
Deon's Little Wife

Alyna lost everything. She is involved in an extremely bad accident. It took her precious thing which is her memory. She doesn't even remember herself or people who ever existed in her life. The first thing she meets is her parents. She thought her life would be horrible like this until a man came into her life. The secret that she doesn't even know. Deon Ander. A man who once had nothing, weak, and was looked down on by the community. He appeared as one of the dangerous mafia and the successful CEO. He came back to take back what belonged to him like how he promised to Alyna. But, his heart shattered when found out what happened to his lovely wife. It didn't stop him from loving her instead, he helped her and was by her side. "My little wife, you will be forever mine. Make sure you keep it in your mind." - Deon Will Alyna accept him with a lot of the truth that she found out? Will her mental and physical us strong enough to handle this one? Follow the journey of Alyna and Deon with their funny, cute, and sweet interactions.

Lylaaaa · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Her eyes open slowly. The first thing she saw was the white ceiling. Alyna moved her gaze slowly and as she expected, it was the hospital. She's in the hospital. Once again, she woke up in this place. This is the second time.

The difference is, that she's not in a coma or lost memory. She is still aware of what happened. Alyna tried to sit up even a whimper came out of her mouth. She leans her back on the headboard of the bed. A tired sigh came out of her.

Alyna lifted her head. This hospital room looks so expensive. Like some kind of VIP who only can sit here.

'Who brings me here?' She thought.

Suddenly, the door opened making her turn to whoever it was. There are two guy who walks in, bickering about something. "I told you they wouldn't sell it in this hospital!!" The brown-haired guy spoke.

"Don't be too picky, can you? It annoyed me. Next time, bring your lunch if you are too hard to find your food." Another red-haired guy spokes. He rolls his eyes.

"Hey, I'm not picky! I'm just being careful." His friend flips his invisible long hair.

Alyna who just watched, is interested in their argument. "Careful my ass. The last time I brought you to the restaurant, you made me ashamed of bringing you there." The red hair guy said.

"W—What!? What did I do wrong!?"

"What did you do wrong? Seriously, are you asking me that? Who goes to the kitchen of the restaurant and cooks his food by himself!? Huh? What the point of that restaurant then?" He scolds his friend.

The brown-haired guy chuckles sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I just love cooking. And their food is...meh...not satisfying." He shrugs his shoulder.

His friend just shakes his head slightly. When the brown-haired guy moves his head and makes eye contact with Alyna, he gasps. "SHE'S AWAKE!!"

His loud voice makes Alyna flinch. He moves to her in excitement. "Oh my gosh, Alyna!! I miss you so much!!!" He whines.


"Living with those two is so boring. All they know is work and work and work. No fun at all. It makes me miss you even more." He pouts not aware of Alyna's condition.

"I—I'm sorry...but...who are you?" She tilted her head in confusion.

The guy was taken aback by her weird question. "I know we haven't met a years but that doesn't mean you can forget me." He spokes.

"I...I...really...f—forgot." Her voice was soft.

"Alyna, are you sure you are okay?" He frowns.

Before she could answer, the red-haired guy spoke. "Don't you remember she lost her memory due to the accident she got?"


"Are you an old person or what? Even old people's memory is strong." He sneers.

The brown hair stares at him for a while. Then, he clapped his hand as he remembered it. That old man Matthew did mention it before they went out of the house.

"Now, I remember. Sorry about that, Alyna." He ruffles his hair.

"I—It's fine." She nods.

"So it that mean we have to introduce ourselves again?" He asks.

Alyna fiddled with her hospital gown. "Guess so." She whispers. Thank goodness, they heard it well.

"Well, if you say so. Hello, sweet lady. I'm Zach. Nice to meet you." He pulls out his hand for a handshake.

The girl hesitated to accept it but she did anyway. "N—Nice to meet...you also." She replies.

"I'm Adam." The red hair guy states.


"Aww, she's still cute like before, dude." Zach cooed over her. She looks down, overwhelmed by everything.

"Stop that. You make her uncomfortable. She's not like the old Alyna for you to coo over like that." Adam smacks his friend's head.

