

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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Meeting 2

               The moment Gary brought this suggestion, everybody was looking at the king to see what he thinks about it.

"That's not a good idea at all, if I send a decree to search their house that means I'm suspecting one of them, which I'm not" said the king.

"Let's go to the next issue on ground, because we have been on this meeting for too long now, what issue do we have next?" asked the king.

"That's all the issue we have for today, your majesty" said John.

"Okay, let's call it a day".

Everyone stood up and started leaving for their various places.

After the department of the councillors, a guard came through, informing the king that a guest wants to have a meeting with him.

"Bring him in" said the king.

'We finish early today, so I don't see any reason not to accept this meeting this time around'.

Not too long the king could see the guard and the man coming.

'why do I feel something is not right just by looking at this man, he has an aura of authority on him, I definitely don't like this kind of people, they are so cunning, but this is my kingdom and I definitely have the upper hand here, because I'm the king and he has to follow my order here.

"Greetings your majesty, I'm Kelvin by name, a business man from the land of Themans" said Falenios.

"In what pleasure do I have this visit?" Asked the king.

"Your majesty the greatest of them all.

"Hold it right there, just go straight to the point, I don't want you beating around the bush with those word" interrupted the King.

"As you wish your majesty, I wouldn't sugarcoat my words anymore, I want to buy some piece of land so I can open up a business over here" said Falenios.

"Don't you have a lot of land over there in Themans" asked the king.

"We do, but I want to open another branch somewhere else".

"Don't be offended by my word but we don't let foreigners to open businesses on our land".

"20 percent will go to you, your majesty" said the man.

"My words is final even if you give me 90 percent, I wouldn't still allow it in my kingdom" replied the king.

"Why don't you consider it your majesty".

"Get out of my kingdom, guards" exclaimed the king.

"Why don't humans like the easy way, they always want to show they are in control, anyway sooner or later I would have done it" said Falenios.

Just after saying those words his eyes began changing to green and a faint black, after about five seconds his eyes went back to normal.

"You called for me, your majesty, is there anything you want?" asked the guard.

"No, You can leave" said the king.

"Yes your Majesty" replied the guard in a confused way.

After the departure of the guard Falenios went to the king.

"I want you to sign this document" said Falenios.

It didn't take up to fifty seconds before the king finished signing them.

              It was another day for Savarus to roam about without doing anything in particular, he didn't care for anything, he just feels like doing what he wants and right now, he was patrolling the street in search of what could pique his interest.

After walking for about four hours and not seeing anything that could interest him, he was getting frustrated.

'What is happening, why is today so boring or am I the one that feel that way, what do I usually do on day like this' Savarus asked himself.

He was thinking of things he usually does everyday, after thinking for some time he found out that this was usually what he does everyday.

'Why am I feeling bore about this, it's what I usually do daily, so why now, is it because of her, eversince I met her I couldn't get my mind off her, maybe I should pay her a visit'.

After saying those words he dip his hand into his pocket and brought out a pendant which belongs to Bethany.

'Well I definitely know this will come in handy some day, but didn't think it will be so soon, she didn't even know it fell out of her waist when she deliver that kick to me' Savarus thought.

Immediately Savarus was on his way to pay a visit to his new friend, he was asking for direction from different people.

Didn't take him long, before he get to his destination, a big steel gate and three guards could be seen before him.

"Your ID" asked one of the guard irritatedly.

Savarus didn't say anything but just brought out the clan Crest and show it to them, immediately all the guards changed their composure.

"What is the purpose of your visit" asked the guard politely.

"I'm here to meet someone".

"Sir, can you elaborate on that someone, I need his or her name".

"It's Bethany" Savarus said it like it was no big deal.

"Please hold on a minute, let me ask her if she is expecting any visitors" the guard left.

The guard didn't go to Bethany but went to inform the leader of the clan.

"Sir, there is someone here, saying he wants to see your daughter" reported the guard.

"Send her away, wait did you just say he, as a man" asked Oscar, the leader of the Bucadox clan.

"Yes my Lord, and that is not the only thing. He was holding the family crest on his hand" said the guard.

"Send him to me".

"Yes sir".

The guard left to bring Savarus to Oscar, after some while Oscar could see both of them.

"Go and call me Bethany from her room" said Oscar to a maid beside him.

"Okay my Lord".

Savarus and the guard was now standing before Oscar. 

"What is your name" asked Oscar.

"Why do you want to know" replied Savarus without a hint of fear.

"I see, you think you are tough, but I want you to remember something, this is my house and don't think you can leave it without giving me the answer I want" said Oscar.