
Demrian's First Tale

I sat on top of a tree as I looked over the lake sprawled in front of me. It was early in the morning and the wind was blowing through my hair lightly caressing my face. I looked up at the sun that had barely risen reflecting off of the calm peaceful lake. The smell of spring hung in the air and most of the trees had lost their leaves. Smiling in content I closed my eyes and silently listened to the serene sound of nature.

"Demrian!" A voice rang out behind me rousing me from my reverie. I turned my head and looked behind me to see my brother Telren yelling and waving at me. "The inquirer is here!"

My eyes widened at his words. That's right! I had turned 12 yesterday so this meant I was now fit to be tested for my talent and see if I could join the Gray order! The Gray order! It was the elite of the elite for our country's military. All of the men and women that join the Gray order are heroes among the people. Not only that but they are also treated extremely well! So much so that if someone joined the Order their family would be treated with the same respect as the person who joined! Though my family was poor if I joined the Order we would get rich! Then my family wouldn't have to struggle so hard for food.

I quickly jumped down from the tree I was on and rushed towards my house, excitement bubbling in my stomach. As I rushed in I saw my dad, owner, and my mom, Elsley, conversing with a man in a plain gray robe, excitement evident on their faces as well. That man must be the inquirer I thought to myself as I let my eyes linger on the stranger. I looked around to find my brother and sisters and found them to my left my older brother Telren and my older sister Rashka caring for the youngest of our family the two-year-old Lena. I returned my gaze to my parents and the inquirer talking in relatively hushed tones unable to make out what they were saying.

The inquirer, noticing my gaze turned to me and gave me a warm smile. "This must be the young man I am testing!" the inquirer said with a warm smile.

Of course, everyone was excited, including the one giving the test. The testing is very important because the boys and girls that have the talent for joining the order are pivotal against the abyssal armies. It was no exaggeration to say that the Gray order has been the main bulwark between humanity and annihilation. In fact, many people from other countries move to our country of Myria just to give their children a chance to join the Order. Also, it's possible to become a mage if the aptitude is high enough! I was also the last kid in my village to take the test; none of the other kids my age had succeeded in having the talent to join the Order. If I was to succeed and join the order the capital would provide a stipend to both my family and the whole village as well.

"That is me sir." I said beaming.

The man nodded and reached into his robe pulling out a white jagged crystal. "Here child. Please hold this and focus as hard as you can into it." He placed the crystal in my hands. I found that I was super nervous and my palms were sweating excessively.

I looked to my mom and dad and saw their nods of encouragement I then looked to Telren and Rashka and noticed their excited smile. Nodding to them I looked down at the white jagged crystal resting in my hands and studied the various lines and contours of the crystal. While I was studying the crystal, I felt my mind delve deeper and deeper into the crystal like my mind was being sucked into it. I was completely immersed in the crystal in an almost phantasmal-like state surrounded by white with the slight twinges of black surrounding the edges of white.

I floated around traveling deeper into the crystal. The farther along I went the lighter and lighter it got the blackness that surrounded the white receding until it completely vanished. Although the light was as bright as the sun I found that the light didn't bother me. It was a comfortable light. It washed over me smoothly, warming my heart. Finally, after traveling in the crystal at leisure I stumbled across a house in what I assume is the middle of the crystal.

A house? Oh! This must be where I take the aptitude test!

Curious about what the test could be I floated down to the house landing in front of it. I floated up to the door and went to knock. Before my hand touched the door it slowly opened revealing a beautiful interior that was both homey and elegant at the same time.

I glided in slowly looking around marveling that even though the interior was just as white as the rest of the crystal I've been floating in, it was easy to distinguish all the different shades of white making up the various different objects. I went into the next room and found that there was a table with two chairs on either side of the table. Curiously there was a person sitting in the chair on the left. Studying the person further I found that it was an old man. As I studied him I noticed he gave off an aura of extreme peace and serenity. He had pure white hair that showed no sign of graying along with his skin with numerous wrinkles showing just how old this man was.

The man turned his head towards me seemingly noticing me for the first time "Oh? It's been quite a while since a person has been this deep into the Jagged Crystal." The man smiled at me and waved beckoning me to the seat across from him. "Please sit child."

I nodded at him figuring that there would be no harmful people in the crystal and sat in the seat across from the old man continuing to look around the house marveling at how clean all of it was even though the house was pure white. I was startled and remembered my mom's various teachings about manners. I straightened in my seat and smiled at the man "My name is Demrian sir. May I ask what your name is?"

"What nice manners." The man smiled warmly at me "My name is Resh."

"It's nice to meet you sir. Though if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" I asked, my curiosity getting the upper hand in my mind.

