
Chapter 11: A Walk of Knowledge

Raven hummed to himself as he stared at the paper in his hands. It was more like a requirements list.

They, the first years, are going on field trips, or rather, a field trip. Specifically into London. They would be shown a few magical outposts, and most importantly, visit The Clocktower, the magical one.

They would be required to have casual muggle clothing, if none was owned, then a teacher would transfigure the clothes temporarily while out in Muggle London.

Second, they would be allowed to bring their wands, but unless specifically stated, they were not allowed to use spells.

Third, familiars who could blend in, were allowed to go, those without were forbidden.

Fourth, they were recommended to bring their notebooks to write down important information.

Fifth, they were to always stick with their assigned group and teacher. Any wandering off would result in punishment.

And there was mention of a hidden surprise. Raven wondered what it was as he scooped up Izzy into his arms. He was already properly dressed and ready to go. Wand hidden up his sleeve in its holster.

"Meow!" Izzy was too.


"Now, before we begin boarding, I will be calling out names per assigned staff member. If you hear your name, please go stand with that teacher." McGonagall called out, using a sonorous charm to get all their attention, and be heard without yelling.

"Professor Snape, Venal, Lo-" Raven kinda just zoned out here, while only idly listening to teacher calls and for his name.

Raven waited, but he didn't hear his name and moved to Professor McGonagallz

"Professor, I didn't hear my name called out to a teacher." Raven said and McGonagall blinked as she looked at her list and realized he was correct. His name wasn't there.

"An issue Minerva?" Albus asked as he walked up.

"Yes, Mr. Inanis seems to be not listed under any of the groups." She replied and Albus nodded as he stroked his beard.

"I see, I believe I forgot to tell you that I would be taking Mr. Inanis with me for this trip, a bit of a delay due to a previous issue, do not worry, I will bring him to join your group once we're done my dear." Albus explained and McGonagall huffed in slight annoyance, but nodded as all the groups grabbed onto rope and disappeared via portkey's.

"Shall we go to my office Mr. Inanis?" The headmaster asked and Raven nodded his head.

However as they walked he was quite curious about the fact he was separated from the groups, but shrugged it off. He focused on the conversation the headmaster asked, about his studies.

"They're all great, especially Professor McGonagall's lessons on transfiguration. I've also been curious, how is Alchemy different from Transfiguration. Why is one permanent, and one not?" Raven asked and Albus chuckled.

"Mr. Inanis, I too once had such thoughts, and just like you I learnt from my own headmaster the difference. You see, Transfiguration is telling the world a lie, telling it that a match is a needle. The world sees it as such, so it becomes as such. Yet, the only thing keeping it from knowing it was a lie, is the magical energy holding it together, once it runs out, the world recognizes the lie and changes it back to its original form." Albus explained and Raven nodded his head, still such a curious thing.

"Alchemy, using rituals instead of spells, those there is some mix between, has the same concept in regards to changing an object's form, but instead of lying to the world, we are instead changing the memory of the world. Instead of it remembering a match, it remembers a needle, so it becomes and stays a needle. Of course this must be done very precisely or it will fail and revert." Albus explained and Raven nodded his head understandingly.

"What about human and animal transfiguration? Since they have a predefined form, and a soul, how does that work?" Raven asked and Albus laughed happily.

"Now that is an excellent question. You see, because a being has a sense of self, their soul knows what it should be like, and because they have magic, it will fight against the change, and thus become their original shape eventually. However if their sense of self doesn't fight against it, the world treats it as a light normal transfiguration." Albus explained and Raven nodded before tilting his head as his hair changed to a dark blue color.

"What about metamorphmagus? They can permanently change their form though. How does that work with the previous explanation." Raven asked, confused, but also excited.

"Now that my boy is a very good question. A metamorphmagus has a soul in a set form, one would call it their original form, but their soul is also malable to a degree in their form. It remembers their set form from birth, but will recognize the current form as real, so the soul doesn't tell the world it needs to change back." Albus finished and Raven greedily took in the knowledge told.

