
Chapter 2: I Wore A Dirty Hat

Raven tried to hide the nervous shutters he felt as he went to board the train to Hogwarts. Thankfully the Professor had shown him where the entrance was and how to properly enter.

He also felt a bit hollow as he gazed at all the families doing cheerful goodbyes or other forms of send offs.

Sighing he just decided to board the train and read his books. He had splurged using the bit of money he had saved up doing side jobs around the orphanage for the older folks who lived around.

He bought a TON of manga. He was a bit surprised he could close his trunk.

Eventually finding a seat in the middle of the train, he stored his trunk in the compartment above head, and started reading his potion book.

From the bits of time he had spent mingling about in Diagon Alley in his free time, he learned that Professor Severus Snape was a very strict and dower man. Hates Gryffindors with a burning passion. Majorly favored Slytherins. Was more neutral towards Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

So he would study ahead to hopefully avoid the man's ire. After all, potions sounded like such a useful thing to learn.

The sheer versatility of it, if you had the correction potions prepared beforehand, could be a life saver.

There was also transfiguration that really pulled him into it. It just sounded amazing. To imagine being in a fierce battle and shaping the terrain into your weapon. Nothing would be safe from you.

However his thought process was interrupted briefly as the train lurched and started moving.

"Oh, I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts?" Raven asked himself as he stared at the moving scenery out the window as the train started its departure towards Hogwarts.

Eight hours to go.


At least he still had his manga and school books to go through and occupy himself.


If he was honest, the train ride passed by pretty quickly. A few kids came by and peeked their heads in, but only asking if they had seen a friend or something. A quick denial and they walked off. Least they weren't rude about it.

Yet as they walked out the train, they were told by the announcement system, probably a sonorous charm linked to rune stones stored somewhere in each cabin, to leave their luggage on the train, and head to the platform they arrived at.

Standing there was a large man, in height, and a bit of weight, the man was at least eight feet tall. At minimum.

He was holding a lantern while calling out for the first years to follow him, and for the second years and above to follow the path to the carriages that were apparently off in the distance.

He also had an interesting accent, he couldn't quite just place it.

Eventually though, he and his fellow first years were led to a bunch of wooden boats docked at a dock. Because where else would they be?

Floating in the sky?

"Four to a boat! No more!" The man, he really needed to learn his name, he's gonna start running out of subjectives to call people.

Nicknames might become a thing probably. He sucked at remembering names.


Smiling softly he held Izzy in his lap and pet her as he sat in a boat with three other first years. All of them looked really nervous. Why would they be nervous? They were just going to their first year of school and be sorted into their houses.

"Watch your heads!" The giant man called out and almost everyone ducked their heads. Idiots. The bridge they went under was taller than almost everyone here. Only their guide needed to duck his head.

Yet as they passed through the viney bridge, he could admit the view was gorgeous. The castle was just beautiful and awe inspiring.


He shook his head and focused on pampering his dear Izzy.


"Watch your step now!" The guide called out as he got out the boat he was in by himself, and offered help to those who needed it.

Raven himself just easily climbed out, it wasn't hard. The boats didn't rock that much, only in sync with the waves. So it was easy to use them to support himself and get out onto the dock.

"Good you all made it. Didn't lose one to the waters this year." The guide said unintentionally scaring most of the first years.

Raven only softly chuckled. He knew that the man meant that no one fell out the boat and the giant squid had to rescue them. One of the older students he met in Diagon Alley had actually fallen out of their boat and the giant squid had saved them.

Raven was kinda sad no one fell out so he could see it. Should he have pushed out one of his boat mates? No. He'd save getting in trouble until he was at least a week in.

Maybe next year he'd go for the record of getting in trouble on the first day.

Truly, he was the ideal problem child as a certain teacher would say in another universe.

"Come along now, we best be hurrying up so we're on time." The man said as he started walking, Raven followed after the man while holding Izzy who purred as they went along the path to reach the castle.

Eventually though they did reach a spot inside the castle. Standing in front of a large door was Professor McGonagall waiting for them.

"Thank you Hagrid. I'll take it from here, why don't you take a seat." She said and the man nodded with a smile.

Least he knew his name now.

"Welcome students. For those of you who don't know me, I am Minerva McGonagall. Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts. Transfiguration teacher. Head of House for Gryffindor. You will soon be called into the great hall to be sorted." She said sternly as she stared at them, focusing on some who had crumbs on their clothes or were not paying proper attention.

"When you all come in, you will enter and wait until your name is called and take a seat. Then we shall sort you. Until then, please remain calm and orderly here until the door opens to let you all in." She said seriously and stern with a minor glare at some of the first years.

Which was fair, all of them are at least thirteen years old. It would make sense if they were idiots who can't listen.

The time before the door opened was spent holding Izzy and listening to the random ghost that appeared that seemed hesitant to approach his area, but some brave ones did.

