

"Again!" A voice yelled harshly in my ear. I pushed myself off the ground and picked up the sword. I dashed forward and swung the sword low trying to catch Sendren off guard. He parried the blow easily and punched me in the face.

"Why are you leaving yourself open during a fight?!" He picked me up off the ground and threw me across the room. I rolled a bit more and slammed into the wall.

"Ugh…" I layed on the floor wincing at the pain. 'I guess that's a couple new bruises for the collection.'

I stood up again leveling my wooden sword towards Sendren. "You'd think you would be stronger after 2 years of fighting, boy."

I shrugged, "Maybe I am stronger than before. But comparing myself to you is a hopeless task…"

Sendren laughed. "Aye indeed my people are built bigger."

I learned at dinner over a year ago that Sendren came from the north. The people there were known as "Barbarians". All of the people there were said to be born with immense physical strength. However these people were completely unable to use magic as a consequence.

Sendren suddenly looked seriously "But that is no excuse boy. On the battlefield you'll find many monsters far larger and stronger than you will ever be. So, learn well. Perhaps these skills I teach you will keep you from dying an early death."

I nodded my head "Yes, teacher."

"Then start!"

Nearly 2 hours later I was lying on my back sweating profusely. The clothes I wore were torn and dirt covered nearly every part of my body.

"Well you are certainly better than you were 2 years ago." Sendren shrugged "Works for me." Sendren let the wooden sword in his hand fall to the ground and he came and sat beside me. "Here in a couple days your old instructor will come back and she will resume training."

I shivered at the thought of it. I looked at Sendren pleadingly.

"Ay it's not my decision to make." He shrugged helplessly. "Though I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to continue this job." He gave me a wink "Much better than fighting to the death day in and day out!"

He opened his mouth to say something more but he seemed to hesitate. "Well it was supposed to be a surprise but I think it's better to tell you now to keep your spirits up."

I looked at Sendren with keen interest. My earlier pitiful look was gone completely.

Sendren smiled, "I knew it was just an act. Well, in any case, you will be getting a new companion here to train with you!"


"I can see a tad bit of confusion from you but it's nothing to be taken too seriously." He paused "Truth be told the council worries for your mental health. You having Cassandra has helped with that but we still believe you are in need of at least one more peer."

I was about to ask him for more information about this new peer but Sendren had already stood up and dusted off the dirt on his legs. "You will naturally know more when the person comes so don't think too deeply about it. Come, it's time for lunch."

'So secretive all the time.' I rolled my eyes and stood up following him to a private cafeteria. It had been built in the time he had been training here and a private chef was hired as well.

After walking in I saw Instructor Thomas and Cassandra sitting at a table eating. The instructor was talking and gesturing wildly as he often did when telling a story. And Cassandra was eating but her eyes were firmly trained on Instructor Thomas showing that she was absorbed in his story.

Sendren and I continued to the kitchen in the back. Sendren pounded his fist on the door leading to the kitchen "Oi! I'd like my food now, pirate."

"Hm?" A gruff accented voice wafted from behind the door. An interesting looking man opened the door. He had long blond unkempt hair that looked knotted and uncomfortable. His complexion was tanned but perhaps because he doesn't spend as much time outside as he used to his skin was slowly losing its tan and becoming lighter day by day. He stood tall but leaned to one side as one of his legs was gone. It was replaced with a prosthetic metal leg but it was still difficult for him to walk comfortably on.

"I thought aye had heard the stomping of a gluttonous beast. I had prayed to the gods to deliver me from it but it seems my prayers fell on deaf ears."

Sendren sneered, "Always the drama queen."

The man curled an eyebrow at Sendren "Drama queen? More like a drama king you bumbling oaf."

"Enough foreplay Thistle make us our food."

Thistle the pirate was the name of the man before me. In truth Thistle was an interesting and fun person. I often liked to interact with Thistle but the only time I was able to do so was during food hours.

Thistle pretended to sigh, the back of his hand reaching his forehead. He struck a somewhat dramatic pose. "All that time I was learning how to cook for myself so I could always eat good food and here I am at the behest of others. I offer my flawless craft and yet it is a thankless task."

"Thank you for the food Thistle." I said happily. "I always enjoy eating it."

Thistle stopped midact and smiled at me "Aye children truly are the best. They appreciate the labor and they have such wonderful kindness." He patted me on the head "I'll make sure what you get is as delicious as possible!"

With that Thistle closed the door to the kitchen. Sendren and I walked over to the table with Cassandra and Instructor Thomas and sat down.

"-In that deep forest many strange creatures exist! The long hidden race of lizardmen as well as the Elharen. I was sent there to protect the researchers that had come to gather ingredients for their potions and-"

"How many times are you going to tell that story? You bore me." Sendren said, cutting in.

