
Chapter 17: Summer Vacation

Raven could admit, spending two months training hard, hunting dead apostles was grueling and a pain, but it was definitely worth it.

He felt in the best shape of his life. Felt powerful, until Lorelei came in and beat his ass again.

Still, he felt great and loved it. Now he was enjoying the fruits of his labor. Lorelei had gotten him tickets for a private nude beach that her family just so happened to own.

She was supposed to come, but apparently a dead apostle ancestor had decided to fuck around.

He almost felt sorry for the vamp, almost, they denied him his Lorelei boobs!

He wished he could go, but he knew he wasn't powerful enough yet. One day he would be though.

"Oh boobs." He said distractedly as he stared at a pair of large jiggling boobs.

"Hehe." He giggled as he laid there watching, his sunglasses on.


Ok, he could admit once he got back that his hormones were slightly out of control. He'd work on it.

For now though, upon learning that Lorelei wasn't back yet, and now did he pity the ancestor for the pain Lorelei was probably putting them through, he decided to head out into London.

With a stretch he eventually arrived at a barren street and held his wand up, and soon the infamous Knight Bus was in front of him.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, where can we be taking ya?" The attendant asked.

"Taking me somewhere random in London. I'm fine where. I'm bored." Raven declared as the man nodded with a grin and they blasted off once Raven sat down.

A few minutes later, Raven got off, a galleon poorer, well he would say that, but Lorelei refused to have him in debt, so she paid off his debt for school, and gave him money. He got a 1,000 galleon a week allowance.

He bought a lot of books.

Popping a sucker in his mouth, he looked around.

"Where the fuck am I?" He asked, confused. He shrugged and decided to walk around for a bit.

Walking around he boringly noticed all the houses looked the goddamn same! It was like he was in some cheesy horror movie, all he needed was for it to be night time and a thickish fog.

Just enough where you can see someone get murdered and the murderer to disappear into the fog.

Ok, maybe he has been watching too many horror films with Lorelei.

"I need more friends." He grumbled before he heard a weird sound. He easily realized what it was from his own making of the sound, a moan of pain.

Following it, he came upon a disgusting scene.

"See boys, she won't even do anything back. Dad promised once I turned 16, I could use her as practice. All this bitch is good for what he said." A boy, about his age, said to his friends as he kicked a girl who was laying on the ground in a ball.

However, hearing what he said made him growl, he hated people like that.

"Impressive, needing daddy to get your some." Raven mocked as he walked up. He was told something back, but he ignored them as he walked forward and casually dodged one of them trying to punch him and knocked them out with a throat jab.

They dropped like a stone. The others ran away soon after.

"Hey girl, you ok?" Raven asked softly as he knelt down, subtly using a bit of healing magecraft to relieve the pain.

"Yessss." She said as she gently rubbed her injured ribs and he rolled his eyes, obviously she was sore and feeling the pain of being kicked in the stomach, plus the injured ribs.

"Come on, up and at it, I'll call an ambulance." He said and she looked alarmed as she opened her eyes wide and shook her head rapidly.

However he felt his breath get caught as he stared into the most beautiful pair of green eyes he'd ever seen.

"Ok." He said sighing before smiling as he pretended to help lay her against a tree and used a form of memory manipulation magic to make her sleep.

Then with a bit of careful use, he healed her injuries. However as he did, he noticed several incorrectly healed injuries. Broken bones incorrectly healed and out of place.

He growled, people could do what they want, but abuse was not something he would tolerate.

With a subtle guide he viewed her memories and growled in annoyance at what he saw. Truly, some people didn't deserve to die.

Pulling out his phone, he dialed a number.

"Yes young master, how can we help you?" The intelligence agency of Lorelei, aka the clocktower.

"Information on Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley and Dudley Dursley. They live in Surrey, Privet Drive. I want evidence." He said and hung up. It was all that needed to be said.

35 minutes later, a person appeared kneeling down before him. A thick folder in hand.

"Apologies for the wait young master, it was tricky finding you." They said before disappearing.

"Oh yes, this will definitely do." Raven said with a grin as he placed a compulsion onto his little green eyed victim, and headed to meet a detective he remembered helping with his case.


"Excuse me, would it be possible to talk to Detective Rain?" Raven asked as he walked to the desk of the police station he arrived at.

"What for?" The lady asked as she looked at him.

"Tell him it's about an old case. He will know about it if you tell him Raven Inanis is here to see him." He said with a mysterious smile.

"Ok kid." The lady said as she pressed a button on her phone and said as much to whoever.

"Alright kid, your story checks out. Wait over there, he will be with you soon." She said as she gestured to some benches. Raven smiled and thanked her as he sat down humming a small tune to himself.

Now he wished he brought a book with him.


"Mr. Inanis, a pleasure to see you again, in much better times I hope?" The man asked with a smile as they sat in his office.

"Not so much, ok, well it's better than my case. A… friend, got this information for me. I figured I could trust you to help out." Raven said as he handed over the file.

The detective looked confused, but also understanding with a smile, which soon dropped as he went through it.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I promise I'll do everything I can." He said determined as he pulled out his wallet and handed Raven a 20.

"Get some food on me." He said as he led Raven downstairs before storming over to what Raven assumed was the chief's office. With a shrug, he put the note in his pocket and headed out the police station sucking on some candy.

("That's candy with an I by the way" if you know, you know)


Raven cackled as he watched five police officers tackle Vernon Dursley. He was currently sitting on the roof of a house across the street invisible to normal people.

In that moment his compulsion charm worked its magic as the girl, who's name he didn't get, walked back and was released as the officers swarmed her asking her if she was ok.

With a smile he stayed watching. He especially enjoyed when they tasered the whale child.


Rose Rhea Potter couldn't believe it. Her whole life had changed.

One moment she was getting bullied by Dudley, then she was saved by this handsome boy. Then the next moment she's waking up and walking to the house knowing she was in trouble, but was surprised that her uncle, aunt and cousin were being arrested.

She was currently being fostered by Detective Rain. When she asked the man where he got his evidence, he only smiled and said he couldn't say, due to circumstances.

Rose walked back into her room after going to the bathroom and found something new laying on her desk.

Dear Rose

I hope you enjoyed my present for your birthday.


From one freebird to another, enjoy it.

P.S. A little gift to remember me by.

Attached to the note was a normal blue hair tie with raven symbols on it that were black colored.

Rose smiled as she wrapped it around her wrist for the time as she climbed into her bed and fell asleep.


Raven smiled as he felt the minor compulsion charm on the hair tie fade away. It was only to notice it, and would disappear afterwards. 


No matter the universe, Raven and Rose meet. An like always, Raven takes care of his dear one, though unknown to him.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Peace out!