"Ahh that is a good question. I am here to conduct the evaluation of those that get to this level in the crystal." Resh said calmly.

"How does the crystal work?" I said excitedly, nearly falling out of my seat. "Are you the only one that talks to people that make it here? Are you always here?"

"Hahaha, I like how curious you are, child. I am not the only one that speaks with people here. In fact, this place is created with magic. Currently only my consciousness is here and I am back in the Gray knights Academy." He said.

My eyes widened as I looked at Resh incredulously. Magic! That is what I want to learn! If I become a successful enough mage I can send money to my town and help with the hard times that come during the winter.

Thinking of something that was said earlier I looked at Resh "Do most people not make it here?" I was confused thinking about how easy it was to make it here.

"Indeed child. It is very rare for someone to even see this house let alone make it inside and speak with me." He paused while looking at me. "Now that's enough questions. Since you got this far you will qualify to join the order. That much is evident. However, since you made it here we will have to find out how far your talent goes."

"Sir? What would have happened if I hadn't made it here?" I said I was still confused.

"Hm well I suppose I can explain this to you, it is rather simple." Resh sat back into his chair thinking a bit. "Well first. Had you not made it in the crystal you would have been classified as a regular human and that would have been the end of the proficiency test. Next, if you entered the crystal and were able to float around for a long time before returning in the area with a combination of white and black, this is classified as a knight. For the order knights have great endurance but they don't have pure enough mana to cast magic. The next is those that can float through into the purer areas with very little to no black accents surrounding the white for a small amount of time until trained to better control their power, this is where most mages lay. Finally, those that can enter this house are a combination of both knight and mage; we classify them as Cardinals, the most formidable of the three. Because a Cardinal has the endurance of a knight and the magic power of a mage. That also just so happens to be where you are Demrian. Cardinals are very unique and every cardinal has a different amount of power. The more power a Cardinal has the more powerful they will be. As such I must test how much energy you can manipulate to see how strong of a Cardinal you are or will be."

Finally understanding a bit better, I nodded "Sir. If I may ask one last question. Is everybody outside the crystal experiencing the same amount of time as we are?"

"Good question! Good question! Such an inquisitive mind. No, they are not in fact for them you have just barely glanced at the crystal." He said with his eyes sparkling. "Now that the questions are done please give me your right hand."

I stretched out my right hand to give it to him. He calmly grabbed my hand and his brows furrowed as he studied my hand. I felt a slight tickle in my hand that ran through into my arm then into my chest before it slowly withdrew until Resh pulled his hand back smiling. "You have wonderful talent my boy."

I beamed at Resh. This is great! My parents will be so proud. My family will receive the honor of me going to the academy and they will also receive a stipend for me going!

"This test is now over my boy. I will send you back to your family and remember to train well at the academy." Then with a wave of his hand I felt a strong suction force behind me and pulled me back into my body out of the crystal.

I started as I realized I was still looking at the crystal. I looked up at the inquirer confused. He didn't seem to have any reaction. It really was a brief instance for everybody. Suddenly, a bright red light erupted from the crystal nearly blinding everybody.

I heard a collective gasp from everyone in the room. I looked at my parents who gave off excited smiles to each other. And my brother hugged my sisters while laughing. I looked at the inquirer and saw his stunned look on his face.

"A Cardinal!" He looked at me with extreme excitement. "Very good my child, please quickly pack your bags. We leave immediately. I will go get horses for us so we can arrive at the capital post haste." He said rushing out of the house.

My parents and siblings all rushed me and gave me hugs and congratulations. My mom and dad looked at each other nodding in relief. My dad left the bedroom and came back with a chest.

He walked up to me and gave me the biggest, most proud smile "My son. My boy. Me and your mother got this for whichever one of you was taken to the Order." After he handed me the box I opened it slowly revealing a slick blade. A blade that at that moment I knew I would carry for the rest of my life even should it break and become worthless.

Tears gathering at the corner of my eyes. I hugged my mother and father. "I will make you guys proud."

Turning to my brother and seeing his bright smile on his face. Looking next to him and seeing my two sisters with equally bright smiles. I rushed to them and gave them a hug laughing in happiness.

The Inquirer rushed into the house and beckoned for me to follow. As I left the house with my family trailing behind me I saw that the rest of the village was also watching me with happy smiles and excitement in their eyes.

"Let us go now child. We have a long way to go for the capital and it is best that we move with haste so you can begin learning as soon as possible." The inquirer said with a smile. He handed me a gray cowl for the road marching, completely covering my body as it was too big for me.

"Hahaha! It's a tad too large for you now son but you will grow into a fine man that will fit that cape perfectly." My father said, laying his large hand on my shoulder. He gave me a bright smile and nodded to me in encouragement.