He had so many theories now he wanted to think about and write down.

"One more question Professor?" Raven asked and the man chuckled.

"Never be afraid to ask a question my dear boy. If you don't ask, how can you learn?" Albus asked in return and Raven nodded with a smile.

"Please don't call me that again though Professor, they called me that in the past. Feel free to call me by my name." Raven said and the old man froze for a moment before apologizing and nodding in understanding.

"I understand Raven, feel free to call me Albus. Now what is your question? Lollipop." Albus asked as he gave the password to the gargoyle in front of his office.

"Like you said, Transfiguration reverts quickly, based on the power supplied, but I've put barely enough magic into my spell, and yet this dice set I transfigured has yet to return to the piece of wood I changed it from." Raven said as they walked into the office fully.

Raven held a pair of metal dice in his hand.

"Let me see that!" A voice said and in an instant Raven's dice were snatched away. Being held up to eye level of the person.

The person was a very prim and proper woman. A noblewoman no doubt. She was very beautiful though.


"Change these into something else." She ordered, her voice more strict than Professor McGonagall, but there was a hint of something in her voice also.

Raven glanced at his headmaster who nodded, though the old man was gently fingering his wand just in case. Fawkes having awoken stared pointedly right behind Albus now.

With a silent wave of his wand, the dice changed into a wooden figurine of Fawkes, fully colored and everything.

The woman held it up to eye level again and went wide eyed. She gently placed the statue down on the headmaster's desk as she sat against it afterwards.

"Albus… he's a magician. This child is a magician of the first magic." She said in shock. Raven just stared confused.

They had gone over what true magic was in classes, but never what exactly each one was. He really wanted to know what was happening as well.

"The first magic is what exactly?" Raven asked confused and curious, but he knew it had a leaning towards permanent changing of objects at least.

And it also now explained why his reverting spells didn't work and instead fizzled out, but it didn't explain why the object still returned to what it was originally as well.

"The first true magic, The Denial of Nothingness. Is known to have a leaning towards Ether Clumps. As well as it said to have the ability to return the dead to the living. Its full potential is unknown, but permanent creation and changing of things is said to be within its domain as well." The woman explained as he seemed to nod to herself.

"I see, also who are you?" Raven asked and the woman blinked before realizing she didn't introduce herself.

"How improper of me. I am Lorelei Barthomeloi. Head of the Barthomeloi magus family. Vice Director of The Clock Tower. Lord of The Department of Policies. Please feel free to call me Lorelei." The now named Lorelei said seriously, though a small smile tugged at her lips.

"I am Raven Inanis, a first year Hogwarts student." Raven introduced himself before a meow on his shoulder butted in. "This is Izzy. My pet cat." Raven added on and gently scratched her chin receiving a purr.

"I apologize for how I acted, Mr. Inanis. Now Albus, why did you call me here? You know how busy I am." Lorelei said as she turned to the headmaster who had moved to his seat once he realized things were calm.

"Ah yes, like last year for the twins, Mr. Inanis needed your approval to enter the clocktower as a half human. His second half is unknown to me." Albus said and Raven felt confused, but elated.

"Half human? Is that why I'm so different to some people?" Raven asked and the man chuckled embarrassed before nodding.

"Yes, I apologize for not bringing it up beforehand." Albus apologized and Lorelei got closer to Raven and looked him up and down as she paused and stared at the earring on his ear for a moment, before blinking to rub her forehead.

"He has my approval, more than anyone else in the tower in fact. I believe you were going to show Mr. Inanis the magical outpost, yes?" Lorelei asked and Albus nodded.

"Yes. Once we had your official approval badge, I would escort him around before dropping him off with another of the groups." Albus explained.

"I understand. Instead of leaving him with a group, I shall personally guide him around." Lorelei declared. Albus blinked in confusion, before realizing what was happening.

"I see. While I agree with letting you do so, I believe you should return home and put on more muggle clothing for the trip. I will leave my fireplace open." Albus said and Lorelei looked at her clothes before nodding in agreement and leaving.


Part 1/2, possibly 1/3.