"Ow!!" He pouts.

"Uh...who...are you...a—actually?" Alyna asks.

"We are your husband strong man. Well, more like his right and left hand?" Zach answers.


She forgot about him.

"Did...Was he the one...who brought me...here?" She asks.

The two guy nods. "Do you want to meet him? He's not here actually. He has some work to do." Zach shrugs his shoulder.

As much as she wants to meet him, she has to hold it first. She doesn't want to disturb his work. She wants to be careful not to be hated like she did at home. She wants to live a peaceful life. So, if she obeys and is a good girl or wife, maybe just maybe, her husband will keep her.

She just hopes it is.

"It...It's fine." Zach's expression drops. "Don't tell him...about me wake up. Please?" She pleaded. The two guys exchange looks. They know Dion is eager to hug her right now. But seeing her eyes teary, they don't have any choice but to agree.

"If you say so, then okay." Zach smiles.

"Just a reminder, Dion is waiting for you," Adam said before walking away.

Waiting for her?

"We will come back with food. Just wait." Zach said before catching after his friend.

Why would Dion wait for her? Has she done something bad? Or is there something she does? But she didn't know him or never met him. Not before she lost her memory though. But from the way those two guys treat her, they seem like a good guy.

Including Deon.

Just hope so.

Her eyes shut tightly, praying for her life to be changed to a good one.

Deon leans his back on the chair. A sigh escaped his lips. He grabbed the paper and it was the agreement of collaboration between him and Alyna's father.

Just thinking about it, makes him smirk. If he can play with other people, why can't he? But his smirk is gone when he remembers Alyna's condition because of him. The grip on the paper becomes tight causing it to crumble.

"I left my wife with him, thought he would take care of her." He slams the paper on the table. "What do you expect, Deon? You are so stupid to believe that kind of father." Deon scolds himself.

Now, his wife didn't remember him. Of course, she didn't remember their first met. Their memory together. How sad it is...

"What are you thinking, D?" A woman walks in. She wearing a black blazer with nothing inside and a tight skirt that reaches her knee. Her long black hair just makes everything sexier.

"My wife." He answered simply.

"Alyna? Is she already awake? I miss her!!" The woman whines.

Deon let out a sigh. His sister didn't know about the accident. "I don't think she will remember you, sis."

She looks at her little brother in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Matthew said she's got involved in a huge accident. She got injured badly causing her to lose memory." Deon explains.

"What!? Why we didn't know about that!?" She yells.

"Matthew knew we would come as quickly as we could as soon we heard about it. He wants to torture that girl until death but it seems like Alyna is stronger than we thought." He crosses his arms.

The woman clenched her fist. "That old man. Do you want me to--"

"No. Don't kill him. Yet. I want to play with him for a while." Deon smirks.

She couldn't sleep. No matter what she did, she wouldn't fall asleep. The trauma from home is still in her mind. When she fell asleep, her father would barge in and drag her from her bed.

He will beat her up to release the stress he got from work. That's why she is always paranoid about everything. Alyna tries to get up even if it hurts. Whenever she moves her muscles, she flinches. Her feet touch the cold ground.

With the support from the small table beside her bed, she managed to pull herself up. Her shaking legs moving, bring her to the window. Alyna smiles to see the beautiful stars decorate the night sky.

It has been a while since she stargazing.

She knows her legs are weak right now. But, she wants to watch the stars for much longer.

The door creaks open making her panic. She lost her balance and fell to the ground. "A--Ahh...." Alyna closed her eyes tightly, holding the pain.

"Love, what are you doing out of your bed!?" A man's voice is being heard. He kneels in front of her, checking if she is injured somewhere. "You can't stand up. The doctor said your legs are still weak." The man said.

His voice was so soft and gentle. As if he talking about something precious right now. Alyna lifts her head slowly. There, her green eyes met with dark charcoal eyes. His black hair, fit his body with his muscles making his top button almost torn.

This man is huge!!

"Love, talk to me. You make me worried." He sounds like begging.

Who is this guy?

