
Denigration of the Devil

(He loosened my one hand and slowly rested it above his heart. Suddenly, it reminded me of our first kiss. That day, he did this same thing, but probably he didn't remember since he was drank. "Feel that. It only beats for you. Feel it, Noona. This thing was protected with heavy shells. It was impossible to break it free, but you did it. You broke the shells one by one and slowly made your way into this. Only you live inside my heart. Only for you, this cold heart beats." His eyes held thousands of emotions in them. I was overwhelmed looking into his eyes, feeling that hectic rhythm of his heart under my palm. He smiled at me, "I love you. I love only you. Always have, always will." I blinked to hush away the tears that were blinding me from seeing his face. I released a shaky breath, "I love you too.") Fate collides two different persons from two different part of the world, two broken hearts, two lonely souls. Taesung is a 20 years old boy. His mother died during his childhood. Later his father became a drunkard who abused his two children. Taesung murdered his father while his father was abusing Taesung's sister, Taemin. And Fahami is a 24 years old brilliant student, a karate fighter and a dancer who is still in depression because of her brother's death. She meets with Taesung when she receives a scholarship from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology. She sees her dead brother, Nabil in Taesung. Because of the resemblance of characters between them. But situation gets twisted when Fahami and Taesung starts feeling something stronger and different for each other. Fate betrays them and conspires to break them apart. What will happen when Taesung will have to fight his inner devil?

SK53faria · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 57: Jealousy Is Ugly

Fahami's POV:

Teasung looked at me with anger hidden in his eyes. That look made me shiver. Was he still mad at me?

Eunjin and I took our seats, my gaze still at him. The girl sitting on that table started giggling, trying to catch Taesung's attention.

I glared at her. When I looked up at Taesung, I found him smirking. There was an intention underlying that smirk. I knew him too well. What was he up to?

Taesung looked at the girl and gave her his mega-watt boxy smile that could stop any girl's heart.

' Did he just? Did he just flirt with her?'

He said something to her that I couldn't understand. How could I when I was fuming inside, trying to explode and destroy her? Then he went inside.