
Chapter 49: Men of Valor

Raven groaned in pain as he opened his eyes and looked around. He was back in his hotel room, Shirou lay on the bed beside him in a equally bad state.

Both of them were currently like walking injuries. He felt a little bad for housekeeping when they left.

"Shirou, wake up. We gotta fix ourselves up." Raven grumbled loudly as he tossed his boot at the man's head since he didn't want to wake up.

"Rinnnnnn stop throwing your jewels at me!" Shirou mumbled into his pillow and Raven felt his eye twitch before he created a gallon of water above the man's head and let it fall on him.

Truly, creation was an amazing ability to possess. Especially without a cost to be used, besides brain power, curse you brain.

Ok, maybe he was beyond pushed if his head was hurting this much…

"Gah!" Shirou's reaction definitely helped with the pain.

"Morning Shirou, welcome to consciousness and life as living injuries and walking bruises." Raven quipped without moving.

"Ugh." Shirou groaned and Raven slowly nodded his head in agreement. Urg indeed.

"Yeah, now, there should a medical kit in my bad beside my bed, if you'd be so kind as to grab it and start patching yourself up, that would be fantastic." Raven said with a smile as he just stared at the ceiling.

Shirou groaned as he slowly got up and grabbed the bag and pulled out the medical kit and started fixing up his wounds, he could better patch up Raven that way.

"Did we win?" Shirou asked once he finished himself up and started working on Raven.

"We did. Our loot, the soul of Behemoth." Raven said as he called the soul orb from inside of himself and let it float above his chest for Shirou to see.

"Obviously we can't tell anyone about this, I don't know about you, but I have no desire to tangle with divine beings for the soul of Behemoth." Raven groaned as he sat up so Shirou could work on his back, which he tried to ignore as Shirou wiped over and removed all the scabs that formed from the flowing blood all over. Dried blood ain't fun.

"Yeah." Shirou said in agreement, and Raven stored the soul orb back inside of himself.

"Though what do you plan to use it for?" Shirou asked having no desire to use it, and he didn't think Rin or Saber needed it, so he shrugged it off.

Plus he felt it safer in the hands of Raven, then himself. With his luck, it'll be gone within a day and cause a giant disaster somehow. He said as much when asked.

"Understandable, as for what I plan to use it for, I think I'll try to use it for one of my weapon experiments. Maybe some armor or a mystic code. Not sure yet." Raven said as he laid down once Shirou finished patching him up.

"I see, so what now?" Shirou asked and Raven groaned, he really did not like this feeling, no beefing with divine beings till he's stronger.

"Now? Now we face our punishments like a man by the females in our lives." Raven said as Shirou paled.

"Is it too late to go back and fight Behemoth again?"


Shirou collapsed on his bed trying to ignore how much pain that brought on.

"I vote we stay another week or two to try and recover some." Shirou said and Raven nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, plus we can go explore what's left of the temple." Raven said as Shirou nodded in agreement. A much better idea then returning to Saber and Rin in this state, even if Saber would recharge Avalon and heal him up, he didn't want to see them with those eyes, as if seeing his tanned skin and white hair in them.

He didn't want to become like Archer.

"Let's order room service, I have no desire to walk for food." Raven said as he flopped over and grabbed a book and flipped through till he found the room service menu. Shirou joined him.


Zelretch hummed curiously and amused as he watched his two favorite people to observe right now interact, especially after the battle they just fought.

Truly he was impressed how they managed to beat Behemoth. Especially that final attack. The brilliance of Excalibur and that special energy of the teen. 

The Brilliant Light of Yahweh and the Shadowed Darkness of Erebus. Powerful energies on their own, but when brought together, a power of great strength brought into the world. 

Of course the boy wasn't the first to wield such power, but he would not be the last to wield the power before existence came to an end. Rare moments of two beings wielding the power coming together and having a child, learning it on their own and overcoming the taint of fusing opposing elements. 

However its true potential laid in the ability of it to alter the course of fate. To destroy the carefully woven threads of the beings who believed themselves to guide everything. After all, he can clearly remember the times that the being known as The Fates and The Norns, fought a war to kill and remove the beings who used the energy. Truly the fake weavers of fate will learn that messing with a magician is bad for life expectancy. 

"Perhaps I should pay the youngest a visit and properly introduce myself?" Zelretch laughed as he imagined the stroke those beings will have when they see him arrive. Oh yes, it would be glorious. 

A portal made up of a kaleidoscope of colors formed and he stood up from his throne and entered it. 


"Raven Inanis, it's a pleasure to finally be meeting the youngest of our group of five." Raven snapped to attention as he heard a voice and turned towards it to see a kaleidoscope of colors forming a portal, and he instantly summoned Malevolent in sword form. 

"Good instincts, but you'll need more then that if you want to kill me." A man said as he walked through the portal. Striking black outfit with golden designs and white gloves. White hair from aging and very familiar red eyes. Oppressive aura without even releasing his magical aura, though that could be a spell also...

"Oh my me. Why now." Raven said as the identity of his visitor finally clicked in his head. 

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. Grand Marshall of The Clocktower. Magician of The Second True Magic, The Kaleidoscope. The Master of Trolling and Insanity. 

"Hahaha an old man like me getting such a reaction. I'm truly humbled." Zelretch said with a laugh. 

"Kill me now. Anyone out there and listening, just take my knife and dig it right into my brain and heart, because that would hurt so much less then right now." Raven said dramatically as he flopped down against his bed. Shirou was out buying a few things to eat for dinner, he had already proclaimed he would take over the kitchens to cook dinner, all the food tasted bland and uncared for, in his own words. 

"Haha calm down, I'm not here to do something like that young man. I'm merely here to meet the youngest. The second greets the first." Zelretch said as his face momentarily took on a serious look. 

"Well the first greets you and bids you goodbye, the first wants to sleep away his migraine caused by the second." Raven responded back and crawled under his covers. Zelretch felt his eye twitch. 

"Very well, at least shake my hand like a good young man with manners." Zelretch said and Raven grumbled, but got up and shook his hand. However as he did so, he had a sudden vision of something. It looked like a golden saucer surrounded by a cosmic storm. 

"What. Is. This?" He asked out loud in pieces before he fainted. 

Zelretch only frowned as he puzzled over what happened before realizing and grinning. 

"What a terrifying young man. Managing to momentarily glance through the kaleidoscope without any training or needing access. Hahaha I can truly see now why your kind is so feared." Zelretch chuckled as he put down a card on the nightstand and left in another portal. 

However right before he left, he looked over his shoulder and grinned at the unconscious Raven. 

"I expect fun things to come with you around young man." 


Hello everyone, I hope you have enjoyed the chapter, if this one seems a bit weird, it's because I tried writing a chapter through PC, and man it feels weird not just being able to lay down on my bed or in a chair with my feet kicked up and speed write, not to say I'm a slow writer with keyboard, but I am much faster with my phone then keyboard. Plus I can spell easier with phone then keyboard, not to mention my hand be cramping up more lol. 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and until next time. Also just one more chapter, which will have a R18 scene with Raven and a chosen female of my choice I won't reveal till next chapter when it happens lol. 

Anyway, ima head out now and all that stuff, so until next time for real this time friends!

-Voidy, The Insomniac 

P.S. I'm totally not having cramped hands right now. This is worse then an all nighter 10+ hour gaming session lmao.