Alyna scoots away from him a bit. Her action makes him stunned a bit. It is obvious from his reaction. "W--Who...are you?" She asks.

"Oh. I forgot you lost your memory. I'm Deon Ander. Your husband." He smiles. How can his smile be so charming?

"Husband? W--Wait...are you...the one...who dad told me about?" Alyna frowns.

"I am."

"You...are the one who...bring me h--here?" She asks again.

Deon chuckles at her cuteness. She never changes. Not even a bit. "Yes, love. I am."

Alyna stares at his face. There's no way she married this handsome, hot yet sexy man. He looks like a model. Well, he is suited to be it.

While she? She is just a...ordinary woman. "Can you...prove it?" Alyna asks.

Deon knows she will ask this. But he can't blame her. Even he will ask this if he lost his memory.

He took out his wallet. Alyna just watches every move of his. Then, one small picture was taken out of his wallet. Deon hand it over to her. "Here. This is our wedding picture. There's a date also."

As she looked at it, he was right. There she is in Deon's arms with him holding her like a bride style. Her forehead touches his, and both of them smile brightly. As if they're the happiest person in the world.

-29 May 2019- Our beautiful memory.

Without her realizing it, her fingertips slowly touched the picture. It looks so lively. That's when Alyna felt pain in her head.

"A--Ahh..." She held her head.

Deon quickly took the picture and put it back in his pocket. "Enough with that. I don't want you to push so hard on yourself to remember."

"But... I--it was our beautiful...m--memory. It will be...not fair if only you...w--who remember it." She looks down, holding her tears.

He badly wants to hug her or hold her face right now. Knowing she will be afraid of the sudden action.

"Love, I understand the condition you are in right now. The memory in this picture is beautiful. I don't deny it." Deon put his finger under her chin. "But...having you right now is more than enough for me. Maybe we can create a new memory. About the old one, we can go slowly on them." He continues.

She didn't reply anything back to him. Deon wants to pick her up and put her back in bed. He doesn't want her to move anywhere without any supervision. It was dangerous for her.

"Can you stand up? You have to stay on the bed. Your legs are still weak, love." He softly spoke.

"I want...to stargazing." She timidly said.

Deon mouthed 'o'. He forgot she loves star gazing. A loving smile appeared on his face. "I forgot you love stargazing." He chuckles.


"Yes, you are love." The man pulls out his hand. "Come, I help you stand up." He offers.

Alyna hesitated to accept. When she thinks back, this guy hasn't done any harm to her. Yet. He's her husband. He wouldn't hurt her, right?

The only hope she has. She couldn't bear the pain her parents gave her. Enough with it. She just wants to be loved and try to remember the past. Her hand slowly touches his. When their skin contact, Deon could feel the warmth he craving for the whole time.

He misses her so much. Nothing can describe how much he misses her.

"Careful." He holds her, afraid that she might fall.

The doctor told him that she needed to rest and avoid doing something heavy. Also, her throat needs some time to heal before she finally can speak freely.

They standing in front of the window, looking at the sky. This is what he wants. Standing beside his loving wife. Even though there's no memory of him in her mind, he is willing to wait.

"Do I...need to...come with y--you?" Alyna asks making him snap out of his thoughts.

"Of course. You are my wife." Deon smiles.

"I...don't need to...g--go back to...my parent's h--house, right?" Her hands clenched into fists, secretly hoping the answer was no.

But Deon has sharp eyes. He is a master at seeing people's expressions. When he notices what she thinking of, he starts to pissed off.

"No. You wouldn't go back to those scumbags." He firmly said.

Alyna flinches hearing her strict tone. "I--I'm...sorry." She looks down.

He sighs. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just...mad at them. But don't worry. You don't need to suffer anymore." He bends to her height and puts his hand on top of her head. "I'm here now. I will protect you from any harm even if I have to sacrifice myself. I promise." Deon shows his pinky finger.

When he did that, Alyna had a short flashback.

'What's with the pinky finger?'

'It's a pinky promise, love.'

She shakes her head. It is not the right time to think about it. Alyna connects her pinky with his.