Cassandra turned her head and looked angrily at Sendren. Noticing her anger Sendren just smiled and held his hands up in defense.

"Always the fiesty one. Well, continue your story then."

Thomas humphed "And let it fall on deaf ears like your own?" He smiled and looked at Cassandra "I will tell you the rest some other time."

Cassandra deflated and shot another angry glare at Sendren. I laughed and hugged Cassandra from the side "There is no need to be angry Cass. I have some interesting news for you!"

I leaned in close and whispered in her ear "We will soon have another person join us while we train."

Instructor Thomas smirked "Just can't keep that big mouth of yours closed can you Sendren?"

Sendren shrugged "They would find out tomorrow anyway so what's the harm in telling them."

Thomas rolled his eyes "In any case the new student is a mage Demrian. The boy is unusually talented in magic and it seems his body is special in some odd way. He will accompany you in your magic training."

I nodded in understanding but then raised a question. "What is their name?"

Thomas smiled, "Son of the current Arch Wizard and future head of the Fallere house, William Fallere."

Seeing no reaction from me Thomas frowned and muttered to himself "Of course the kid doesn't know who that is…." Thomas took a breath and continued "He is arriving tomorrow and he will be staying here learning with you two. He will also be graduating at the same time as you two as well. So try to get along with him."

Cassandra and I nodded our heads in understanding.

"Very good! Now it's time for more body conditioning Cassandra let's be going." Thomas stood up and motioned for Cassandra to follow.

"Okay!" She wolfed down the rest of her food before standing up and following after him. But before she left she turned around "I'll see you later Demry." and with a red face she hurriedly left leaving no time for me to respond.

'Demry? Since when did I get that nickname?' I looked at the door and felt confused.

"HAHAH. Oh to be young!" Sendren patted my back.

"The food is ready! Come grab it you two!" Thistle's voice came from the kitchen stopping me from inquiring further.

After eating I trained with Sendren again. At night I dragged my exhausted body into the bedroom and flopped onto my bed. I looked over at Cassandra's bed to see that she was already sleeping.

I whispered "Goodnight Cass." And climbed fully into my bed. I stayed awake contemplating what the new student would be like. 'He is from a noble family….I hope he isn't mean to Cass.' With rapid shuttling thoughts all that went nowhere I fell asleep.

"And that's it for now." I said massaging my achy jaw. I hadn't talked this much in years.

"Hah? That's it?!" Amara said incredulously "What about the new student?! What happens the next day?!"

I sighed "Listen my throat hurts so I don't want to talk any more. I'll talk more about it tomorrow."

Amara puffed her cheeks in anger. She seemed like she was about to say something before ultimately swallowing it down. She humphed and looked away.

I felt speechless. 'This girl is nearly 20 years old and she acts like a child.' I shook my head. 'Whatever.'

"Sir Demrian?" Katriana's voice came from my right.


"Since you are much older and you have most definitely gotten better at sword fighting are you better than your two instructors?"

I smiled bitterly at her question "No. From when I started learning and to when I graduated I was unable to beat either of them once."

The others all gasped in shock. "They must be really good then."

I simply shrugged "I am good at sword fighting but there are many that are better than me."

They all scrunched their brows as they were most likely finding it hard to believe. 'They have never seen a real sword master….' I shivered at the thought. 'Those people are super scary.'

I felt a slight chill from the wind and I looked up to see the sun that was once high in the sky now sinking into the ground across the horizon.

"We should stop and make a camp." I said to the others. They all agreed.

We tied up the horses, started a fire and cooked some food. By the time we were done the sun had completely set.

'There aren't any clouds tonight….' I thought as I looked at the myriad stars 'What a beautiful night sky.'

"You know my mother used to tell me that when a hero dies they become a star in the sky. As a way to immortalize their achievement forever." Amara said.

She was curled up in a blanket and sitting close. Her ears, cheeks and nose were red from the cold. I looked at the other people to find that they had already gone to sleep.

I smelled the slight scent of flowers again before turning back and looking at the night sky once again. "Heroes are not rewarded for their sacrifice." I said.

"Why do you say that?" Amara questioned.

"Because I have seen a dead hero." Melancholy started to fill my body "And they look no different than the other dead. They rot just the same…"

Amara went quiet. For the next hour they sat in silence. Amara then stood up and headed to her bedroll. I watched her as she laid down and fiddled about to get comfortable.

She stopped and turned around looking at me "No hero's sacrifice goes unremembered. And it's not their body that goes on to become a star." Her eyes were radiant. Like the brightest of stars above. "Goodnight Demrian." She closed her eyes and only then could I be separated from their gaze.

I contemplated her words. I looked back at the stars "If what she said is true….Then you would be up there wouldn't you….." I held back the tears as I remembered. I layed down and let myself drift into slumber to escape my sadness.