

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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Question 2

             Savarus didn't pry into the issue any more, he just raise an eyebrow to express that he didn't believe any word she just said.

"Why is your face red, are you feeling sick, it isn't that hot today so I don't see why your face is red" said Savarus while raising his hand to touch her head, so he can feel her temperature "Your temperature is normal, so why is your face red".

"I'm fine, you don't have to touch my head to check my temperature, I'm not a child" said Bethany with her face still red.

"If you say so, I'm ready to answer your next question. You are free to ask right away".

"My second question, what are you? asked Bethany.

Everywhere was at a standstill because of the question Bethany just asked.

"You have ask me this question before so why waste your chance just to ask something you already know the answer to, I have told you before and I will still tell you the same thing, I'm a human and nothing more".

"I want to know the real truth, a normal human can't achieve any of those things you have been doing, so tell me the truth, what are you?. 

"You won't get any answer more than that, so please don't think much about it and also don't ever ask that question again, it will be for your own good".

"So you do admit that you are not human".

"I didn't admit anything".

"It's okay, I will leave it at that, you can ask your last question" said Bethany.

"I don't have any other questions, consider it as a compensation for not getting the answer you wanted".

"Actually, I wasn't planning on giving you any answer".

The rest of the journey was in complete silence, they were both lost on their thoughts, thinking of the problems they just pass through, they didn't even know when the carriage came to a stop and was waiting for them to come out. After some few minutes of waiting and there wasn't any sign of them coming out, the Coachman was becoming impatient, he came down from his horse and knock on the door.

"You guys have gotten to your destination, I will be so glad if you guys come down from the carriage".

"Sorry for wasting your time, I got a lot of my mind, didn't even know when we got here" said Savarus while coming down from the carriage and holding Bethany, so she won't fall.

"It's okay" replied the Coachman while closing his door and getting back on his horse.

"Will you be able to walk or should I carry you" asked Savarus to Bethany.

"Don't worry I will manage, it's not like we are two miles away from my house".

The moment they get close to the gate of the bucadox clan, the guards guarding the gate immediately rush over to meet Bethany, who was struggling to walk straight".

"Miss Bethany your father demand your presence" said the guard.

As Bethany heard this from the guard, her heart began beating quickly.

'What am I going to tell dad if he sees the condition of my leg' Bethany said inwardly. 

"I'm here with you, so don't worry about a thing, just leave everything to me, I got it all under control" said Savarus giving her the comfort she needed.

Bethany didn't reply to his word, she started walking forward, trying her best to walk straight without leaping.

"Are you really sure that the pain in your leg is cause by the rope or it's was cause by something else" asked Savarus.

"I don't know".

"I want a truthful answer from you, what happen when you were alone at the entrance of the forest".

"If you really want to know what happened that badly, you first have to find a perfect excuse to get me out of this mess, if not my father wouldn't let me go out ever again".

"Just go to your room and wash up first, I will go talk to your father, trust me on it".

Bethany hesitated at first, but after looking at Savarus and seeing his confidence, she decided to put her trust on him.

'Please don't fail me on this, I don't want to stay in this house forever' Bethany said inwardly while moving to her room.

Savarus was just looking at Bethany as she drag her feet along the ground while going to her room, he pains him to see her this way.

'Don't worry at all, I will make sure you wouldn't get stuck in this mansion, I promise' Savarus started moving to meet Oscar.

The moment Oscar saw Savarus and the bloody state he was in, he began to panic, Savarus didn't even went to take a bath before coming to meet him.

"Where is Bethany" asked Oscar anxiously.

"Hold your horses old man, you might die of worry before getting your revenge you so much seek, she is in here room taking a bath".

"How is she, hope you guys didn't encounter any danger".

"Like if that won't be the case, why do you have so much enemies, are you that much of a threat to some people".

"Don't play with your words, what did you guys encounter or preharp who did you guys encounter".

"There is nothing I can't handle, we just went for an interesting tour through out the city, Bethany was kind enough to show me around the town".

"I want to know where you guys went to precisely".

"We visited the Abaric clan and also the dolfant clan".

"You guys did what, I requested of you to protect her not to put her in danger, the Abaric clan is okay with me, but the dolfant clan is out of the question, what gave Bethany such an idea, she knows that the dolfant clan and ours doesn't coexist in any way".

"Don't worry at all, with me by her side, nothing will ever harm her, so you can relax yourself".

"Don't tell me such nonsense, what was her reason for going there". 


Thanks to all my readers out there, I hope you continue to support me with  everything you can. Please introduce this novel to your friends, relatives e.t.c, so I can get more readers and be motivated to write more. Thanks once again.