
Demons Are Venomous

Seth Rogers, an experimented mutant and the host of a clone Venom symbiote has only experienced pain in his life. His life as an anti-hero prepared for much, but that didn't include being pulled through a wormhole to save his sister from an unknown world. Now in a new world with their own heroes and villains, he continues protecting the innocents and finding his sister. Original by TrueHorror88 on FF.Net

X3nr0x_Starfield · TV
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44 Chs

Into The Wonderland...

Chapter 2 - Into The Wonderland...

Seth got out of the interrogation room and went over to the other central platform of the helicarrier. The director and the deputy director, Maria Hill, was there. The latter looking as unpleasant as ever since he's recruitment to SHIELD.

For some reason she didn't like him. He didn't pay any mind to that, since the feeling was mutual.

To the side, near the platform was Matt and Olivia standing side by side. Some couldn't see it, but others knew they were holding hands now. Seth knew that they were and was happy to see his baby sister smile… after everything that have happened.

Agent Hill turned her head to the side, and saw Seth walking towards the platform. "Agent Rogers, consider limiting yourself to at least seven LMDs per session, not thirty-five or more."

"Agent Hill, always a bitch, are we? What's today's problem? You finally find an unpleasant man who can deal with your bullshit and scare him off? Or are you on your period today?" Seth countered back, his sister snickering while Matt watched with concern.

He had gotten on Hill's bad side once when he started screwing around with SHIELD's weaponry, his tinkering with the weapons actually improving them a lot. Hill didn't like it that he broke protocol, but Fury saw potential in Almond, so he sent him to Tony Stark, who helped him a lot with expanding his ability. Even helping the young boy with a suit.

Hill glared at him for his words and was about to say something, but Fury beat her to it. "Both of you stop. Jesus, I am this close to through of you into a room so you can duke it out with each other." He empathized his point with his fingers.

"Yeah, Bro, dad's right." Liv said as she moved to her brother's side. "But I gotta admit a deathmatch between you and Hilly would be fun. Hell, I would pay good money to see that."

"Me too." Matt said as he moved to Liv's place. Hill glared at the three mutants with hate, that none of them found threatening at all, though Matt backed away a bit.

"Sounds rather…uneventful, if you ask me." Seth said, offending the deputy director immediately before turning to his sister. "Hey, sorry if I've been distant lately. Lot of steam to blow off."

"No need to apologize, bro." The younger Rogers said before hugging her brother. "I've just missed you." She felt the comforting arms of her elder brother wrap around her to hug her back.

"Okay, so now that we've established that the happy couple wants to see a deathmatch between my agents." Hill turned surprised at the Director's words. "Don't any of you have any classes today?" he directed at mutants.

"Nope. Professor X told us the students are sent home for the holidays, so no need for the cool teachers." Seth answered for them. All of three of them were part time workers at SHIELD and teachers at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

At SHIELD, Seth worked as a Bio-engineer, he helps newly-awakened mutants with their powers. Even finding solutions that make their lives better with their powers in mix. Olivia worked as psychologist, she assessed enhanced people. Matt was a weapons engineer, improving a lot of their weapons which helped the agents on missions. Almond even improved their weapons a lot.

At Xavier's school, they worked as teachers. Seth taught biology and chemistry, the latter occasionally involves blowing stuff up. The kids loved it when their teacher blew stuff up. Liv taught language and P.E. Though she always had a bubbly attitude, she occasionally works her students to the bone. Matt was the tech wiz of the three, teaching Robotics and Psychics, even Math when need be.

They all worked with mutant powers, anything that could help other mutants have easier lives with their powers awakened.

Their attentions were diverted to the sounds of loud alarms being sound off. Seth holding his head in pain from the sound, his partner screaming at the painful. "Tell the director to stop using sounds when the stupid alarm goes off!"

"You know the deal Venom, if the situation is too big then the alarms go off bigger." Seth then noticed who everyone else was working franticly for locating the source of the threat. "And by the looks of it, this looks bad."

