
The Grey Knight Demrian

I walked towards them slowly, removing my helmet and releasing my uncut hair showing my unkempt features.

The women who had stepped out earlier and convinced me to help them nervously called out to me and said "S-sir. Do you mind if we ask you names?".

With a brief look at the girl I said softly "Demrian."

The woman raced forward closing the distance in between us and grabbed my hands as she looked up into my eyes "L-lord Demrian we wish to thank you for your help! We would have undoubtedly been captured and sold as slaves without your assistance."

I looked down at the woman holding my hand. She had such an earnest and kind smile. I found I was drawn into the lights that were her eyes. So pure. So innocent.

With a simple twist of my wrist I removed my hand from the grip of the woman. "It was nothing. You still owe me coin." I looked towards the remaining three that were all looking at me in awe. "All of you, we will talk later but first take all of the items of value off of these men. Once you strap them to a horse you fancy so we can get out of here."

"Why must we leave so hurriedly?" The girl asked innocently.

"Those bandits might have some friends."

The group all looked at me clearly uncomfortable at the thought of going through the belongings of a dead man but they did as they were told and took the armor and money from the bandits.

Some of the group gagged at the sight of blood and death even vomiting a little bit but they carried out their task. I couldn't help but feel a tad bit of admiration towards the group for being able to handle the after effects of battle. Even some battle-hardened soldiers I had met couldn't handle it.

Though….I looked around me… 'This isn't that bad in comparison to other places.'

I looked over at the leaders' horses and felt admiration. It was a battle charger. Battle chargers were hard to come by as they were rather resilient beasts and quite vicious. Though you had to be cautious they were fiercely loyal when loyalty was won. I cautiously walked toward it and waited for it to either charge me or lower its head and accept me.

The horse huffed and stomped the ground. It watched me with its coal black eyes for a while and slowly lowered its head, never letting its eyes leave me once. 'It seems that the previous owner never really had its full loyalty.'

Accepting its acknowledgment, I walked forward slightly petting the horse and ruffled through the pack the horse was carrying. I felt around and felt the familiar feel of a flask. Immediately my mood improved. I removed the flask, uncorked the top and sniffed the contents. Spirits! I could remember that smell anywhere. I had long since run out from my journey. It was hard stuff but a good friend for the road. I looked towards the dead man's body and felt a tad bit of sorrow for the man but I promised to myself that I would drink for him when I had the time.

Once they all were ready I motioned for them to follow as they rode away from the carnage and death that had occurred that night.

The same woman as before rode next to me and inquired "Sir. May I ask where you are going now?"

"I will be heading to the city of Drestrom in the kingdom of Shur. It is a good spot for work." I said refusing to meet the gaze of the woman's pure eyes.

Her eyes made me feel dirty. The way she looked at me with adoration sickened me. I was unworthy of such a gaze.

Her eyes lit up and said "That is wonderful news! We were on our way there with our wagon before we were attacked. This means we can travel together!" she clapped her hands together merrily at the situation.

I groaned internally but I kept it from my face. How is she so cheerful after what just happened? It reminds me of an old friend…. Also I will have to deal with these people for another month?! I can't leave them here, I thought sourly. They would surely die on the way to the city. 'I might be a bastard but I am not that much of a bastard.'

As we continued along the road I wondered at which of the sins I committed to receive this punishment.

"My name is Amara." The woman hadn't finished speaking. Straining to be polite I gave her a small smile and nodded.

But the blasted woman took it as a confirmation to continue talking.

"Me and my companions are all looking to get away from family and see what we can do with our future. Oh! But I must introduce everyone else!" She turned around pointing to the woman riding directly behind her. "Her name is Katriana she is an amazing cook and also in a relationship with the man over there Conran, he is an aspiring knight so he is going to Drestrom to apply for tutelage under a knight." She said as pointed to the man directly to Katrianas' left.

"Thank you for your help milord." Katriana said lightly while nodding to him.

I looked at the two that Amara pointed out and studied them closely. Katriana had black hair and green eyes along with a tan complexion.

I turned to look at Conran and found him lacking. The boy wished to be a knight and though he was big he was lacking in muscle. Conran had a freckled face and was more on the pale side of complexion with hazel eyes. By a guess I would assume Conran is around six feet tall a little under myself.

Just as Conran was beginning to open his mouth and speak to me Amara interrupted "Next behind Conran is Listen. He is practicing swordsmanship as well but he wishes to join the army and fight the abyssal monsters." She leaned close to me so that none of the others could hear and said under her breath "At a young age his parents were killed by a Dregon and since then he has a deep hate of the abyssal creatures."

I looked at Listen and I remembered him as the one that initially demanded that I help them. I studied Listens' body and saw that it was toned but didn't have any muscles or weight to him. He had a pale complexion though opposite of Conran, Listen had blue eyes similar to my own.

I turned to look at Amara and studied her in full for the first time and found that she was rather beautiful. Blonde hair with an almost perfect complexion. Her hair was long and came down past her shoulders and her light brown eyes perfectly complemented the innocent look and attitude she always gave off.

I snorted to myself. No wonder the bandits wanted them as slaves. A woman like Amara would fetch a very high price. Innocence is a fetish of those fucking perverts. Katriana would fetch a high price as well though perhaps not quite as high as Amara.

Amara opened her mouth to undoubtedly talk again but I could no longer handle that. "Thank you for the introduction." I said raising my hands to quiet her. "We will continue to speak after we make camp and rest for the night." Amara clamped her mouth shut and nodded looking slightly red in the face as if embarrassed.

We continued on for a little while longer in silence until I found a good spot to make camp. I hopped off my horse and began to remove the saddle, as I did so I motioned for the others to do the same. I told the girls to collect firewood and try to get a fire going.

By the time the horses were tied up and their gear removed the fire I had been expecting was nowhere to be seen.

I looked at the group of people fiddling with sticks speechless. Do they not know how to make a fire?

I sighed and lightly pushed them away. I spoke softly "Spark." A spark of flame appeared briefly and ignited the dry branch.

A quick surge of coldness enveloped me and vanished just as quickly as it came. I then added a couple more pieces of wood to make sure the fire would keep going for a while longer. I looked to the group.

"We will take turns resting. One of us will stay awake while the rest sleep. After an hour, wake the next person so we can all get some sleep. I wish to be awake early in the morning so we can continue at a steady pace towards Drestrom." At my words there were collective nods. The two girls that were trying to start the fire also seemed to have red faces.

With the confirmation of their nods I said "Good. I will go first while the rest of you sleep. I will wake one of you when an hour has passed." After telling them to sleep I sat down and leaned my back against a tree. The group all looked at each other speaking silently for a short amount of time and then collectively laid down passing into slumber around the fire.

I sat in silence and listened to the cracks of fire and watched the flames dance to a silent tune. The hour passed by slowly and I couldn't help thinking about my past and the various things that haunted my dreams. The group reminded me of my friends as well as the good times spent with them. Unfortunately such memories brought with them unpleasantness. As loved ones lost through death's door and those lost through betrayal.

Once the hour had passed I moved to Listen and shook him awake "It is your turn for watch." The boy nodded slightly and sat up awake.

I moved back to the tree I had been at before and sat down appeasing my weary body. The fight had taken more out of me than I had realized. It has also been a long time since I have slept in the company of others. I leaned my head back and slowly allowed sleep to take me to a dreamless land.