
Denigration of the Devil

(He loosened my one hand and slowly rested it above his heart. Suddenly, it reminded me of our first kiss. That day, he did this same thing, but probably he didn't remember since he was drank. "Feel that. It only beats for you. Feel it, Noona. This thing was protected with heavy shells. It was impossible to break it free, but you did it. You broke the shells one by one and slowly made your way into this. Only you live inside my heart. Only for you, this cold heart beats." His eyes held thousands of emotions in them. I was overwhelmed looking into his eyes, feeling that hectic rhythm of his heart under my palm. He smiled at me, "I love you. I love only you. Always have, always will." I blinked to hush away the tears that were blinding me from seeing his face. I released a shaky breath, "I love you too.") Fate collides two different persons from two different part of the world, two broken hearts, two lonely souls. Taesung is a 20 years old boy. His mother died during his childhood. Later his father became a drunkard who abused his two children. Taesung murdered his father while his father was abusing Taesung's sister, Taemin. And Fahami is a 24 years old brilliant student, a karate fighter and a dancer who is still in depression because of her brother's death. She meets with Taesung when she receives a scholarship from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology. She sees her dead brother, Nabil in Taesung. Because of the resemblance of characters between them. But situation gets twisted when Fahami and Taesung starts feeling something stronger and different for each other. Fate betrays them and conspires to break them apart. What will happen when Taesung will have to fight his inner devil?

SK53faria · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter 37: Sweet Tears

Taesung's POV:

Her breathing hitched when my lips touched her both cheeks. Her big round eyes stared at me. I tried to ease the tension roaming in the room, "It's interesting. How can your tears taste like sweet and mine are salty? Unfair!"

That made her smile again. She probably didn't realize she was crying until she touched her cheeks and then glanced at her hand. I wiped the remaining and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, for coming to my life. I am more than grateful to you for everything." My voice was thick with emotion.

She simply tightened her hold and sighed.

There were thousand things that I wanted to tell her. I wanted to make her feel how she made me feel, but couldn't dare to. All I could do was holding her tightly.


'Time flies'. We were living together for more than four months. In this four months, I had tried countless times to tell her about my feelings. But every time I was on the verge of telling, something held me back. I couldn't tell her that the person she considered as a younger brother was in love with her. I was worried, my confession could destroy what we had now. Still, I wanted her attention, affection. Not the affection and attention she gave me, not as a sister. I wanted to have all of her attention, affection, love. I wanted to have her for mine, I wanted to touch her, adore her, hold her in my arms and declare that she was mine, only mine. I wanted her to consider me as a man, her man. Sure, our relation enhanced a lot. She was more comfortable with me than before. It felt right but also didn't feel right. Why? Because while we were living in the same flat, we were not living together.

' Just a little longer. Just few days. Then I will tell her. I will show her how much I am in love with her.'

That's what I was telling myself since I realized she was not just a sister for me. Hell! I never considered her as a sister. Perhaps, I didn't know, but I loved her since the day I burned those thugs. That couldn't be simply because I wanted to repay her. There was more than that. I wished I could tell her everything.

' You can't tell her because you are a big coward.'

My conscience was reminding me every day about it. I wished it was that easy.


Her voice cut off the argument between me and my inner self.

"Yes, Noona?" I yelled back. It seemed like she was in the kitchen. Today she asked me or should I say, ordered me to stay out of the kitchen. We had an argument because of that. She ordered me sternly, "You always make the breakfast. It is unfair. From now on, you will cook one day after another. Got it?" There wasn't any other way to not obey my queen's order.

' Damn! I am getting cheesy day by day.' I chuckled at my own stupidity.

"Taesung? Are you listening or not?" She yelled at me in annoyance.

I sprinted off to the kitchen, "Yeah, I am listening."

"I asked should I add ginger in your tea?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"No hell away." I freaked out.

"You don't like ginger?" She raised her brows in confusion.

I vigorously shook my head.

She smiled a bit and messed my hair with her hand. It seemed like, she liked touching my hair. I didn't complain at all. It was okay as long as she was touching me.

"I didn't know. But you should take some herbal tea if you want to get rid of your runny nose." She looked concerned.

I softly squeezed her cheek, "I will be okay. We have an amazing soup in the restaurant that can cure cold. Don't worry."

She sighed in defeat. "Fine. At least take the simple tea." She gave her Doe-eyes look. I couldn't dare to object.

"Let's take breakfast." She handed me the plates.

I nodded and took the plates, "Okay."

Fahami's POV:

"Fahami, did you notice?" Eunjin asked me while I was completing one of my assignments.

I looked up at her and found her staring at a distance but certainly at someone. I followed her gaze and found out she was looking at a table two rows ahead of us. Not only that, but I noticed she was looking at Hyunsu.

I looked back at her, "Notice what?"

She clicked her tongue and gave me her famous suspicious look. "Did you notice he is looking sad, like someone stepped on his favorite cat?"

I looked at Hyunsu again. He was looking at distance, eyes not focused on anything. He looked worried. I noticed the under eye bags. He looked horrible.

"Is the girlfriend of mine again trying to act as a detective?" I looked at the couple sitting in front of me. Haewon leaned to Eunjin and pecked her on her cheek.

"Aish! Don't talk nonsense. Don't you see, Hyunsu isn't looking alright?" She looked irritated.

Haewon sighed, "Look, he is going through some problems. I asked him several times, but he didn't tell me anything. I am worried of him too."

' Should I ask him? What if he doesn't tell me? As a human being, I should at least console him.'

I went in his direction, "Hyunsu?"

He wasn't listening to me. In fact, he looked distracted like before.

"Hyunsu?" I lightly shook him. He jumped as if he was thrown off track.

His eyes looked sad and vulnerable. There was some kind of hidden pain in his eyes. He was surely suffering. I wondered what it could be! What was bothering this mysterious man who liked me for a long time. It was making me sad. Strange! I thought I didn't like him in that way. Well, probably it's not that kind of liking. It didn't matter that I didn't like his affection towards me. I still counted him as my friend. Maybe that's why I was feeling sadness.

"Are you okay?" I cautiously asked.

As soon as the words slipped from my tongue, his eyes shined in pain. They looked glossy as if he was on the verge of crying.

He gulped and then looked down.

' Why is he avoiding eye contacts?'

"Hyunsu, are you okay?"

He cleared his throat, "Yes."

"Okay." Awkward!

Why was he hiding? He was definitely not okay.

"Umm, Fahami, would you like to have some coffee with me?" He was pleading with his eyes.

"Okay, sure." I smiled a bit at him to assure that I would go with him.