
Chapter 44: Project Malevolent

Raven grumbled softly as he dodged the swipe of claws at his face. Lorelei had been stuck in a board meeting about the budget. Something she couldn't ignore, so he had been stuck on her dead apostle hunt.

"Die!" The thing screamed at him with a deranged look in its eyes, and Raven rolled his eyes as he dodged backwards and then moved forward grabbing the dead apostles over reached hand and pulled them in hand, landing a solid punch to the face.

He enjoyed the sound of bones breaking upon contact. Really was fucking therapeutic.

"So bacon, what's your story?"


"That's what I said, bacon. You know, for a dead apostle, you're heading sure sucks. I know a sick person with clogged ears and he isn't struggling to hear as much as you." Raven said smiling as he landed a solid punch to the ribs and then a knee take out. Followed by a stomp to the chest.

"It's Bran-" "I don't care." Raven said interrupting the man before a single stomp of his boots had its head crushed and ending its life.

"These beings are disgusting. Why can't more be like the twins? They're all so boring as well." Raven complained as he cleaned up the body and called the clean up crew.

"Hm, now that I think about it, I'm near a gold storing bank, and I do need a lot of gold… sorry bank, but I need it and I don't care for laws." Raven said grinning as he went and robbed a gold bank.


A day later a newspaper went out about a gold bank being robbed the day after it had its biggest storage ever done in history.

It soon went out of business. It was revealed that corrupt leaders of the company were cutting pieces of gold off and then melting them down into bigger bars for profit.


Raven giggled as he stood in his workshop. Tons of gold laid around him. Like a metric fuck ton of gold. Around seventy percent of it was pure mana conducting gold. The remaining thirty percent would be used for decoration at a later time.

However he didn't focus to long on those future thoughts as he stared at the materials laying before him.

5 bars of mana conductive gold. 5 bars of his custom ingot, which he's now decided to call Dawn Ingots, he's really original, 5 bars of Stygian Iron, thank you Hades and Persephone. Plus five bars of a bar made of pure mana, don't ask questions about it, he just figured out a way.

Laying besides those bars of metals, were some black metal wiring, quite a few vials of blood, two white feathers left behind by the angel, a fresh bone, thank you Hades, and a large blue orb.

"Alright, I think I'm ready to begin." Raven said to himself as he ignited the forge he recently added into his workshop.

It was time to cook.

With a grin, he began mixing the medals he had prepared to form a single alloy. It would be an amazingly strong alloy, a lot of testing had gone into it.

"Now, if I raise it, this should all be about done." Raven said as he lifted out the molds and smiled. They had formed perfectly.

A beautiful set of tools and weapons laid before him.

Spear, Sword, Shield, Staff, Scythe, Fan and Bow.

"Now the fun part." Raven said dryly as he grabbed his rune carving tools and got to work covering the weapons in runes.

Hundreds upon hundreds of runes were drawn on each weapon. Some of them being from the cave, call it intuition on him adding them, but he had a good feeling.

So he etched and etched. It was as if he writing stories on the weapons. Each one a great tale of some kind.

However he finally finished two days later. Each rune had been carefully etched in and with great care and patience.

"Ok, now I just need to do the final parts testing each one, then merging them." Raven said as he created a dummy and started testing each weapon.


Raven let out a pleased hum as he set down the bow and vanished the ruined dummy. The weapons all had functioned perfectly, but now he was working on the final and most nerve racking part.

The good thing was, that if they broke upon trying to merge, or got messed up, he could just recreate them in perfect condition.

Honestly, combining weapons of the quality and strength they were was stupid and risky, but what was life without risk?


Pft, who cares about that.


"I probably should have made some saftey precautions…" Raven groaned out in pain as he laid under a bunch of rubble from a broken wall. A few pieces of metal impailed in his body.

"Ugh, I regret everything." Raven grunted as he shoved the rubble off himself. After standing up, he looked around and saw the state of his workshop.


Pieces of each weapon laying around broken, some inside of him… he should probably remove them.


"Attempt two, slightly better, should strength barrier though." Raven said to himself as he slowly removed the long piece of metal inside his leg.


"Attempt 27, barrier is finally strong enough, but project may require further runes to properly fuse so many items of such strength." Raven noted down as his vision was slowly fixing itself from the blindness of being flash banged by his own creation.


"Attemp 378, project is showing great result finally. Item is mostly accepting of all items besides bow. Perhaps due to its nature it needs a seperate set of runes added in for stability." Raven grinned happily, perhaps a touch of insanity leaking through.


Attempt 403, I have noted that the project seems to not have blown up or have any adverse reactions." Raven said out loud as the notebook wrote down what he said via a floating pen.

"Project Malevolent has not exploded on touch like last time. Channeling mana… no explosions or degradation. Trying changing matrix." Raven said as he slowly changed the form of the weapon into all its forms.

It worked and he kept increasing the speed till it was instantaneous changes from one form to another.

"Now for the real test. Spell casting." Raven said slightly nervous before he grabbed the portkey, a ring, and teleported to a giant empty field he had found while flying.


A giant fireball went flying out of the staff form of the weapon and flew till it slammed into a large rock and exploded. The rock didn't exist anymore. Nor did the area around the giant crater.

"Oh yes, this will do nicely." Raven grinned as he started doing some more test and noting down the results.


"Project Malevolent is a success." Raven grinned happily as he hugged his new weapon to his chest in the form of a fan, its standby and subtle mode. Still dangerous though.

Truly, his crowning achievement in his creations. The best of anything he has made so far.

Now though, he thinks he'll go take a shower… he stinks, and a real shower does better then a spell to clean himself up.


So I'll be providing images of each weapon form below.








Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, also chapters will be on hold for a little bit, one I got a doctors appointment coming up, two my doctors note I had made giving me easy stuff to do at work finally expires since I'm going back in for a checkup, three, IRL sucks and being an adult sucks.


-Voidy, The Slightly Insomniac

P.S. - 6 Chaptets to go till the end of this volume. Shits gonna start getting fun~