"What in God's name is going on here?!" Fury demanded. Olivia and Matt stayed closer to each other in concern.

Agent Hill went over to a computer and typed away. A moment later a big holographic screen appeared in front of the platform, showing one of SHIELD's highly trained agents. Natasha Romanoff, her red hair was as beautiful as ever, but it looked shaken. And her green eyes looked different somehow like she was… scared.

"Agent Romanoff, what's going on?" Fury asked his agent, Seth stepped forward as a feeling of dread filled him.

"The research facility you told me to guard while they did their important research? Well we got a bit of a… issue now." Natasha said with shaking eyes.

"What's going on Nat? Are you hurt?" Seth asked, his symbiote slithering inside of its host franticly in fear.

Nat looked sad to be the one to tell him. "I'm fine, just a bit shaken. I'm sorry, Seth. But it's him… It's Carnage."

Instantly all air vanished from the room. Matt paled at the mention of the name. Liv felt tears falling down her face as she remembered the horrific memories of this monster's actions. Seth's face went blank as he remembered everything that this monster had done. His face remained blank for only a minute before it changed to…

… absolute rage!

Seth had accepted the symbiote and the name Venom for ten years now, but have only had few encounters with the psychotic symbiote. Carnage himself forcing Seth to fight with the intent to kill.

Carnage had taken everything important from Seth's life. Carnage wanted to prove himself to be the superior symbiote, and Seth's symbiote was supposedly stronger than the original Venom symbiote, thanks to his mutant powers. Carnage had left a trail of certain dead bodies, all of them holding a special meaning to Seth. This all happened about ten months ago.

When the young mutant saw it, he felt nothing but broken. Shattered to pieces. While his mind tried to piece together what had happened. That changed into absolute rage, Seth and Venom completely decimating an entire forest area, thankfully SHIELD had evacuated the area. After the destruction, Liv came and consoled her grieving brother as he cried his heart out.

The months that followed changed the symbiote bearer completely. Never showing a fraction of what resembled an emotion, spending more and more time in the Helicarrier's training room destroying thousands of LMDs without hesitation, keeping everyone that cared for him at arm's length. He became lifeless.

Trying to subdue his rage for few moments, he reached to his right hand, running a finger over the ring on his ring finger. The ring he had gotten because of a funny tradition he and his fiancée had agreed upon, showing that both of them had agreed to the engagement. He wished that he could have spent more time with her and his son. Or stopped Carnage from ever getting close to them.

Seth had taken it upon himself to track down the deranged killer not long after the funerals. And the young mutant didn't hold anything back as he fought Carnage with every shred of power he had. The end result being Carnage fleeing from battle, but not before Seth in Venom form ripping off both of the psychotic killer's arms.

His symbiote however replaced its host's lost arms with clawed tendrils, equally as strong and as sturdy as the previous ones. But before having his arms ripped off, Carnage left a little something for Seth, something that would remind him of his loss, every time he would look in the mirror.

That was then, and this was now, and now… Seth was pissed.

He felt rage boiling up inside of him, so much that tendrils shot of his body. Surrounding agents backing away in fear. Seth turned his eyes to his dad, who did not flinch from seeing his son's hateful and lifeless eyes. "Dad, sent me." He demanded from Fury.

The Director wanted to say no, but knew that Seth wouldn't accept that nor would any of his other agents be able to stand up to Carnage, not like his son was able to. Fury made his decision clear with a nod. "Hill have a quinjet prepped in five. Agent Almond and Rogers, you will go with Seth as his backup." The three agents nodded their confirmation.

Seth clenched his fists, while hoping that this would be the last mark of the Carnage.


The quinjet arrived at the facility soon after departure. Matt set the jet to autopilot, placing it on halt above the facility so he could get ready to jump with the Rogers. Seth went to hanger and opened it, looking directly down at the facility.

