
Deon's Little Wife

Alyna lost everything. She is involved in an extremely bad accident. It took her precious thing which is her memory. She doesn't even remember herself or people who ever existed in her life. The first thing she meets is her parents. She thought her life would be horrible like this until a man came into her life. The secret that she doesn't even know. Deon Ander. A man who once had nothing, weak, and was looked down on by the community. He appeared as one of the dangerous mafia and the successful CEO. He came back to take back what belonged to him like how he promised to Alyna. But, his heart shattered when found out what happened to his lovely wife. It didn't stop him from loving her instead, he helped her and was by her side. "My little wife, you will be forever mine. Make sure you keep it in your mind." - Deon Will Alyna accept him with a lot of the truth that she found out? Will her mental and physical us strong enough to handle this one? Follow the journey of Alyna and Deon with their funny, cute, and sweet interactions.

Lylaaaa · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

The guy named Deon stared at him with no expression. "How is your day, Deon?" Matthew tries to start the conversation nicely.

"I'm a busy man. Straight to the point." He crosses his legs and leans on the couch.

"Okay. Fine. My business losing its profit." The guy points out.

"What do you want me to do then? It's your business." Deon said.

"I know. I'm sorry if I ask for you in your busy day. I want to have collaboration with you." He requests.


"With me?"

"You are the biggest businessman in this whole world. Everyone knew you. Some business people borrow money from you, right? I heard they successfully saved their company because of you." Matthew smirks. "So, here I am. If we collaborate, my company will be saved and yours will earn more profit. Don't you want to help your father-in-law?"

What does he think he is? Deon knows there's some other plan in that head of his. Deon Ander is not stupid. He checks Matthew's background from time to time when he's out of town. His man keeps updating the news about Matthew Brick, a businessman who successfully brought the other's business down.

He's good at planning. He's good at trapping people. But now, he starts to lose profit and he's targeting Deon Ander. A powerful and successful man. Not only that. He didn't know Deon's dark background.

"You want to collaborate your company with mine?" Deon asks. He nods with a smile. Then, Deon chuckles. "What a good idea you have, Mr. Fredrick." He smiles.

His two men look at their leader in confusion. Their boss is not someone who loves collaboration. Deon smirks. "I will agree to help you, Matthew. It's not that I'm a bad son-in-law, am I?"

"Of course, you are not." He chuckles.

Deon's expression changes quickly. "You know it not going to be free for you to collaborate with me, right?"

When he says that, Matthew looks at him in confusion. "What?"

"It will be no fun for me. Both of us know that I'm not fond of you. Neither do you. So why do you act so hard to be nice?" He arches his eyebrows.

Matthew clenched his jaw. "Is it wrong for me to be nice to you?"

"I'm not saying it wrong. It just seems so fake in my eyes." The guy grins knowing his words get on that old man's head.

"Deon, even though you married my daughter doesn't mean you can act like this to me. I still have right on her." Matthew states.

"You are. Don't you remember? You sign the agreement that I have more power over her than you." He slides the paper on the table. "I told you to read it carefully. But you being greedy, you didn't care but just sold your daughter off." Deon spokes.

He could see Matthew's hand clenching into a fist. How much that old man regretted not reading the agreement. "But don't worry, I still will collaborate with you. In one condition."

"What is it?" His nice tone was replaced by a harsh one.

"Give me back, my Alyna." Deon glares at him.

"You can't—"

"Yes, I can. Before we married, you stated a condition. That is, I have to conquer the business in Italy. Second, I have to be a powerful and successful businessman in this world." Deon leans forward and puts his elbow on his knees. "And guess what? I did it."

The old man fumed in anger. How can he forget about that? He thought Deon would never do it. Before this, he was just some guy who had a small business. But now, he is bigger than his.

"Even it took years for me to do it, but I still came to claim my prize." He continues.

Matthew chuckles. "I'm sorry. I just forgotten about it. Of course, you can have Alyna back. But you have to sign the agreement of collaboration with me first." He smirks.

"If you say so, fine. I will come back tomorrow and I want Alyna to be right in front of my eyes." Deon firmly said. It has been years since he lost connection with his wife. No news from her. Even his men couldn't find anything about her.

He knows Matthew hid her.

"Okay. Tomorrow it is, son." Matthew grins.


The next day, Alyna woke up when someone opened the door. When she tried to sit up, she felt pain all over her body. Sleeping on the cold tile is not a good thing to do. Matthew walks in with some guards.

