
Who Are You

Who are you to call me a liar?

When you don't even seek your truth?

Who are you to judge me?

When you don't even try to know yourself first?

Who are you to keep me away from my path?

When you don't even seek your own path?

Who are you to tell me to stop searching for answers?

When you don't even dare to ask?"

Who are you to tell me to stop dreaming?

When you don't even wonder

Who are you to tell me to become your normal?

When you don't even dare to dream

Who are you to tell me I can't?

When you don't even try

Who are you to tell me I should be ordinary?

When you know I'm special

Who are you to tell me I'm not enough?

When you don't even look in the mirror with your eyes and mind open

Who are you to lie to me?

When all you do is cheating yourself

Who are you?

Because I know who I am!

Who are you to think you can own me?

When you don't even know me

Who are you to keep me in the dark?

When you know I'm the light you need so much

Who are you?

Because I know who I am now!

And you can remember too...

Through all of my creative writings, I seek to inspire people to become their best version.

Who Are You poem speaks about people that at some point in life land next to wrong people and they forget about themselves and their own growth.

We all land there at some point in life.

This poem encourages people to move forward with their dream even when difficult.

Denisa_Stancucreators' thoughts
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