The three agents nodded to each other before jumping off the quinjet. Liv levitating herself with her telekinesis, Seth using his symbiote to swing down to the building. Matt released nanites from his body, clinging them to his body before they connected with each other, revealing his suit.

His suit had gotten the name Iron Knight, thanks to using Stark's own design. It was like most Iron Man's suits, but his was had white-plating and his helmet was designed of a knight's helmet. And while Stark's suits are strong, Matt's is stronger thanks to his nanite being composed of Adamantium, a supposedly indestructible metal. His suit though had thrusters in the shapes of wings on his back and arm blades.

The three of them landed down on the rooftop of the building. They found the front gates slashed in pieces and agents on the ground with red rashes spreading throughout their bodies. Vehicles torn in halves and claw marks pierced into security guards' bodies.

"He's here… We can sense him." The symbiote said in Seth's thoughts.

"Which means he can sense us to. So, a surprise attack is useless now." He thought back. "He's here." He relayed to his comrades as he let his whole body become involved by the symbiote.

Liv nodded. "Then let's get that guy and put him in the deepest and darkest cell in this world before he destroys something important." The couple took flight while Venom swung with his black webbing to the main building where they were surprise by they saw the door being almost melted off.

"His poison's gotten stronger, being able to melt metal of this thickness. It's scary." Matt said, horrified by the corrosiveness that's spread. "Kasady was already deranged before he discovered his mutant powers, and now he's one of the worst villains there is in this world with an unstoppable poison, literally at his fingertips."

"We will stop him." Venom as he gripped the right side of his body. "Or die trying."

Matt and Liv looked with worried eyes before continuing their way. Venom spread his senses to their limits, detecting "Ahead of us, a large room." He said as they sprinted down the halls towards the room.

The agents passed by damaged rooms and more corrosively melted agents, many of them clawing at the red rash, trying to prevent it from spreading further. The three agents noticed some agents with blood leaking out of their mouths, like it was overflowing them. They entered the large room and saw the place in red, blood splattered at every wall, machinery in pieces and equipment torn apart.

In the middle of the all devastation was Cletus Kasady himself in his Carnage form, his arm formed into a large red blade pierced through a security guard who threw blood up before his body went limp. Kasady threw the body off his blade with laughter.

"What do we do now?" Liv whispered to the male agents as they watched silently from the doorway.

"We have the advantage, having numbers on our side. But we have to wait for the rest of SHIELD's backup." Matt turned to Seth in Venom form. "Seth, can you and black goo keep him in check while me and Liv get everyone outta here?"

"This ain't our first rodeo, Matty." Venom replied cheekily before turning to Carnage. Seth activated his ability and camouflaged himself and got into the room while he subdues the urge to just lunge at Kasady.

"This is booooring! Not enough to kill!" Carnage hissed around after smearing the blood on his blade around. "Thought there would be more of a challenge here. Breaking into a facility like this."

Carnage went through towards the doorway, looking to find the next human to fall victim to his claws when he suddenly paused. A wide, sadistic grin appeared on his face.

He looked around the room, his ability to see at every angle picking one that was inside the room, and two individuals not far from them. "Hiya Uncle." He hissed before shooting a bladed tendril towards a wall followed up with hardened red spikes sent from his back.

Seth deactivated his camouflage and jumped away from the attack, while in mid-air he opened his mouth and sent a burst of fire towards the spikes. The flame blasted the projectiles away and hit Carnage, sending the red/black symbiote into a wall.

"Carnage." Venom hissed out angrily. Smoke came out of his mouth as he prepared another fire attack for the psychotic killer. Seth clenched his fists, lacing his knuckles with ice spikes for the inevitable hand-to-hand fight.

Pulling himself out of the wall, Carnage glared at Seth, seeing him using his mutation to strengthen himself. The red/black symbiote growled before standing, raising its arms and turning them into a mace on one hand and a scythe on the other. Smiling maliciously as a red liquid substance began coating his weapons. The substance dripping, the ground below melting upon contact with the toxic substance.

