
Denmark fighters

It is a story about justice done in a country where there are lot of people that are hungry for power and are ready to cause more problems. Read to know more

Adegbayi_Elijah · Action
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23 Chs

The beginning of magical works

Gideon could not believe what is will happening in the country. Why will turn big bad wolf decide to use magical and spiritual means?

What is the meaning of all this Gideon thought. Many different thoughts ran through his mind. The fighters are able to stabilize the situation a bit but there are still probability that some military personnel can change due to the spell. The king and royal people are been brought to the headquarters for proper protection and also he had given his orders that the fighters and the SAAR team are on stand duty, no one have to been on a loose as the king and the other royal family protection is on them now. Gideon had also sent a message to the prime minister to have him grant him some orders inorder to do some little things on the situation on ground but he had not received any response either. "Sir the king would like to have a meeting with you all on with the other royal family" his aide said

"Where are they now?" Gideon asked

"They are at the ball room sir"

"Okay" Gideon said and followed his aide to the room as many thoughts still keep their tracks in his mind.

Johnson and Eric have been given strict orders by their respective department to keep an eye on the chairman as well as the newly elected prime minister. The DIS and the fighters department knew that something is fishy between the prime minister an the chairman but they can't get their hands on it. The prime minister have not give a speech on the recent incident happening in the country but have sent our his minister who is in charge of information and also the minister of security to give his condolences about the incident and that he is trying to figure out a way to get out of the problem, but is that what the prime minister really means or he is just trying to play good in the face of the public and colliding with the big bad wolf, the department want to know. Up till evening,the prime minister had been in the chairman Villa. Eric could note that they are having a great time indoor but they could not know what they are saying and that is one of the greatest pain in the job. Surveillance is usually sweet if they have all the information about your target but in their case , they are unable to do that, Johnson suggest that he would tell the both department that they need more personnel on this job. The prime minister car drove put of the chairman Villa and also the security guard cars following the prime minister car in a linear flow

"They are on the move " Eric said ,they are both in the the small little car the department provided for them

"Yeah probably to the prime minister Villa" Johnson replied starting the car

"Do we really need to do this,the prime minister Villa would be very secured,we do not have any chances of penetrating that place due to that fact" Eric said

"No we must take the risk, don't you wanna know why the prime minister have been having countless meeting with the chairman" Johnson said

"Of course I wanna know but the prime minister cant tell us that, the only person that can do that is the big wolf, Copper Francis" Eric replied

"You are right but we must lose our eyes on the prime minister also,he seems to have a reason doing this and we need to know the reason so as to know if our country is safe with the man or not" Johnson said and drove out of the street that they are been hiding and followed the prime minister cars.

"Chairman what are saying to this now" king Avoca said when the DIS director and the chairman of the fighters base are settled on the ball room

"Your highness we are awaiting the prime minister approval on what we wanna do to the issue at hand" Gideon said

"Really,so we have to wait so long until that useless minister say something right" the king said angrily

"Your highness you need to calm down,we are doing everything in our power to calm the situation" the DIS director said

"I don't believe that ,I still watched the news yesterday and heard that 40 citizens lost their lives to this" the King replied

Gideon studied the face of both the king and the DIS director,from his little hypothesis he could see the determination in the eyes of the king to save his kingdom from the hand of the magical spell but,what they are willing to do deals with the Constitution and they can't put that out unless... Gideon stopped in his tracks,what is that, something could be done to the issue in ground.

"Your highness we can do something to it with your approval,we might not be needing the prime minister approval on this "

"Really can you really do that" the king said as his face showed a sign of relieve

"Yes we can all we need is your approval to sign a few documents and we have the solution come into play" Gideon said

"Sir you can't do that we will be breaking the rules if we do that" the DIS director said

"Yes we would and have you forgotten so quick that I still have powers and authority to rule this kingdom despite the prime minister existence " the king replied the DIS director.