I nodded to the inquirer in thanks and climbed my horse with the help of my father. I looked down at my parents and siblings smiling at them with the emotions of sadness and excitement. I would have to leave my family until I reach my 21st birthday and graduate from the academy and I will not be able to see them before then.

With the baldric that hung heavily at my hip with the sword given to me by my family and the cloak hanging across my back I rode the horse away from the village waving to my family and friends following the inquirer to the next point in my life.

We rode for a long time with very few breaks along the steadily winding dirt road. We rode away from the lightly forested area in which the village I lived in resided and into vast plains that stretched far and wide. And finally, when night fell we made camp along the side of the road in the plains and the inquirer showed me basic skills for living in the wild or on the road. He showed me how to make a fire and how to unsaddle a horse. Though the latter I was incapable of doing properly because of my lack of strength to even lift the saddle properly. As we sat next to the fire after finishing the camp the inquirer took out some food and handed it over to me.

"Sir I found that I haven't asked your name yet even though we will be traveling together." I said to the inquirer.

He gave me a warm smile not unlike the one I was given by Resh and said "My name is Taven."

I nodded to him "Thank you for all of your help Taven. I will do my best to not drag you down on this trip towards the capital and help with as much as possible."

"Thank you for that, Demrian. I appreciate it." He looked up into the sky watching the moon and the spattering of stars next to it and littering the night sky. "You should go to bed now my boy. We wake early in the morning and you will need as much energy as you can get." He said while he continued to watch the moon and the stars.

"Yes sir." I said stiffly in military fashion. I gently lowered myself onto my bedroll watching the sky as my eyes got heavier and heavier until eventually sleep took me.

We traveled at the same pace for several weeks, my body and mind getting used to the intense schedule being set by Taven. We would wake as the sun kissed the horizon and travel until the sun was replaced by the moon. The travel was grueling and hard but during the travel Taven would train me in certain aspects of the capital as well as strengthening my body from its boyish frail like strength to the strength of an average teen until I was slightly stronger than most normal kids my age.

Finally, after a month of travel the Capital city was in sight. I sat on top of the horse that I had ridden for the entire trip looking over the city in deep thought. I reached forward and scratched the neck of my mount. I had grown close to this horse even giving it a name. I named him Ren.

Curious I asked Taven "What is the name of the Capital?" because though I knew of the Capital city of the country Myria I never knew its name nor had I ever needed to know.

"Ah I suppose before this you would have had no reason to know the name of the Capital." Taven said nodding at me "The city is named Bastion. It is named by the people that live in the city because the men and women that the Order train are bastions between humanity and annihilation against the onslaught of abyssal monsters."

Listening to his explanation I looked at the Capital City Bastion in anticipation. Excitement bubbling in my stomach.

We rode towards the city encountering other people traveling to the city. I noticed other Inquirers with kids following their wake. They were noticeable because of their distinct graycloaks. I also noticed merchants atop their horses with their goods in tow, carriages that most likely carried people of noble blood, and even the occasional hunter or trapper that is going to the city to sell the game they caught to earn some quick money.

As we neared the gate there was a long line in which people were being inspected before entering the city. Behind the guards there was a man wearing a strange purple cloak occasionally waving his hand towards the gate and people walking through it.

Taven noticed my strange look towards the man in purple "They are mages sent by the Order to make sure no Skran sneak through into the city. The hand motions he is using are for show. Mostly used to make the public feel more comfortable." he explained "You will learn more about magic in the academy."

I nodded at the explanation and continued to look around at the various guards next to carriages and people littering the line.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity under the now full heat of the sun and having to calm myself down suppressing my excitement several times we finally made it to the front of the line to enter the city.

In front of us the two guards that were checking people were lazily standing until they saw us approach. They both stiffened as we approached them.

The guard on the right stepped out "Papers please Inquirer Taven." The guard said with hesitation.

Was Taven famous? I looked at him in confusion, unsure of what to think. Taven gave me a slight smile while reaching into his cloak, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to the guard.

The guard took the letter, scanning it quickly, trembling slightly near the end "You are good to go sir." He gave us a wave and we walked through.

Still confused I looked at Taven. While we were waiting in line each person took a at least 5 to 10 minutes before they passed but we passed through in almost under a minute.

Laughing at my confusion he smiled at me enigmatically "I am well known around here and I am sure you will find out one day but, in the meantime, we must take you straight to the academy so you can begin learning." After he finished his statement he frowned slightly.

"What is wrong sir?" I said after noticing the frown.

"It is nothing, my boy." He brushed off my question.

Knowing that it was useless to pry any further I took in the surroundings of the great Capital City of Myria, Bastion. The city was densely packed with numerous carts and low-end merchant stalls. Along with the amount of people there was also a terrible smell. Almost making me gag upon coming into contact with it.

