
Departed Souls

A storm brews under the house of this girl. She is the landlady of the stay house for the souls and the portal leads to the underworld. This is the experience of Anne and her guests. Let see what awaits Anne. Will she be uprooted or stand firm in the storm??? The story and character are purely fictional. The cover page is not mine. This is my first time writing. So please leave a comment.

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Chapter 4

Somewhere else....

In the dark eerie and gloomy room.

"You shouldn't do this. It will cause disorder in our world. I thought you would be more sensible than others". exclaims ikemen 1

" Why should I always agree with your opinion. I have grown now. I can do what I want to do". argues ikemen 2

"You think in I do not know, what you did in the mortal world. I am warning you. The consequences of your troubles would be devastating". says ikemen 1

"You know brother, there is a new landlady of the Holy Stay for souls. The new landlady is the daughter of the previous landlord. I want to know her and let say....". spoke ikemen 2 and leaves the room.

In the underworld, two brothers had conservation of dealings of the underworld and mortal world. Both of the ikemen are brothers. As matter of fact, they are the princes of the underworld and their father is the king of the underworld. Bright blue-colored hair, straight face, and serious personality is Ikemen 1. Flaming red hair, haughty face, and mischievous personality is Ikemen 2. The underworld society is divided into two factions that supported each prince. But the king still has the ultimate power to influence society. Nothing goes by without his notice. He has spies spread all over the kingdom.

A black figure dashed away from the shadow to report the king about the conservation between two brothers. After hearing the report, a curious look is on the face of the king.

"The new landlady is interesting. Do not interfere with those two's actions. Let them run free for some time. I have to make one of them, my successor". King orders the black shadow.

"So interesting."

" Yes, your Majesty". says black shadow.


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