
Denigration of the Devil

(He loosened my one hand and slowly rested it above his heart. Suddenly, it reminded me of our first kiss. That day, he did this same thing, but probably he didn't remember since he was drank. "Feel that. It only beats for you. Feel it, Noona. This thing was protected with heavy shells. It was impossible to break it free, but you did it. You broke the shells one by one and slowly made your way into this. Only you live inside my heart. Only for you, this cold heart beats." His eyes held thousands of emotions in them. I was overwhelmed looking into his eyes, feeling that hectic rhythm of his heart under my palm. He smiled at me, "I love you. I love only you. Always have, always will." I blinked to hush away the tears that were blinding me from seeing his face. I released a shaky breath, "I love you too.") Fate collides two different persons from two different part of the world, two broken hearts, two lonely souls. Taesung is a 20 years old boy. His mother died during his childhood. Later his father became a drunkard who abused his two children. Taesung murdered his father while his father was abusing Taesung's sister, Taemin. And Fahami is a 24 years old brilliant student, a karate fighter and a dancer who is still in depression because of her brother's death. She meets with Taesung when she receives a scholarship from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology. She sees her dead brother, Nabil in Taesung. Because of the resemblance of characters between them. But situation gets twisted when Fahami and Taesung starts feeling something stronger and different for each other. Fate betrays them and conspires to break them apart. What will happen when Taesung will have to fight his inner devil?

SK53faria · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 9 : Mysterious Boy (Part 2)

Taesung's POV

I passed the whole night dealing with my nightmare. Same nightmare that hunted me every night. When I woke up and looked at my surroundings, I couldn't recognize immediately. I winced in pain as soon as I sat up on the bed. Damn! It hurt a lot. I couldn't recognize my surroundings instantly. After few moments I could recognize that it was her flat. I slowly got up from the bed. It was really hurting but not like yesterday. Seemed like Noona knew what she was doing. I slowly walked to her room. When I looked at her face, I found her asleep. She looked really beautiful. So innocent. Few of her hair strands were covering her eyes. I leaned down very carefully and removed them from her face. Sunlight was falling on her face, making her look even more beautiful. Just in those few moments thousand of emotions were running through my mind. Those few moments made me want to see her like this in every morning, every day. I didn't know what was happening to me.

'Why does this girl make me feel like this?'

I should really not feel like this. I stood up and looked around. I noticed one photo frame on her bed side table. I picked up the frame and looked at it. I found two teenagers smiling and leaning on each other. One was Noona, and another one was a boy. The boy must be special to her. That's why she kept this photo frame near her bed . As soon as I realized it, a strange emotion flew through my mind. Anger. I felt a sudden rage.

'She was closed to a boy.'

I kept looking at it. Few moments later I realized, the teenagers looked alike.

'It's her brother.'

My rage disappeared. They looked very much like each other except for their eyes. Noona had much more beautiful eyes. In the photograph, she was smiling brightly and it was a happy smile. She looked happy. But now when I saw her, I never found happiness in her face. The boy next to her was smiling slightly, but he looked happy too. The boy and I had few similarities specially in our hair styles. Our facial structure matched petty much. I placed the frame on the table and looked around her room. There was no other photo of any other family members. That meant she was very close to her brother and that's why she only kept his photograph. I didn't know, how long I stared at her face. I wanted to look at her every day. She moved a little and I was afraid she might caught me in red hand that I was in her room and starring at her. But no, she didn't wake up. She frowned and hugged herself. She was cold. I pulled the blanket over her shoulder.

'I should leave know.'

She had done a lot for me. Of course, I wanted to see her in every morning like this but it was just a fantasy for me.

'I should not engage her with my life.'

I looked at her for one last time and went to her main door.

'Don't worry Noona. I will protect you from know on. You wanted to protect me. You Helped me. I can't repay your kindness and your generosity. But I will protect you as long as you are here. Those bastards will never touch you. I will take care of them.'

I had to disguise myself. I had to do something to keep them far away from her.

Fahami's POV

I woke up as soon as my alarm started screaming. I sat up on my bed and stretched my hands and a yawn left from my mouth. It had been a long that I slept peacefully. Although I didn't have insomnia but sometimes I couldn't sleep peacefully or maybe couldn't sleep at all. I dreamt a kind dream. I was walking along with the beach and I was holding someone's hand. I couldn't see his face clearly but he looked like Nabil from behind. I felt peace.

'Looks like it's a sunny day.'

I didn't like gloomy day. I liked warm, sunny, bright days.

'Seems like I am gonna have a good day.'

I got up from my bed and all of a sudden I could remember, Taesung was sleeping next to my room. I rushed to the other room but found the empty bed.

'He left.'

I sighed and looked at my wall clock. It was almost time to get ready for my class. I went to the bathroom to get fresh. Later I cooked my favorite Omoni rice. I wore a black skirt and a very formal black shirt and did a ponytail, kept few strands loose on my forehead. I didn't like make up very much but today I was in a good mood so I used my red lipstick. I took my books, essentials and hurried for my class.

"You. Look. Hot."

I chuckled at Eunjin's response.

"No girl, seriously, I don't know why the hell you look so smoking hot in all black?" She sounded frustrated.

I smirked and raised one eyebrow, "Do I?"

"If you don't believe me then look at Hyunsu. He is staring at you like you are something to eat." She was amused.

I giggled at her response and said, "Shut up."

I didn't hear from Taesung in next few days. As if he disappeared from the whole city and vanished like smoke. I didn't hear about him but I heard about those goon men. It was on Monday when I heard the gossips.

"Eunjin, whats the hot topic everyone is murmuring about?"

"You didn't hear? But it happened near your building." She looked surprised.

"What happened?" I was surprised too that I didn't know something happened.

"Someone has killed few local goons who disturbed commoners for money. The mysterious man who did all those has beaten them badly. I heard he took their bodies in their layout and burned the whole place."

I was very shocked, "Oh my God, did they die?"

"Yes. The leader and his fellows were burned badly. They couldn't survive."

'Who can do something like this? Are those the same man who had beaten Taesung? Is Taesung okay?'

I was getting restless.

'Did the mysterious man harmed him? Or what if Taesung did this all. No, no, how can he? If he was capable to do something like this then he wouldn't get beaten that day. But, I am having a bad feeling. I have to talk to him'