"This is the first district of the four different districts in Bastion." He explained as we walked through the densely packed streets "It is known as the commoner district. Most people that live here are quite poor and don't have the funds to move up to the next district. It is also the dirtiest and smelliest district as you can tell."

I nodded at his words. There should be an emphasis on the word smelly. Continuing through the crowd I saw another gate farther in front of us. As we neared it I saw another pair of guards standing on both sides of the gate.

We arrived in front of the guards but went unnoticed because the guards seemed to be immersed in their own conversation not having the courtesy to pay attention to us.

"Then the whore dared to tell me to pay before I even got to finish, then when I told her I was almost done she screamed and a bouncer came and kicked me out!" The guard on the right exclaimed.

"That's why you don't get whores from district one you fool. Everyone and their mother knows that cheap quality whores are all at the Twilight house in the second district." The guard on the left scolded "Maybe next time you will be smart like the rest of us and save your money for the better women."

Taven gave a slight cough into his hand loud enough for the guards to hear.

The guard on the right spun to look at us snarling "Listen here we will get to you in a damn moment so you better…." His words fell off as he looked at Taven. "S-sir I apologies I didn't recognize you. Please forgive me for my behavior." He said bowing towards Taven.

"Hahaha!" Taven laughed merrily. "It's no worries my friend, your story was rather interesting to listen to!" He walked up patting the guard on the back.

Though Taven was laughing so merrily the guard oddly didn't seem to relax instead he had tensed up when Taven came closer. The guard even shivered slightly when Taven patted his back.

"Inquirer Taven there is no need to check your papers please go ahead." The guard on the left said hesitantly.

"Of course! Of course." Taven said, shaking his head "I got too caught up in the fun story telling."

Taven walked past the guards motioning me to follow. "We will leave you to your work then."

I rushed towards Taven catching up. I looked over my shoulder to see that after we had passed both guards shoulders slumped in great relief. It lasted for a moment until they straightened and looked far more attentive then before.

"We are now in the second district Demrian." Taven said drawing me away from my observation of the guards.

I looked at Taven showing that I was paying attention.

"The second district is the merchant district and also the district where most soldiers live. As you can tell this district is both cleaner and less smelly." I nodded at his words. This district was much more pleasant than the previous one. It was also less busy.

Though it was less packed with people there was still an abundant amount of stalls and people shopping at the stalls. As we were walking I noticed some people near my age except maybe two or three years older wearing strange uniforms. The uniform had armor on it but it was very light and looked very thin as opposed to what the soldiers walking around the stalls were wearing. Along with that each person had one of the three colors Green, Red, and Yellow.

"Sir, what are those uniforms?" I said pointing towards the people at the nearest stall.

"Ah those are students at the military academy." He said casually.

"Will I have a uniform like that sir?" I said in excitement.

"No. Those kids have no talent and are being trained for the basic army as well as the fact that they go to a different academy than you do. You are joining the order so your uniform will be different." Taven explained.

Nodding at his explanation I continued to observe people as we passed through the market. As we were walking I saw a crowd of people and in front of the crowd was a stage with people on it. I noticed some of the people were in chains and the crowd was yelling different amounts of money.

"That is a slave auction my boy." Taven said solemnly.

"Slave?" I had never heard the term slave before. The village was isolated from most of the outside world apart from the occasional traveler or two. The term slave was never used so I had no idea what it could be.

"A slave is something that someone buys to do work for them or serve them in other ways." He said, looking towards the platform.

"How does one become a slave?" I asked curious.

"Through war." As he said that, I saw a small girl with fiery red hair walk onto the stage with a slight limp. She must be around 8 or 9 years old.

Frowning I asked "Sir? If possible, could you buy that one for me?"

Taven looked at me surprised. "Why?" shoulders tensing up slightly.

I looked at him with embarrassment "I think she looks lonely and needs a friend."

Shaking his head "No." he said shoulders were still tense.

I looked up at him pleading "Please sir I will pay you back in full when I get the money!"

Taven shoulders released as he sighed "I see." He continued to look at me until finally scratching the back of his head "Fine. I want you to wait here for now however."

Taven looked around and walked towards a guard that was patrolling the area. Nearing the guard Taven spoke to the guard pointing in my direction while also showing the paper he had shown the guards at the front gate. The guard looked at me and nodded at Taven walking my way.

The guard walked up to me "I will be looking after you until Inquirer Taven returns so please stay here with me and try not to wander."

I nodded to the guard as we both stood next to each other waiting for Taven to return. I looked at the direction that Taven had left and saw him walking back with the same girl I saw on the stage in tow.