"Remember this Uncle?" he held up both his weapons. "You know how they work, right? If not, then here's a little reminder!" He lunged at the clone Venom, his weapons slashing violently through the air with the intention to kill as he tried to eliminate his target.

Venom charged with a bellowing roar. He ducked the vicious swipes before he strikes with his ice-laced fists, each of them faster than the other one. With a backflip, he dodged another swing from the mace. Landing back on the ground, Seth shot of another fire blast from his maw hitting Carnage in the stomach.

The symbiote tanked the shot before jumping into air and brought both of his armed hands down on Venom. But at the last second, Seth expanded the ice on his hands and formed a large shield, stopping the other symbiote's attack.

However, the corrosiveness of Kasady's poison is strong enough to melt through metal, so ice was a small task for the poison. But Seth foresaw this and lit his body up with electricity, discharging lightning from his body, shocking the other symbiote back.

Temporarily being shocking, worked in Seth's favor, a chance he took. Coating his claws in flames he cut Carnage, causing a tear in its host's suit that healed in seconds.

Leaping back from one another, Carnage shot out a barrage of sharp tendrils from his back at Seth who mimicked the move and shot off his own barrage of tendrils. Tendrils from both sides connected with each other.

The red/black symbiote smiled thinking he had Venom where he had him, but that was his mistake. Seth tightened his tendrils' hold on the opposing tendrils before sending a burst of fire from each of them. Carnage tried escaping but no avail as the flames reached his body, his resistance slightly greater but still painful nonetheless.

Seth saw Carnage in pain, and before the other symbiote saw it coming, Venom released a roar followed by a blast of wind. The sudden addition of wind increased the flames, the other symbiote screeched in pain. Spinning around, he brought the burning killer into a wall while he was still in agony.

"You're going down, Carnage! You're gonna pay for everything and everyone you've ever hurt!" The mutant symbiote roared. He formed two ice blades, one on each arm before he charged at the other host.

"We'll see about that Uncle!" Carnage fired off red spikes at Venom. Seth ducked down before resuming his charge and going to slash Kasady.

The other symbiote jumped away from the black symbiote, but he fired tendrils from his shoulders grabbing the lamps on the ceiling. Pulling him upward to the standing on the ceiling. Carnage was readying a throwing attack but that never happened.

Carnage suddenly gripped his head as pain erupted in his mind, feeling as if his head was exploding. He lost his footing on ceiling, the deranged symbiote falling down on the ground hard. Even after the fall, he still kept a tight grip on his head. "Hope he likes a brain aneurysm."

Venom turned is his head behind him and saw his little sister, Liv running into the room. She smiled to her big brother in his suit before reaching into her belt and pulling out a small handle. Swinging it around she pressed a button, a long-bladed whip coming out of it. The whip cracking the ground upon contact.

The younger Rogers twirled her whip around before sending it towards the psychotic killer, the bladed whip cracking him on the chest, sending him flying into the all.

Carnage rose back to his feet and got out of the wall, and saw the two siblings readying themselves for another battle with him. "Well, now this is gonna be fun." He turned an arm into axe, his poisonous substance already lacing it. "Which Rogers am I gonna kill this time?" he mockingly directed the question to Venom.

A wave of anger erupted through Seth's body. "You're are never gonna kill anyone I hold dear again!" his suit ripping and embiggening with his emotions while the other symbiote began laughing manically.

"What's wrong Uncle? Gonna cry over spilled milk? Or it is spilled blood this time?"

Liv looked to her brother, seeing the change on his form. She knew Carnage was baiting her brother into a battle where he would fight with complete abandon, like himself. "Bro, don't. He's just trying to make your angry, make you lose control. Don't let him bait you." she told her brother telepathically.

Carnage formed a long blade on his free arm and felt the poison coating it slowly. "You know… the kid's death was actually fun. It was like peeling an orange. Well the peeling part was, at least." He added with a smile.

