
Chapter 30: Gift of Patience

Raven grumbled to himself as he stared at the runic cluster before him. It was seven sets of three set runes. Comprised of seven languages.

Nordic - Gaelic - Greek - Japanese- Latin - Sanskrit - Hebrew

Each rune sequence had three similar words that played off each other to form a linking aray that complemented each other.

"Test 250, hopefully the last, otherwise I'm scrapping this." Raven mused out loud as he channeled about five percent of his magical energy into the block of metal he had inscribed the runes on.

With a grin, he took 20 steps back and held his hand out and shot a simple disarming spell at the metal and suddenly a shield made up of hexagons sprang forth in front of it.

"Oh yeah. Project Praesidium, completed." Raven cheered to himself as he picked up the piece of metal and noted nothing wrong with the runes. They weren't overloading, nor were they interfering with each other.

"Now, next I need to figure out how to make it omnidirectional. Don't want to get hit on the other side. The question is though, four runic sequences in four different directions, or expand on this cluster?" Raven mused out loud as he wrote down some notes.

"Perhaps expanding the cluster would be best till I can learn how to merge the shields together. Maybe eventually I can create them at will wherever I want them to be made? Hopes for the future." Raven mused as he sighed and started heading to class, he would already be five minutes late at this rate.

A wave of his hand cleaned the room up and he left it.


He was right, he was late, the potions Professor gave him detention.


Raven sighed as he read the newspaper he asked a house elf to grab him from the nearest muggle settlement. Unluckily no lightning storms were in the forecast for the next two weeks.


"Wait, do I need to actually do this? Fuck." Raven cursed as he stared at the book in his hand detailing how to transition from human to animal and vice versa.

Transforming using the potion method was the easiest method. As it directly allowed one to have the instincts of the animal they'd transform into. Unlike the other forms, besides the ancient ritual lost with the death of most American ritualist of old times.

"Fuck my life. I really hope I'm not a dog or something, I don't want to go hunting for bitches." Raven moaned in annoyance as he read the annoyance that was the instincts of an Animagus.

In some cases an Animagus could have emotions bleed over into human form. For example, a dog or cat going into heat. He most certainly hoped he wasn't a canine or feline like animal.

"Oh hey, the timer went off." Raven mused as he closed the book, but then paused. "The timer went off!" He declared as he waved his hand and the book returned to his bookshelf and rushed forward out his room and to Minerva's office.


"Good, you remembered to come right to me." Minerva said pleased as she saw Raven come into her office. The mark on his hand glowing brightly indicating it was finished counting down. A wave of her wand removed it.

"Now, I have everything you will need to complete this step. A small crystal phial. Place the saliva covered mandrake leaf into the phial under the moonlight alongside a single strand of hair." Minerva said as she handed him the crystal phial.

Raven took it and reached into his mouth and inserted the mandrake leaf into the phial as it was struck by pure moonlight from an open window.

A moment later had him plucking a strand of hair and adding it into the phial.

"Good. Now a silver teaspoon of dew taken from a place not touched by sunlight or human feet for for seven days and nights. Now, the chrysalis of a death-head Hawk moth." Minerva said as she gestured to both items and Raven did them in the order as she said.

"Now seal it and place it into a dark and quiet place until the next lightning storm. When the next lightning storm happens, soon as the first lightning storm strikes, the phial should be filled with a blood-red potion as the first bolt struck lands." Minerva said and Raven pondered on where to put it, but then had his idea as he headed out to storm the phial.


"What?" Raven asked confused as he stared at his apprentice.

"Can you teach me how to use a sword." Rose repeated herself.

"Yes, but why do you wish to learn how to wield a sword?" Raven asked curiously.

"It's private." Rose said hesitantly and Raven sighed before pondering. He supposed it wouldn't hurt to teach her to wield a sword.

"Alright, I'll add an extra hour after our normal training times for practice." Raven declared as he mentally planned to repractice hid sword forms.

"Thank you." Rose said grateful. Though it left Raven wanting to know why she needed sword lessons. However for the time he decided to just let it pass.


Raven grumbled as he stared at the clear sky, no lightning storm yet, and he would need one, and sadly they aren't the most common at this time of the year.

What a drag.


Again a short chapter, but I'm just trying to post and not lose interest in the story itself. Also I promise things will spice up soon, just another chapter or two to go.

Also some fun stuff happens in chapter 33-34~

Till next time!

-Voidy, The At Work Insomniac