Baster knew that things like this are bound to happen in the country and he was not surprised when the chairman of the fighters proposed that deal to him. The dibolical system is going to be allowed fully in the country. Francis has gone too far to wreak this kind of havoc and that alone has shaked the balance of the country so far, so now they are left with no choice than to allow the magical and spell system in to the kingdom which was band years ago. Now what is going to happen, Francis is not going to lose the fight and still he is going to back down. But still Baster still have some fears in him, Francis was unable to cast the spell in the country so early due to the ban on magical and diabolical means but now the head of state is willing to give is full support and authority to establish that means in the country but at a controlled level. But could that been attained? there would be some times that things would go out of hand and that would be very dangerous if Francis, the terror of the country could get his hand on that means. Baster still wonder why it is so

hard to have Francis arrested for all this but the chairman let him know that hat they have no legal fact to do that and infact Francis is a very influencial person that can by pass the law even if he is caught. The council respect Francis so much because he had done so many great works for them and their countries respectively. Why would do all this if you really don't want the post of power? Why threaten the country with all this? Baster thought and he prayed desperately that one day would come that Francis and all his evil works would be out to end.

At Marienborg, Mathias Vad, sat down next to the television watching the recent news that is coming up in the country. The king has decided to allow the practice of magical and diabolical means in the country, actually to Mathias, he thought that is really a great thing to happen, now Denmark would suffer more problems than ever because he would see to it that Francis, the chairman of frabos companies would have total control over that means. But, Mathias mind is not at rest, the establishment of the practice and putting it into the law is gong to take place tomorrow and he fear that the chairman of the fighters base would be the one in charge of that, the king would never let him choose the person that would be in charge of that means because the king did not trust him fully. Now I have to play my games well and make my cards look so cool that it would make the king believe him more than the chairman of fighters, Mathias said to himself, he must never let the big fish out, the king is the big fish and the getting control of the diabolical means is the reward if he catch the king.

The SARR and the fighters are doing great jobs by curbing the actions of the spells on people. The great power of Louse along with Kelvin controls the mind of the people that are under the spell and this makes the work easier because they can control them from doing bad things to doing good this, but that is not still a nice solution because the spell manage to break from control and the fighters have no choice than to kill them when they go out of control. Countless of people have been killed as a result of this and Gideon felt a heart of betrayal to his country. He had always promised never to hurt any obeying citizens but now he cant keep to that promise, he really feel bitter about it but the fight gave him no choice than to choose that path. Now that the king as decided to agree to the plan and the prime Minister has no choice than to accept it, although they are still going to take it up to the council but for now the king can still make what he deems fit right for his country and so he is going to do that, Gideon just prayed that after everything has been done, Francis would finally do something against the law and that would make me vulnerable to the law and put an end to him finally but Gideon have a feeling that, that would take a long time to come to pass and many things would have been destroyed by than but he has the hope that Denmark would be a better place with the help of the fighters and God.

"sir I have an information about what is going on in the fighters base" Shakle said

"let it out" Francis replied

"I just got a call from one of our trusted source that the chairman along with the king gave decided to bring in the use of diabolical means into the country" Shakle said

Smile brushed all over Francis face, now the country would be under his control. The only reason why Francis have not been able to exhibit his full power in the country is that the country have not been able to build the atmosphere for his power, but now they are taking the steps to make that atmosphere come in

"have our men stand down and make sure they do nothing" Francis said with a grin

Shakle was about to ask why the chairman gave that command but with the look on his face, he could see that another way is forming in his head

"will do sir" Shakle replied.

Chairman William Christensen the director of DIS just got the report from the two spies who have been keeping their eyes on the prime Minister movement, the chairman knew that something is amiss with the way the prime Minister and the chairman are so close so he need to get the information. Now, they would be under a lot of pressure now, Francis would have heard about the the plans of the king to bring in the diabolical means and now the prime Minister would also want to have full control over that means because with that means one would be unstoppable, it was what almost ruin Denmark centuries ago, God help us, all, he said inwardly as he read through the report that was sent to him. Something caught his eyes on the report, something that his about to change the outcome of Denmark glorious future.