Then the doors opened.


Rubeus Hagrid stared down at his empty plate in thought as he remembered guiding the first years into the castle.

Nothing unusual, didn't even lose one to the waters for the giant squid to save this year!

However one of those kids, the one with white hair, blue eyes and the silver cat with red eyes. If he wasn't mistaken, that was a Turkish Angora.

Focusing he could remember the feeling the kid gave off. He wasn't fully human, just like himself. His half giant side could feel the kids half non human nature, or at least that's what it told him, and the giant inside of him was terrified of the kid.

The kid didn't seem to be doing it on purpose though, so perhaps he was unaware of his inhuman heritage then? The look of wonder on his face seemed relatively fresh, so most likely a muggle raised.

Hopefully it wouldn't cause the kid issues like it did for himself growing up.


Albus Dumbledore found himself smiling widely as he watched all his new students enter the hall.

He always loved when a new batch of students came in, eager to learn magic and the ways of the magical world.

Yet he was mainly focusing on one of the new students he had.

Raven Inanis.

A muggleborn, supposedly, raised in an orphanage. Tone to sarcasm and snarky results. Always willing to go quip for quip.

Yet he seemed to have this grace about him as he walked. The child walked like a noble, but he didn't seem to notice it. The cat he held just seemed to help that motion.

Yet, as he stared at the child, he couldn't help, but to agree with Minerva. The child had something inhuman about him.

He also brought about memories he would rather forget about these days, but he of all people knew staying in the past.

It was why he was married after all.

Mentally shaking his head, he focused as much as he could with the wards on the child, but they seemed to not be able to pinpoint just what the child was.

Which was a disappointment, he could have helped the child deal with his inhuman heritage if he knew what it was.

Perhaps in the future when it came to the front, he could help the child deal with it.

After all, what was the point of being a teacher and headmaster if he wasn't willing to help all his students in anything they needed help with?

He had learned that the hard way after Tom.


"Roosevelt Haynes."

"Kajus Hewitt."

"Sofia Ross."

"Haleema Tyler."

"Amanda Rocha."

He just kinda zoned out the names until his own came up.

"Raven Inanis." Professor McGonagall called out and he moved his way up to the wooden stool that looked like it was one fat kid away from breaking.

Then at that moment the hat was placed on his head. He could feel something latching onto him. It was a weird feeling. Yet he couldn't understand it.

"So young, but so mature. In some ways. Welcome to Hogwarts my prince. I am the sorting hat. Now let us decide where you want to go."

'Where I want to go?'

"Yes. The choice is ultimately yours. I can only try and guide you to the one that's best for you. Now let us see, you are brave, but not in a foolish way. You are loyal to those close to you, but not in an easy way. You take time to trust someone and be loyal, but loyal to a fault that even Helga would be jealous of. You are sneaky like a snake and ambitious in such a way that Salazar would fist fight Godric for you. Yet your mind, unbound and always searching for knowledge. Seeking to gather all the knowledge you can. Rowena would fight all of the other three for you."

'The founders. So the house selection is based on their traits then? Godric Gryffindor, Bravery, and possibly stupidity. Helga Hufflepuff, Loyalty and Acceptance. Salazar Slytherin, Cunning and Ambitious. Rowena Ravenclaw, Intelligence.'

"Oh yes. That describes them perfectly. Especially dear old Godric. Now which house would you like to go to?"

'Ravenclaw. I am brave like you said, but not where it leads my life. I can be loyal, but not enough to join Hufflepuff. While I am ambitious and cunning, I am much more lean towards collecting all the knowledge I can.'

The hat laughed before it loudly said "RAVENCLAW!"

"Good choice my prince. Farewell for now."

It was then that the title he was called by the hat clicked, but it was too late, the hat had been removed by the deputy headmistress as he mechanically moved towards the Ravenclaw table and took a seat next to his fellow sorted first years. Izzy perched on his shoulder. Meowing softly in concern.

He smiled softly and pet her while waiting for the food.

He could ponder on the title called by the hat later, for now he would simply enjoy what this new world had to offer him.

Especially the food, he was starving!


So this was an interesting thought for me. I'm sure you all realized now, Raven isn't in the same year as the canonical characters of Harry Potter.

Is he a year above? A year below? Could it just be a year, or possibly multiple years? You'll have to read and find out.

Anyway, while I did name some random characters for the sorting, they aren't really important or play an important role to the story, I just wanted to use some random names to add a bit of detail to the story.

Now about his personality. He was raised in an orphanage and a shitty one where the orphanage mothers didn't care about them at all beside giving them basic necessities. No emotional support and growth.

A final thought before I click publish button.

Pizza or Pizza.

Are you the strongest pizza because you are pizza, or are you the strongest pizza because your a pizza?

Lmao enjoy that.


Voidy, The Insomniac Writer