
Demons Of Nakrah

In the Tribe of Nakrah, three villages exist. Every generation, a demon would be born from one of the three villages. Demons are 'freaks' who can use magic and do stuff normal people can't do. They are an abomination and are said to bring calamities to Nakrah. But they aren't killed. Instead, they are allowed to live out in isolation from the rest of the tribe. No, it's not because they can't kill them. It's because only with the help of the demons' magic can the monster tide, which occurs every five years, be defeated. Ayre was the new demon of Nakrah. But he was a lot more peculiar than the other demons.

PhorK_Korp · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Birth

In a distant country land, two men were standing outside a thatched hut. One of them was shuffling around nervously, while the other was looking at the hut with expectations.

"This is the first time I've seen you this nervous, Hao," The second man who was relatively calm commented.

Hao stopped his shuffling and looked embarrassed. He scratched his head. "It's just that the baby was so weak inside Nuer's stomach, brother. If something happens to Nuer during the delivery-"

The man interrupted him with a laugh. "You worry for naught. Didn't Elder Basker say that your and Nuer's child is blessed by the ancestors? You will have a strong son who will grow into a brave warrior. Imagine, if he grows strong enough, we might not even have to take help from the Demoness to deal with the monsters of the sea in the future."

His words seemed to have assured Hao. He fixed his gaze towards the hut, his eyes shining with excitement and expectations.



A woman was screeching hard as she pushed out. Her knuckles turned white as she tightly gripped the bedsheets hard. "This child is going to be the death of me, Orsella." Nuer let out through clenched teeth.

"Just once more, Nuer, and we'll be done. You can do it," Orsella told her.

Nuer nodded and began to push out again. She was very exhausted by the time it was done. A baby's sharp crying voice rang out throughout the hut. Orsella giggled and congratulated Nuer. "It's a healthy baby boy, Nuer. The ancestors really blessed you."

Nuer sat with difficulty and her lips couldn't help but lift up into a proud smile.

She was very scared when the village physician told her that the baby was weak. She didn't want to lose the baby during the delivery. Many women would miscarry during the delivery of the baby and it was a common occurrence in the village.

But then Elder Basker, the oldest and most respected man in the first village, told her that her baby was blessed by the ancestors and he would be born special and different than others.

Of course, she took the words 'special and different' meaning as something good. And so did everyone else. The ancestors are almost worshipped in the tribe. They are above everyone else and some are even fanatic about them. From then on, she got used to the looks of envy whenever she went out.

Now, looking at the baby being born healthy and strong, she could finally let out a sigh of relief. She raised her arms and Orsella handed her the baby.

She couldn't help but let out a giggle of joy as she looked endearingly at her son. He was beautiful beyond compare. His tiny fists were clenched and his eyes were shut.

She was stroking his face lovingly when her hand suddenly froze. She let out a shriek of horror as if she'd seen the most horrifying thing in her life.

By this time the two men outside had learned that baby was born and Hao was red with excitement when Orsella told him that it was a healthy and beautiful baby boy.

He was rushing into the house when he heard his wife's terrifying shriek. He immediately became anxious and ran inside. The scene he saw next made his face pale with fear.

His wife was lying motionlessly on the small wooden bed. Blood was leaking out of her orifices. A tender baby was crying out loud from inside her arms which were clutched tightly around him.

Heinz and Orsella came inside and their eyes widened with shock. Hao was the first to react and rushed to Nuer. Orsella quickly cooperated and took the crying baby from Nuer's hands.

"Nuer! What in the world happened?!" Hao tightly hugged his arms around Nuer, her face pale and bleeding. The anxiety in Hao's voice was barely concealed. But the only response he got was silence.

The panic in Hao's chest kept rising. "Call the physician!" Heinz didn't waste time and quickly ran out. Hao pressed his ear against Nuer's chest, struggling and hoping to hear the familiar heartbeat. But unfortunately for him, it was all for naught.

He fell onto the floor, helpless. "Gone? Is she gone?" He muttered in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. All was supposed to go well. The baby was born healthy and Nuer was fine a few seconds ago, even though exhausted as he was told by Orsella.

What happened in those few seconds? Nuer was alone in the room with the baby and Orsella came outside to call them in. The baby? He realized he hadn't glanced at his son till now.

Suddenly Orsella yelped out in surprise and pain. She almost dropped the baby on the ground. Quickly placing him beside Nuer, she leaned weakly on the bed. Two streaks of blood were running out of her nostrils.

She panted and looked at Hao with a horrified face. "The baby…" She didn't have to say more. Hao looked at the baby who had a head full of silver hair which were not there a few seconds ago. He seemed to have finally stopped crying. Two blood-red pupils were fixed at Hao, filled with curiosity. He suddenly let out a little giggle, as if he found this whole situation amusing.