Seth felt his body vibrating, the symbiote along with as rage began burning into absolute hate. He felt the elements within him boiling to their breaking point. His suit pulsed as he tried to keep himself in check. "Can't lose control again. Not again. Liv's here, can't put her in harm's way." "We can't let this monster get to us, Seth. He's not worth it." His partner tried to help, even keeping its own emotions in check.

"Though fun, his death was also boring… pathetic even. But what else can you expect from a 3-year-old brat. But the other one, your woman. That was golden." He cackled. "You should have seen her, the way she lied there, with her arms and legs broken, poison seeping into her skull. She begged and begged for me not to hurt the kid. But she was too late, the kid was already dead. And the little bitch then began crying and screaming so fucking loud." he raised his bladed arm. "So, I took this blade and drove it through. Her. Heart. Before dumping her to the side, like the trash she was, right beside the brat."

The ground shook violently as though tears burned his eyes, his teeth caught fire as they threatened to crack, wind gathered around him and electricity sparked around him. "…You're gonna die…" Seth released a burst of fire from his body, the electricity coating the flames while his body grew in size.

Liv raised a barrier around her to protected her from the lightning coated flames. Her eyes wide in fear as she watched her brother's form.

He was bigger than usual, bigger than the Hulk even, his muscles vibrating intensively, sparks of electricity going off of them. His long black claws laced with cold white ice, his maw filled with dozens of flame-coated sharp fangs. Tendrils shot out of his back, all of them with sharp tips. Wind gathered around him, almost enveloping with him in the center. The ground below him cracking slowly.

"CAAAARRRRRNNNNNNNNAAAAAAGGGGGGEEEEE!" The roar that came from deep within the young mutant, shattered every glass object within the walls of the facility before he shot forward with lightning-enhanced reflexes.

Carnage saw this and readied his axe, but not before the rage filled anti-hero grabbed him by the head and sent millions of volts of electricity through him. The other symbiote shrieked in pain and lashed his blade at the hero to get him to loosen his grip. Venom wasn't gonna have that and slammed Carnage into the ground, making a crater and sending cracks in all directions, the earth element strengthening his grip.

Liv shot her blade-whip to nearest lamp and wrapped around it before using it to swing away to nearest wall. Her earpiece went off. "Liv, what's going on? I'm picking up vibrations, static discharges and temperature fluctuations, a lot of them." Matt said over his own earpiece.

"It's Seth. Carnage pushed him over the limits." Olivia replied as she saw her brother releasing a gust of wind from his mouth at the downed symbiote, the flames from his teeth coating the wind. "Bastard brought up killing Stef and Buck, knowing that it would push Seth off."

Iron Man's protégé cursed. "There's still a few people inside that needs saving. Once they're safe, I will be there."

"Thanks, Matty… I'll try and calm him down. He's my brother, he won't hurt me." Liv replied as she saw Seth throwing Carnage into the ground with a cyclone-enveloped fist.

"…Be careful Liv. Seth's a protector no matter what, he won't hurt anyone, but like this… he's a danger to everyone around him. Fury and his back-up are on their way, just see if you can hold him at bay, for a while." Turning off her earpiece, the younger Rogers sibling looked back into the room to see Seth bringing down a frozen fist on the deranged symbiote, sending him flying into a wall.

"I'm not losing my brother to anyone." She said before sprinting back into the room.


Carnage flew through the wall into the next room. The room was smaller than the other room, this one was darker, the only entering lights was from the hole the symbiote-enhanced mutants made.

Neither of them noticed the metallic passage that was standing a several meters tall with a single ramp in front of it. They were dozens of monitors spread out around the room, cables were connected to the device with even more large power sources.

But that device was the last thing on the symbiotes' minds.

