
Chapter 32: The Day of Dreadful Shadows

A really short chapter, but I'm excited to get into the really good stuff happening soon, so I decided to remove part of this chapters stuff and have it happen a little later in the year.


Raven cheered to himself as he held the blood-red potion in his hand, having retrieved it from his storage spot.

It had been hidden in a tower no one could access anymore without physical enhancement, or flight. So he locked it just in case with a few spells.

He stored it inside his pouch with a hum, he'd take it under the supervision of Albus and Minerva. For safety purposes. Having two transfiguration masters on hand in case was only smart.

Though they would be doing it after classes and outside on the quidditch pitch.

Raven however currently also focused his thoughts on something else. Looking for his cat. Izzy had gone missing recently, and he was rather concerned. She normally showed up in his room at the end of the night to sleep, but for the past few days, she had been missing.

So now he was looking around the castle for her.


Raven sighed as he stared at the flames of Fawkes who stared back at Raven with a tilt of his head.

The Phoenix had just randomly appeared in front of him and started at Raven. As if looking for something curious.

Raven stared back. Staring contest with a Phoenix, and he wasn't going to lose to a bird, no matter how mythical it was.

The Phoenix song a quiet song as it seemed to realize something before gently cooing as it rubbed its head against Raven's before flaming away after if flew up a little.

Raven blinked in confusion before shrugging. Phoenixes were weird.

With a stretch he stood up and headed out.


Raven looked around curiously at everyone around him. Some of the students felt different, weird. Their magical energy felt off, but he just shook it off as excitement of turning into an Animagus.

After all, it's not like they weren't real or something and fakes inserted in. If they were, he doubted they could get past the wards and Albus who knew every student by heart and mind.

With a small breath, Raven stood up and left the great hall having ate his lunch. He'd go do a little flying to calm him mind and then perhaps read a few books.

He couldn't find Izzy, he'd wait another day or two before he went looking, if he couldn't find her, he'd use some magic to find her.

Cats did disappear for a while randomly after all, it's not unexpected.


"Are you ready Raven?" Minerva asked as she and Albus stood nearby, but not to close just in case his form was of a larger animal.

"Yes. One more question though?" Raven asked, and Minerva nodded her head for him to ask. "Does it taste bad?" Minerva smirked at him and didn't answer as Albus chuckled.

"Oh well, bottoms up." Raven said and took a deep breath before he chugged down the potion, the taste was disgusting.

Yet as soon as the potion was fully down his throat, he felt a fiery pain, then followed up by what felt like a double heartbeat.

In that moment an image appeared in his head. A crow, but then suddenly it was consumed by shadows. A voice followed up in that moment.

"The shadows have had enough, and we shall take over."

Raven saw blackness before he felt himself losing consciousness.


Meanwhile, both Albus and Minerva watched in curiosity as Raven grunted before his form changed into that of a crow. Both found it very fitting for him.

However suddenly, the shadows in the area rushed forward and surrounded the crow form of Raven who seemed to fall into the shadows which grew and took on a much more menacingly and demonic form.

A mainly black and red form, some patches of white as well. Its eyes a gleaming red only desiring violence and death.



Meanwhile across the planet in America, in a golden temple, a man with golden hair like the sun, and blue eyes froze as his eyes glazed over.

"The day of dreadful shadows is here"

"The shadows seek to devour all"

"Only through acceptance shall hope prevail"

"Without acceptance the world is lost"

"To devour or to calm"

"All hope is on the Raven"

"Destruction or Creation"

The man blinked in confusion as he looked around before shrugging as he returned to the phone in his hand.


The promised time has arrived. The day of dreadful shadows is upon.

An yes, that was Apollo dropping a prophecy and no one around to hear it. Classic prophecy shit.

-Voidy, The Insomniac Writer

P.S. I plan to drop two to four chapters tomorrow since I'm so excited by the upcoming ones.