
Chaoter 20: The Ride Back and Pink?

Please read author notes at end of chapter. Thx. Enjoy the chapter.


Raven groaned as he woke up, it was currently six am. With a groan of exertion, he rolled off his bed and into a standing position. A wave of his hand had his training clothes appear on him.

He slowly made his way outside into the backyard/training area and began his warm up before running through his spells.

Every. Single. One.

Wizard magic. Magecraft. Spell circles.

Thankfully he made the smart decision to use his strongest ones first so his magic would have time to regenerate properly. The weaker spells didn't take up enough magic to fully drain him.


Raven wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead as he finished the last spell. A basic fire spell, but its potential for destruction is still great.

Taking a peak at his watch, Raven noted it was 6:45am. Now more than properly awake, he took a deep breath before doing his physical workout.


At 9am he walked into the dining room and sat down, food basically being inhaled, but he was using his table manners, Lori demanded nothing less of him then perfection.

Normally she'd be here, but she had to run to a meeting because some idiot decided that he would cause an incident inside the clocktower and almost blew a hole in a building on the surface.

They had to play it off as an accidental gas leak. A LOT of memories would need to be wiped and changed.

Oh he did not pity the fool. Not at all. He'd be surprised if their family even had any survivors left afterwards. Their bodies were used as research.

The life of a magus.

With a sigh, he headed up to his room and started packing everything up.


With a grunt, Raven lifted his luggage into the rack above his seat. He almost had to reinforce himself to lift it. Just maybe he needed to pack lighter… nah!

Raven hummed in thought as he held a hand out and focused, floating on top of his hand was a small ball of black energy. A ball of darkness energy.

With a smile he slowly let it dissipate and then pulled out a book from his bag to start reading.

101 Ways to Troll People, by Kaleido. S.

Raven found it particularly amusing. It was a good read. It went into extensive detail on how each one could be a harmless prank, to a terrible thing.

Raven laughed slightly before the door was slammed open. A bushy haired girl with buck teeth let herself in.

"Have you seen a toad, someone lost theirs." Raven sighed. Really, no manners at all. How rude.

"One, you should at least knock. Two, no. Now go." Raven said as he shooed the girl out who huffed while muttering under her breath and walking off.

With a roll of his eyes, he waved his finger and the door shut itself, and locked. The twins already told him they'd be in a different cart with their brother this ride since he had something to tell them.

Perical, or something like that was his name. Raven honestly didn't care. The twins never really bothered mentioning them, so he didn't care to remember them.


Raven laughed quietly as he saw the first year's shock at seeing Hagrid, though as he walked by, he did notice the girl he saved was amongst them.

Idly he noted she didn't recognize him, so he shrugged it off and caught up with the twins.

"Heya there chum, sorry we couldn't hang on the ride, our annoying older brother Percy wanted to try and order us to behave this year since he will be a prefect this year. He wanted to have a perfect year." The twins said and all three shared a demonic grin.

He wanted a perfect year, and he would get it, but not in a way he expected. Oh that was for sure.

"I see, so my dear chaos twins, shall we embark on our journey and start planning?" Raven asked as they stepped into the carriage, idly he noted the thestrals that pulled the cage, beautiful creatures really.

"We shall our dear fellow chaos maker." The twins said as they shut the door behind them and the carriage started moving.


Raven sat at the Ravenclaw table, he ignored the chatter as he watched the first years start getting sorted.

"Draco Malfoy." Minerva called out and Raven watched amused as the hat barely even touched the head of the blonde idiot before yelling out "SLYTHERIN!"

He wouldn't want to touch that hair filled with product either.

"Rose Potter!" Raven noted that the girl with beautiful green eyes stood up and shyly sat down on the stool. The hat was placed on her head.

It was a long five minutes before the hat seemed to nod to itself before it yelled out "RAVENCLAW!"

His fellow ravens, at least half of them, started yelling "WE GOT POTTER!" Over and over. He needed to ask the twins what that was about.

With a roll of his eyes, he decided to just focus on playing with Izzy who purred in content as he pet her.

Once the sorting finished, Raven grinned as he saw Albus stand up.

"Thank you everyone, I do want to warn everyone that the third floor corridor is closed down for remodeling. If you do somehow end up there, please head away from that floor or wait for assistance from a staff member." Albus said with a smile as he finished his speech and went to take a seat as he clapped his hands, before suddenly all the staff members' hair turned pink.

"INANIS!" Of course Minerva already knew who the culprit was, her spine sense ringing true.

The name needs work.

"Yes?" Raven asked with a tilt of his head, a small smile on his face as he sniggered.

"Detention!" She called out. Raven grinned as he turned towards the twins who slammed their heads into the table. Much to the confusion of the others.

"Now let the feast begin!" Albus said as the food appeared, he stroked his pink beard a few times as he chuckled before beginning to eat.


The next day at breakfast the twins came down in pink dresses, their faces red, but they were wearing them.

"One week~" Raven sang cheerfully as he walked past them towards his table to begin eating breakfast.

It was at this point everyone realized why the twins had slammed their heads into the table yesterday.


Hello everyone, welcome to Year 2 of Ravens time at Hogwarts. As I'm sure you all noticed, this is the beginning of the HP canon timeline. Obviously the timeline isn't the same, but there is similarities, it will start diverting after third year, beginning in the fourth year we will really start seeing things change.

Now, I want to mention that this year will feature 30 chapters, that includes the summer part, which is really going to be my favorite part of this year honestly. I really hope you all will enjoy it when it comes around.

Now, I hope you enjoyed, also sorry for the wait, I've been on a vacation for my 21st birthday. Goddamn though if it wasn't a crazy night. Woke up in a different hotel lmao. Had to walk back to my hotel without my shirt since it was ripped to pieces on the floor lmao.

The next afyernoon went to lunch and my server was the persons who's bed I woke up in lol.

Anyway I'll stop yapping now, bye!

-Voidy, The Insomniac Writer