
Denied the light

The fate of a Tormented soul is not kind. Suffering plague the lives of those unfortunate enough to carried this accursed title, yet the cruelest part of it all, is that it only exist to prolong one's agony. Even in death, They're denied rest.

Daan_the_writer · Book&Literature
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4 Chs




"There it is, the so called best restaurants in all of Orario."

I muttered to myself, looking at the warm light of the inside of the establishment, echoes of laughter and joy leaked to the outside.

Though, the more important thing is. The smell, it smell like one of those buffet back home; miss those time.

So without stalling any further, I went inside after checking if I have enough "shillings" with me; this place is quite expensive, so I've heard.

I opened the door, and I was blasted by the already strong scent of the restaurant, all kinds of dish, familiar and unfamiliar infiltrate my nostrils. The immense odor of newly brewd alcohol ease my sense, and invoked a nostalgic.

I couldn't wait to taste the booze here.

As I walked to the counter, I observe the adventurers in their tables, laughing, telling stories of their days, and letting themselves go for a while.

The atmosphere of this place, is nice and welcoming to say the least. Wish there's more of this type of place back then. Though it's a bit silly, to hope the Dungeon to host a damn bar of all things.


I took the empty seat right besides the counter.

Taking in, the view and feeling for a moment. I, took the surprisingly well made menu put on the table.

My eyes scours the list of items; though there's no pictures, nor drawing I was able to recognize a few familiar dish.


Meat Curry.

Beef Wellington


Though, my eyes stayed glowed in a particular item. A familiar dish, that save me from starving to death back then.


A soup, with meat and an assortment of spices and vegetables.

A small smile on my face. A sense of nostalgia for bygone yesterday, a strong sense of longing.

In my first life, this is also my favorite dish. Ma always cooks this up for me and dad, though back then ma rarely put any meat, because of our financial situation. But, her cooking was always superb even if it's incomplete.

Though the dish now carries memories I wish to forget. But, it will always have a special place inside my dried heart.

So, done with choosing my food I called the waitress; I didn't notice almost all of them are female.

"Waiter!" My rough voice echoes inside the tavern.

"Coming! nya~" a high pitched voice replied back.

I looked, at the source of the vocie. A demi-human, she's seem to be half cat. She has brown eyes, alongside her eyes. A beautiful girl, in my opinion.

"What would like sir? Nya~" the waitress asked with a playful tone.

Her ears twitch , as she gazed at me. A look kf unfamiliarity float above her eyes, "Nya~ a new face, my name is Anya~"

"You could say that, I heard this place has a lot nice food, so little old me got curious," I replied to the cat girl.

The waitress, Anya smile, "Really? Nya~ I hope what they say was good! This place needs new faces, nya~"

I chuckles at the nice enthusiasm of the waitress, a lot of the time when I go to a place the customer service was a bit on the rough end.

" Could I get the Goulash, and also add the apple mead on the side, I haven't got a good drink in a while. "

Anya, finished writing down the order, "Well be that all sir? Nya~"

I nooded.

She smiles, "Then order will be coming right up! Nya~"

The Neko waitress went inside the counter.


I patiently wait, tapping my finger on the table. Observing the many adventurer on their tables.

Some of them, seem to be experienced and strong, while others seem to be starting out -- Must have joined a rich familia if their eating here.

Also find some familiar faces, the guild members talking, hmmm. That's strange, I thought they were having a problem? Oh well, Kimon must have been overworking himself again that idiot don't know when to let go.

And the waitress are also quite interesting, I could tell they're strong just by the aura they are carrying. Even if they masked it, just like that cat girl.

I could tell even the employees have interesting stories to tell.

My eyes drifted around, until it lands on white haired waitress. Smiling, I close my eyes as to not alarm the woman.

Even the goddess of the current strongest familia is here. Though in disguise, I find it amusing that she letting her divine aura with little control. Arrogant and carefree so it may seem.

Though, it is quite interesting that she's hanging around here; boredoms is my guess, divinity seem to be quite boring with nothing going on at the present.

I opened my eyes, again and she's seem to be talking to someone. The goddess in disguise seem to be happy, as her face keeps smile and laughing.

My curiosity, got the better of me as watched the conversation.

The goddess dragged the individual she's talking to inside, and wouldn't know it.

"Bell Cranel,"

Hahaha, how unfortunate. The boy is being manipulated it seem.

Quite the tricky situation you got yourself in. An obsessive goddess has taken immense intrest in you.

