three forms to make a kill: "QI SLASH" "CRUSHING FORCE" "DESTRUCTION".

Ayansh used his Sword technique:


They killed one wolf after another with the minimum force required so as to conserve their qi for fighting those 3rd stage wolf.

Dev jumped 3 meters above the ground and then slashed his Axe at the wolves below him and the head of one of the wolf fell on the ground *thud* and after that corpse also fell on the ground with a thud sound and blood splashed all over Dev but he didn't stop their and moved forward to kill other wolves but suddenly a wolf came behind him and with a jump it slashed it's claw on Dev's back *screech* but all it resulted in producing the noise of two metal rubbing with each other this confused the wolf then it saw a shiny metal from torn shirt of Dev but before it could do anything else it was killed by Ayansh.

"Guys be careful the stage 2 wolves have started to attack" said Aysnsh. Yep, the stage 2 wolves tried to attack and can kill them in one go but all three of them are wearing Immortal grade armors so it is was impossible for these wolves to give any damage on the clothed part of their body.

The trio has already killed 60 or so wolves and all that's left is few stage 2 and those stage 3 saint wolves behind the scenes.

After a total of two hours fight they finally managed to get rid of all stage 1 and 2 saint realm wolves and our core/dantian is only left with fifty percent of our total qi. There were still five stage 3 wolves and just as they were thinking on which direction to move 5 gaint two meter tall grey wolves appeared in front of them all five of them had a horn growing on their head.


Suddenly the wolf in the middle who seems to be the leader of the wolves gave a long howl. From the aura the wolves exuded it was clear that the leader wolf was in the Mid stage-3 Saint realm amd the others were at initial stage.

The 5 wolves split and formed a circle surrounded them. Suddenly Riyansh took a step forward and said " You two take a chance and move away from here now I will use my fists,these wolves are one hell of a annoying monsters. So I will take this chance to loosen up a little ". " Oh... are you trying to take the spotlight away from us "Said Ayansh. Dev also gave Riyansh a doubtful look as he noded his head with agreements to Ayansh.

"ok.. let's make a deal next time in a situation like this everyone will get one chance to fight alone if he wants." said Riyansh with a sour look. "This is something more agreeable" said Ayansh. "Ok.. then it's your time to shine " said Dev to Riyansh as he used some qi jumped on top of one of the trees. Ayansh also followed his suit. "Good luck buddy " both Ayansh and Dev said at the same time.

The wolves who saw all these unfolding didn't attacked Ayansh or Dev they still kept on glaring Riyansh.

Suddenly Riyansh turned back and threw his glaive which was coated with his qi toward one of the wolf.

The wolf didn't even get the chance to react before the glaive has already pierced into its chest killing it in an instant.

The leader wolf didn't miss this opportunity and attacked at him from behind using a wind blade on his back.

After the attack landed on his back Riyansh and he was send flying like a kite. Riyansh still in the air used his qi to land safely on the ground and immediately turned right and caught a claw of the leader wolf who had appeared beside him once again to attack with his right hand and without giving the wolf leader even a chance to backout he used his fist technique

"CELESTIAL DRAGON FIST " and punched the leader on his neck using two- third of his qi and his fist directly broke into its skull colouring his whole left side red. When the other three wolves saw the grotesque look of their dead leaders corpse thrown on the ground by the human in front of them they didn't attack once again instead they turned around ran away like a silly cat.

Riyansh and others let the wolves go, Ayansh and Dev walked toward Riyansh after coming down the tree "Did a good job " said Dev as he patted his shoulder.

Just as Riyansh was about to say something the space around them started to crack and before they knew the trio was sucked in by one of the space cracks and they couldn't even do anything.

Outside the Dungeon...

Just after Riyansh and other entered the dungeon the blue colour of the dungeon turned golden. Lily who was waiting their when saw the strange phenomenon immediately took out a black colour jade and crushed it. Then she immediately tried to jump into the portal but a barrier appeared around the portal stopping her.