Carnage got back onto his feet, but for long as a large black clawed hand wrapped around his form as Seth sent electricity through his hand, electrocuting the other symbiote with complete abandon. "You won't die, not yet. Not before we've made you suffer for everything!" He roared before slamming a large ice-laced fist on symbiote's face. "You took away our loved ones, innocent people! A child and a woman!"

Carnage got out of the hero's grip before he stabbing him in the chest with poison-tipped claws. But Seth saw it coming and grabbed him with his tendrils, and slammed the psycho into anything nearby.

Now free from the anti-hero's ensnarling tendrils, Carnage lunged at Seth again with a large axe on one hand and a large blade on the other. Seth saw the attack coming from a mile away and gathered lightning in his hand. Thrusting his arm forward, he sent out bolt of lightning at the symbiote.

Jumping away from the lightning attack, Carnage leaped at Seth. Getting onto the back of the anti-hero, he started slashing at his head, but it had little to no effect. The elemental-charged symbiote growled in anger as he released burst of fire from his back, blasting the other symbiote away.

Venom shot a webline a the psychotic symbiote, sending a fire wave before snapping forward.

Seeing the danger, Carnage cut off the web before the fire connected with him and flipped out of the way. But it didn't work as a hail of small icicles shot towards him and connected with him before he made a large shield with arms. It broke the second a large fist smashed through it, leaving the other symbiote handless. A second later, another large hand wrapped around the red/black symbiote's head.

"You are a monster." Seth sneered out as he slammed Carnage repeatedly into the ground, head-first with his increased strength. "Our child didn't get to live out his life. Our fiancée never got to be a true mother. And that is your fault, you murderer!" he clenched his hand hard, increasing the strength with the element of earth, threatening to pulverize the other symbiote's skull.

The psychotic killer tried fighting back, even releasing toxic spores from his fingertips to get the anti-hero to release him but the gathering wind around him blew them all away. Before Seth opened his flame-filled maw, ready to remove the head of Carnage and kill him once and for all.


Stopping his action, the anti-hero snapped his head towards the opening he made earlier and saw his sister walking through it. Her eyes shone with wet tears, that threatened to fall from her eyes. "Bro, don't. I know you're on borrowed time, believe me I know. But this isn't the right way."

"Liv, he has hurt and killed too many people, I'm not gonna let him walk free. He must pay for his crimes. For everyone, for every innocent he has hurt and killed." He growled at his sister. "He must pay for Stef and Bucky."

"I know, Seth!" The sister exclaimed back. "But I'm begging you, please don't be like this. Like Carnage. You're better than him, you're not a psycho, not a cold-blooded murderer like him. You have killed before yes but not like he has. You've killed because it was only way. You don't kill for fun, like him."

"We… are… not… them." Seth said as his anger started to drain and his senses came back, slowly. The elements slowly calming down as his form shrunk down to his normal size.

Liv saw her words getting through, so she took hold of his big black hand. "Please bro, I don't want see my last family member becoming like him. Stef and Buck wouldn't see you become like him either."

Seth looked at Carnage, whose hands remained torn off and was unconscious. The mutant slumped down to his knees as his form went back to normal.

"You alright partner?" The symbiote asked, fearing that the sudden increase in both form and elements have harmed his partner in some way.

"Definitely gonna feel this tomorrow." He replied to his partner. "Like a hangover, perhaps?" said the symbiote with a chuckle.

Seth turned to his little sister, seeing her wear a big smile. Retracting his mask, so he can look Liv in her eyes. "Sorry sis, lost my head there."

"Among other things." She gestured to the torn room. "Maybe you should consider future in demolition, you definitely have a knack for demolishing things." The siblings chuckled at the stupid joke. "Bro, take all the time you need. Pain doesn't have some kind of an expiration date or an estimated period of healing. And ten months isn't enough time for scars like yours to heal. Just know I'm here for you, same with dad and Matt."

Seth smiled to his sister before getting on feet again. "Same goes for you, Stef's been your friend for a long time." Olivia smiled at her brother's comforting words.