I watched as the goddess in disguise the drag the embarrassed boy towards my direction. Seeing as she close I turned my head, as to not alarm the both of them.

The goddess, put the boy next to me, quite the coincidence.

"Bell, could please sit here? I just need to tell Mama Mia something, it will be quick!" The waitress said.

I heard the boy replied, "O-oh! That's okay Miss. Syr. "

The girl giggled and went inside.

Seeing as the dangerous Goddess is out, I reveal my presence.

"Quite, the lady killer Mr. Cranel." I said to the boy.

The boy startled by my sudden intrusion, immediately looked towards me.

"Umm. Do I know you sir?" The boy asked, confused.

Without saying anything, I grabbed my sword on my hip, "Familiar?" I asked. The engravings of which glowed in righteous light.

The boy took a second to observe the black steel, before widening his eyes and realization.

"It's you! Mister Dante!" The boy shouted in excitement.

My eyes went wide for a moment, "Kid, calm down."

The boy didn't seem to process my words, as he grabbed my hands and bowed.

"Thank you so much again, Mister Dante! I'm so happy that I was able to meet you again!" The kid said.

My mind is going overdrive, as to what to do. This situation is fucking embarrassing.

Shit, "Kid, I get it, could please tone it down."

Thankfully the kid finally listen, as he looks around his face slowly turns to tomatoe red. He crouched down lowering his head from embarrassment.

"So, finally okay to talk like normal?" I jokingly asked, "That was pretty awkward."

Bell, blushed his eyes looking to the side, "Sorry for that Mister Dante, I was just excited to finally meet you again."

As the kid keep talking, the confidence slowly came back as he smiles, "My Goddess wanted to thnak you for saving me, and wanted to give a bunch of her food. "

Food? Hahaha! That's one way to thank someone; seeing that they will go to that, I assumed that their not quite rich. Which is strange, Hestia was one of the major Goddess in Greek mythology and was the oldest of the bunch.

"Really? Well that's nice of her, I'm willing to make time to me her, " I ain't turning down free food, no less cooked by the Goddess of home.

We converse for a bit, talking about his day, what kind weapons he use, and other trivial things. I eventually got my food.

"Here's your food sir, Nya~" The cat girl happily said, "And your apple mead is right her, Nya~"

I smiled, "Thank you."

Anya bowed


I looked at the smoking soup, the arouma hitting all the expectations I have, and the quantity meat, vegetables is just right. The broth looked impeccable.

But, all of that is just the look, what I'm looking forward to is the taste.

'Moment of truth,' I scooped a spoonful of the Goulash. It's proximity to my nose, intensify the already poignant and diverse arouma.

I took a moment, to analyze, then I took a bite.

And, it did not disappoint! The taste is amazing, the moment it touches my tongue it explodes in flavour the spices and the mixed juices of the meat and veggies compliments each other.

My face relaxed at the comfortable taste of the food, my mind opeaning up old memories be it bad or good, but I didn't care the taste is just what I hope for.

"You must really like the taste, huh Mister. Dante." The voice of the kid broke my euphoria.

"Yeah, it created a lot of fond memories." I said as he keep eating the dish.

I looked at the kid, "What did you pick, kid? The food here is good if that's what were thinking."

"Oh! It's not that, I could tell just by the smell. It's just..."

The kid looked at menu, his eyes cringe at the prices of the food.

"Oh, tell you what, just pick something then I'll pay for it."

The kid is startled, by my sudden offer, "O-h no, it's okay Mister. Dante I have money-"

"Don't be stiff kid, you're a great company, haven't had this enjoyable of a conversation in awhile, "I replied," Think of it, as thanks for your company. "

" And, stop with the mister it's making me feel old."

The kid looked quite embarrassment, his eyes darting back in forth to me and the menu.

Finally the kid relaxed his face," If you say so, Miste-, Dante. "

I grinned, showing my sharp teeth, I happily replied, "Atta boy! That's the spirit, pick anything you want." I patted him on the back. His face hiding behind the menu.

"And, you're quite lucky. You're being treated by your girlfriend and me," I jokingly added.

"Gi-gi-girlfriend!? No! You got it wrong, Dante! Miss. Syr and me does not have that kind of thing going on!" The kid intensely said. His voice shakes from awkwardness and embarrassment.

" Aww. Really? Unlucky, though seeing how she act around you that possibility ain't that far away, hahaha! " I happily Said.

" Please stop... " The kid bury his face even more on the table .