
Chapter 34: The Awkaening and Changing

Raven blinked as he tried to figure out just where he was. It was a giant open field, one half covered in pure green grass, large beautiful trees. Really looked similar to wherever baby him lived.

However the other half was a dark imitation made up of shadows and darkness. He could feel a pull to the shadows and darkness. A desire to enter them poked at his mind, but he shrugged it off.

"How intriguing." Raven mused before he channeled his now working abilities and created a sword, a normal steel sword, and chucked it at the edge of the shadows.

He watched curiously as the blade turned dark and had whisps of shadows around it like an aura.

"Oh? Corruption perhaps?" Raven mused as he created a rope and tossed it onto the sword, the brown rope slowly became black and Raven tossed the rope to the other side. His instincts said he do so.

"Ok, no touching." Raven said as he tried to use his analysis abilities, but nothing worked properly.

"Fireball!" Raven said dramatically as he shot a small fireball into the shadows, the area melted around the impact point, but soon was covered in shadows again. The shadows now seemed to be licked with what looked like fire.

"Ok, so it adapts and evovles based on what it's introduced to. Which doesn't make sense unless… it's… alive." Raven slowly breathed as he started connecting the dots.

"Oh, this is not good. Not good at all." Raven sighed as he laid on the ground pondering on just how he should go about this.

"Ok. First and foremost, this is my mind, so that means something is happening inside of me involving my soul. Which means I need to focus on figuring that out. Shadows and darkness. Adaption. Evolution. What does it mean exactly?" Raven pondered softly.

"Perhaps it has some relation to my nonhuman side, but I can think of something of this level in the races I know about." Raven pouted as he tried to figure it out.

Raven grunted as he felt sudden pain on his backside. Rubbing the area on his back and right above his behind with a hand each.

"I'm too young for this. Back pain is for old people. This is so annoying." Raven grumbled as he started massaging the spots to try and relieve the pain, casting pain resistance spells are for losers.

However now he was contemplating doing such a thing, after all, no one would know. Yet, before he could he felt the need to remove his clothes suddenly and did so.

Then he grunted before the pain multiplied a hundred fold. His back was ripped open and a pair of white scaled wings with a glowing blue design. A long prehensile white tail with a glowing blue pointed tip at the end like a blade.

"Ok, shits getting real." Raven moaned in relief as the pain vanished alongside the healing spell he casted.

"These wings are amazing though. I wonder if I can start flying soon?" Raven grinned as he tried to focus and feel the new muscles of the tail and wings.


In another dimension, a severed dragon head still alive smiled momentarily as it glanced a certain direction.

A sound was unheard by everyone as it spoke in a language unknown to everyone. Unhearable by those in the dimension.

However if it was translated, it would roughly mean this.

"The little heir begins awakening."


Raven cheered as he flew around using the wings. Their strength was impressive. Swinging them out he had managed to easily destroy a tree earlier. It had ripped it out in its enterity, roots and all.

"This is amazing. I can't believe how easy this was." Raven said to himself as he slowed down and hovered in the same spot, however as he is, he can't help himself, he started analyzing the wings and tail.

"My tail is capable of omnidirectional movement. It has extreme durability that can't even be pierced by a sharped and enchanted sword. My wings though, they also have the same durability and nigh movement abilities within the limits of the bone structure. However the flight…" Raven stared as he floated there, the wings weren't flapping, but yet he floated.

"Gravity magic, or perhaps the concept of gravity is embedded into it's existence in the way that wings are flight, so therefor flight without needing to flap them." Raven concluded.

"However flapping them definitely gives a extreme increase in speed." Raven mused as with a single flap he was flying extremely fast.

However as he was floating, he looked down and noted the shadows have started consuming more things.

"That doesn't seem good." Raven quipped to himself.

"Correct." A voice said with a deep tone and Raven glanced at its direction to see the shadows and darkness fusing together into a form.

Raven blinked as he noted it took a form like his own, but the coloration was wrong. Black colored hair, glowing red eyes. The same wings and tail. However the tail was black with a red tip. The wings had a red coloring on the inside, but black on the back.

"Well hello there handsome." Raven quipped as his mind started reaching more conclusions, and it was annoying. He didn't like those conclusions.

"Me? Handsome? No. You're the handsome one." It quipped back with a very familiar smirk.

"Oh thank you. It's an honor to have such a handsome man as my opponent. Care for some introductions oh shadow one?" Raven asked and the shadow version laughed.

"Hm, we are simply the Shadows. I supposed you can call us Shadow? Yes, that will do. Not that it matters much, soon enough we will be Raven." Shadow quipped happily.

"Ha! As if anyone could become me? The mere thought of being me is enough for someone to implode." Raven said as energy balls started floating beside him.

Shadow did the same with black version compared to his blue.

"Copy cat!" Both said with a fanged grin as they shot off the attacks.

Brilliant explosions of light and darkness went off. Each with explosions the size of large buildings.

"Pile driver!" Both called out in sync as a drill shaped mana blast shot forward and exploded in a fiery blast of death.

"This isn't gonna get us anywhere huh?" Raven asked and Shadow only smirked at Raven who sighed.

"This is such a pain in the ass." Raven said as he dodged a quick and wrapped his tail around the other leg and sent them flying.

"I agree, but if you just wanna surrender, then that would make it easier." Shadow quipped from the hole he made landing before he moved forward and slammed into Raven taking the air out his lungs before grabbing him and throwing him into a tree and right through it into the ground.

"Ouch, feeling a vindictive?" Raven asked as he got up. His hand lighting up before a spear formed in his hands, his copy did the same, but with inverse colors.

With a grunt of exertion, Raven dodged a stab to the stomach and shoved his own spear forward for a heart stab. It was avoided.

"So you are me, yes?" Raven asked as he grunted and took his copy's spear and ripped it from their hands to dual wield it.

"In a sense I am." Shadow replied back as he summoned another spear to attack with.

"Hm, if you are me, then this is meaning that you are some part of my power, likely from our heritage, damn root not letting the memory last a moment longer, gaining sentience to a degree alongside the lose temperament of shadow magics, thus your element and name." Raven said and Shadow smiled.

"Indeed I am. I think. Though this does help us nail it down for the future." Shadow said and Raven laughed as he discarded the spears and summoned a sword.

"True, but for now I'd recommend dodging." Raven quipped as at the end of his sword formed a big ball of energy.

"Fuck." Shadow said as he took it head on.

"You know, for me, you're not doing so well." Raven quipped out amused before a whip wrapped around his arm and pulled him down towards the shadows.

"I'd say I'm doing well." He quipped back as a giant bolder started falling down towards Raven.

"Well fuck." Raven cursed as it slammed down onto him.


Apologies for the wait. I know I said I'd do multiple chapters in a single day, but shit came up. Shit happened even further. Life sucks balls. It's all I can say. Plus the other story I'm starting up lol. Be sure to check that out. I'm planning to main it alongside this story.

Anyway, I do wonder if some of you can see what I'm planning for this part.



Anyways, I do hope y'all enjoyed the chapter today.

Peace out!

-Voidy, The Insomniac Who's Grammar Is Failing Him

P.S. I love you all.