"Wake up, slut." He snaps.

Alyna looks down and bites her lips. She doesn't know what she did this time. Her father kneels and grabs her jaw to make her face him. "Hmm. I can't believe you are still alive after everything." He mutters.

Her green eyes met his. Matthew flinches when saw the green eyes. He slaps her face, "Don't you dare to look at me with that ugly eyes." He firmly said.

"I—I'm sorry, father..." Alyna apologized.

"Tch. You are so pathetic like your mother." Matthew said.

Her mother. The one who passed away soon after gave birth to Alyna. She didn't know why her father hated her mother so much. Alyna might not remember anything about her, but all she knows is she's a great woman.

When she was a child, her nanny always told a story about her mother. Sadly, her memory of that story vanished because of an accident.

"Why you just don't kill yourself?" He asks. Alyna held her tears, afraid to cry. "I'm glad your mother is dead. And you should be too." When he says that, the girl looks at him with shock.

"Why? Shocked?" He chuckles.

The old man stands up. "Do you know that you are already married?"

Married!? How could she know when she lost all her memory? Alyna couldn't help but be more shocked. When did she married!?

"Your reaction was priceless. Your husband will come today to claim you back. But I don't want that to happen." Matthew walks towards the door. "I still need to torture you." He smirks.

"N—No..." Her quiet voice tries to speak.

"Don't worry, it's not that your husband loves you anyway. It is just a marriage contract. I sell you off before to earn money. I don't think he will come for you." He laughs and shuts the door.

Alyna still processes his words. A husband? This whole year after her coma, she married? Does this mean, she has someone else to rely on? But what if her husband is as cruel as her parent? If he was, then why did he come back for her?

Too many questions inside her mind. If she knew she was married, she would have already run off to find him. Alyna was busy with her thoughts until she didn't realize a guard pointed a gun at her.

No. There must be a chance for her. She might not remember anything about her husband but at least why doesn't she try, right?

"I'm sorry, Miss Alyn." The guard was about to shoot her but she pushed him with all the energy she had.

The guy fell to the ground. When she saw the gun on the ground, she quickly grabbed it and pointed it at them. The guards were shocked by this situation. Even Alyna didn't know how this thing worked, but they seemed afraid of it.

"S—Stop. Or not...I—I will...s—shoot you." She threatened them.

Slowly she walks towards the door, keeping her gaze on them until she reaches outside. The door shut closed and locked. Alyna throws the gun away and tries to walk back upstairs. Her legs shaking with all the torture she got.

Deon signs the paper. He slides it to Matthew. That old man smiles looking at the paper. Finally, it goes like how he plans. Sooner or later, La Deon's company will be his. Rubbia who knows about her husband's plan, smirks.

"I'm looking forward to working with you, Deon." Matthew smiles.

"Me too." Deon stands up. "Now, where is Alyna?"

When he asks that, Matthew changes his expression to sadness. He knows his guard did their job already. "There's something I want to tell you about her."

Deon narrows his eyes on him.

"You see after you left, Alyna is changing. She's not the same woman you see before. She starts to be wild." Matthew sighs.

"We try to protect her and keep her safe but nothing works." Rubbia butt in.

Deon looks at them with anger. "What are you trying to say?"

"She runs away, Deon. The police try to find her but there's no track of her." Matthew said. If he said she had died, who knows what Deon would do?


"Look, I know you are angry but what else do you want us to do? She ran away on her own. It's not that we ask for her to leave." Rubbia rolls her eyes. "Besides, she is just a burden. What so special about her?" She scoffs. The sad expression is just now gone.

Suddenly, Deon pulls out a gun, aiming towards them. Those two married couples halt. A gun. He seriously has a gun with him. The two people behind him also pull out a gun and aim towards them.

"D—Deon?" Matthew called.

"I know something is going to happen once I leave her in your hands." He said through his gritted teeth.

"W—We don't even know she ran away. Why do you blame it on us? It's not that you care about her. You guys just married in contract." Matthew frowns.

When he says that, all he can feel is anger. Yes, they married in contract. On paper. On purpose. But, it couldn't denied that he fell in love with Alyna at first sight. He obsessed with her. The way she cares about him. The way she looks at him. The way she felt about him.

"Still, she's my wife. And I want my wife back even if that means I have to kill both of you." Deon scowls.