Neither of the two siblings noticing Carnage throwing a hardened piece of his suit at a big red button on the wall. Upon contact with the button, alarms and siren went off.


Some of the damaged machinery started to coming to alive as the archway began sparking, an increasingly loud humming sound could be heard. The sound seemed to echo throughout the entire facility as sparks of electricity shot off from the power sources.

The siblings' attention was directed to a small black and dark-blue sphere of energy that appeared in middle of the metallic entrance. The orb itself began slowly grew larger with each second that passed. Objects around the room began falling down to the ground because of uncontrollable shaking, others shooting from their place and floating in air as the phenomenal sphere grew more in magnitude.

"What's that?!" Olivia shouted over the alarms as the sphere began to fluctuate.

"No idea." Seth told his sister nervously before his mask came back on. "But best get outta here!"

By now, Carnage had gotten back on his feet just as a blast wave shot throughout the room. The energy sphere filled out the entire entrance and pulsating madly, now taking the form of an unstable dark hole. The machinery around them, the monitors and such all came online and started glowing as another warning came.


Another pulse of energy shot forth before everything surrounding began to be sucked toward the dark hole shaped energy sphere. It was like they were in a vacuum. The three mutants in the room were also caught in the energy pull, and they did everything they could to avoid it.

Carnage shot out tendrils from all around his body into the walls and ceiling to keep him from being sucked in.

Seth in full Venom form, stabbed his claws into the concrete floor with one hand. His other hand wrapped around his sister before she got sucked in. Sending out tendrils from his back, Venom back clawing towards the exit with his sister tightly wrapped in his hand.

Taking a page out of his uncle's book, Carnage began to claw his way to the exit. Seeing the two other mutants trying to escape the pull of the strange portal, he made his move.

The maelstrom began growing more unstable with each passing second, Seth tightening his grip on his sister to keep her safe as he sent out more tendrils to keep in place. Olivia saw the strain on her brother's face and chose to help him a little.

"Bro, let me go! I'll use my whip to keep myself out the pull!" she shouted to brother as she pulled out her blade-whip.

Seth didn't like that idea in the least. But in worst-case scenario, he would use his much larger form to prevent her from being sucking into the portal. "We'll give you a little throw, be ready with your whip."

She nodded to brother showing her confirmation. Seth reeled his hand back a little before he lunged it forward, throwing his sister towards the exit. She sent out her whip, the whip wrapping around the doorknob. Liv grounded her feet on the concrete floor, and began walking towards the exit while telekinetically strengthening her footing.

Seth was proud to see his sister growing as strong as she had become now. She had truly become a better and stronger person after all the hell she had been through since she was young.

All thoughts of appreciation then turned to thoughts of dread when Seth saw a red/black tendril connect with Olivia's back. Snapping his head back, he saw Carnage being pulled towards the portal.

The other symbiote giving an evil smirk as his body was enveloped by the portal and the tendril yanked back. Olivia losing her grip on her whip as she went into the portal.

"SEEEEETTTT-" Liv was cut as she too was enveloped by the portal.

Seth paled at the sight, but only for a moment before making his decision.

"We're coming little sis."

Yanking the blade-whip back into a handle, he put inside of a "pocket" in his suit. Seth exhaled an anxious breath before loosening his grip on the floor, jumping into the strange portal. With the intent to save his little sister from Carnage.

Shocks of electricity shot in every angle, the power sources that were supplying the machine began to vibrate wildly, sparks went off before the sources detonated one by one. The portal shutting down from the lack of energy and the entire lab to cave in from the massively expanding soundwave.


Matt, after getting all personnel to safety, blasted through every obstacle that was in his way. His scanner picked up more vibrations of a larger and different magnitude than before, so he hurried through all the debris.

"Seth, Liv, please be safe." He said out loud while he blasted through a wall.

By now SHIELD's backup had entered the fray as well. With Matt in the air, encased in his Iron Knight nanite particle suit, with several SHIELD agents behind him, along with the two top assassins of the organization, Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, and Clint Barton, Hawkeye.

