
Chapter 27: Malevolent Bonding

Raven hummed softly as he traced a set of runes into a stone tablet and grinned as they lit up and a small fire floated above it, followed by a wind gust increasing its size.

"Ok, so that works." Raven smiled as he marked it down in his research notes. Always keep note of things, but keep it encoded so no one can steal it.

"Now, energy transference runes." Raven mused out loud as he held a new tablet up, and began carving a new rune pattern into them.

"Transference in Greek, Control in Mesopotamian, Flow in Japanese, Gift in Norse, and finally Energy in Aztec." Raven smiled as he traced them in such a way they were seperate runes, but connected in such a way they didn't interfere with each other.

"Now the real test." He carefully added a small portion of his magic into the tablet and then carved the rune for fire into another stone tablet. Tapping the tablets against each other, he could feel the magic leaving the tablet into the fire tablet which became covered in flames for a moment before they extinguished themselves having run out of energy.

"Hahaha it worked." Raven cheered as he wrote the results in his notebook.

Project Malevolent was starting to seem possible. Now if he could just figure out how to collapse a pocket space without forming a blackhole.

He already caused three of them, he's trying not to cause a forth. Ok, maybe a few more wouldn't hurt, for research sake.

"Raven, I do believe you have classes to go to." Raven turned around to see Albus standing there with twinkling eyes. A quick tempest showed he was five minutes late to charms class.

"Crap." Raven said as he vanished everything and stored his notes as he sprinted towards the charms classroom. He may or may not have used the stairs as jumping platforms to reach the proper floor.

"That boy." Albus said fondly as he recalled how he was when studying magic. Eager to dive deep into it and learn everything he could. Skipping classes because he found them boring or useless since he learnt everything already.

"Really, it's a miracle they let me become a teacher, let alone headmaster." He laughed as he walked off to go and finish another task have no ensured Raven was on his way to his class.


"Ok, I'm here for skipping classes, but why are you here Rose?" Raven asked curiously. Both were in detention. Flitwick had them organizing the books into alphabetical order, then by years.

"I may have punched Malfoy in the face, breaking his nose." Raven raised an eyebrow at that. "In my defense, he was calling Hermione a mudblood." Rose tried to defend herself, but Raven held a hand up.

"I don't care about that, who's Malfoy?" He didn't know that name, and if he did, they weren't important enough for him to remember.

"You call him ferret. We had detention with him and Hagrid in the forbidden forest." Rose said and Raven blinked before nodding, he did remember that stupid brat.

"I see. Also curious wristband. House pride?" Raven asked his apprentice, well unknown apprentice. Something was familiar about that band.

"Oh, this was a gift from my savior." Rose spoke happily. "Savior?" Raven asked, the word slipping off his tongue before he could stop himself.

"I, I was being abused by my former guardians." Rose would never call them family. She couldn't. "Then he came. He saved me. My new guardian, Detective Rain, said his identity was a secret. He left me this as a reminder of my freedom." Rose said softly and Raven smiled softly.

Now he knew why the band felt familiar. It was something he made and gave to her as a gift to show she was free.

"I see." Raven nodded as he patted her shoulder before continuing with the sorting of books.

"What about you?" Rose asked. Her face slightly red.


"Your guardian, what are they like?" Rose continued on.

"I also have a new guardian, but I used to live in the orphanage in Surrey. I… I didn't have a good time there. I was kidnapped by a cult three times and tortured. Most of them are dead now." Raven said casually throwing out that last part. It could be taken anyway someone wanted.

"Though I did somehow end up in America and Japan for a while. Was an interesting time there. Though I can't remember anything on why I was in Japan. Its kinda just blank for me." Raven confessed. He hated the fact he couldn't remember anything.

Even when he tried digging those memories up with occlumency, all he got was a massive headache that left him in pain for hours.

"Though those memories do show up randomly. I'll find myself doing things I can't remember why I'm doing them. Like I have instinctual understanding of cooking, I barely cook, but I can cook with the best somehow." Raven admitted after a minute as he placed the last book down and sped walked away as he shoved a sucker into his mouth.

Rose stared at his back as he left the classroom. There was so much more to Raven then she thought. So much more.

She wanted to learn everything she could about him.


Raven smiled as he read a book on runes while idly spinning a metal spear in his hand. He had finally gotten his staff and spear sent over made of the unique metal.

The spear was basic in design. It was majority black, but it had some red designs on it. The staff was painted black. It had different gems in it that glowed for the heck of it.


Raven could admit he was pleased with the craftsmanship. He watched the effort go into creating them as per his designs, a magus can never be to sure. Of course since he was in school, he just watched through a false familiars eyes.

Now though, he was deciding on just how to properly enhance each one to perfection. Which runes would be best for them.

Undoubtedly he would be using three different combinations of unbreaking, repairing and strengthen runes. For that magical number enchantment enhancment. Three sets of three.

Then he would need his energy transference runes. Perhaps elemental runes to have easy access of the elements. Oh he was so excited!

Plus he could just keep creating them thank to his denial of nothingness.

"Oh! I should totally add a set of runes to make spectral like attacks!" Raven said excitedly as he started working on the rune pattern for that.

He'd miss the rest of his classes for the day and have detention for a week.


A bit short, but I got done what I wanted. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

-Voidy, The Insomniac who's done with life's shit!