Others thought was it unusual, but for some reason Director Fury had chosen to come join them on this mission. Matt knew he was worried about his adoptive children, so he didn't question it. Others didn't dare question the director, knowing the relationship between him and the two mutants.

When they entered the facility, they saw the place in absolutely pieces. The agents immediately set up a perimeter while the heroes and agents entered the facility to stop the threat.

The sight of the torn labs, holes with the size of the Hulk through walls, melted steels could be seen everywhere. Matt and Fury looked to each other, knowing that Seth had lost control again, since they have seen first-hand the damage he can cause when he loses his cool

Matt materialized a blaster on one hand and a long blade on the other, in case of a battle. The other agents readying their weapons. Fury walked in front of the others, he and the others making their way to the ruined lab. "Uh Director Fury, maybe you should stand back. You know, guard our rear." Barton suggested.

The director snapped his back towards the archer. "My kids are in here, with the psychopath that killed my grandson and my would-be daughter-in-law. So, no Agent Barton I will certainly not stand and guard the rear." He said with a cold tone, before continuing.

"You know what Seth and Liv mean to him Clint. The three of them, they're family. You would be the same with yours in this situation." Natasha told the archer who couldn't disagree with her on that.

Matt looked towards the section of a collapsed wall at the back of the lab, where he saw something familiar. Without saying a word, he thrusted his way towards the area. When getting there he saw it. Stuck in the collapsed wall, was a piece of Adamantium. He pulled it out and instantly knew it was from his girlfriend's blade-whip.

Fury reached Matt and saw the piece in his hand. "No." He sprinted into the lab, seeing the lab in absolute chaos. He then laid his one good eye on the metallic archway, only drawing one conclusion. "Oh no."

"Director what's wrong?" Natasha asked with a worried tone, Barton and Matt coming up behind her.

Fury turned to them. "Remember what this facility was used for, Agent Romanoff?" Black Widow nodded. "I believe my kids and this universe's worst psychopathic mutant is in a whole different place."

Matt didn't understand so he turned his head to look for any missing clues. His eyes widened when he saw a section of a wall that remained standing. But the wall itself was not what shocked, but the words painted on the section of the facility.



(In an unknown location)



Seth screamed out before he crashed down on the ground. While free-falling after getting out of the strange portal, his suit had slithered back inside of his body. Meaning his body ached a lot as he rose back to his feet. "Fucking hell… definitely gonna feel that tomorrow." He complained as he stretched out his limbs, the feeling slowly coming back. "Venom? You still among the living?" he asked out loud.

"…ouch…" The symbiote groaned in pain with his host, their little trip affected it as well. "Jumping through a strange portal? We can check that off our list."

"If you mean the list about things we're never going to do again after the first try? Deal." The young mutant found himself in his usual attire, which consisted of black combat boots, blue jeans, white t-shirt underneath his black trench coat.

His eyesight slowly returned to normal, he saw that he was in the middle of what looked to be a wasteland. It was nowhere, a deserted area with hills and some forest not too far away. The sky was still bright meaning it was either morning or in the middle of the day wherever they ended up.

Seth took in the area as he tried to get his bearings before remembering someone. "Liv's not here… neither is Carnage." He said grimly, fearing the worst for his little sister. "We will find her. She's a strong girl that one, she can take care of herself." The symbiote assured its host.

His attention was diverted when he saw in distance some tall buildings, looking to be skyscrapers maybe.

Both host and symbiote looked around again with enhanced senses, and sensing nothing and no one nearby, before looking to the tall buildings. "Maybe the city is best chance we have right now." The symbiote agreed before Seth's clothes shifted into his Venom suit.

Venom started running with electricity coursing through his veins to run faster. When getting on top of a tall hill, he stopped to see a large sign with big words painted in bright white color. The words reading:

"Central City – 30 miles".