
Demonizing at my Third Chance

Experiencing life twice can be quite good, maybe only depressed people would reject the idea, but even so, there's a chance that the same person with the said disease could find happiness, in some way or another, this is all due to lady luck. Only living three times will be more unbelievable however.

SimpleFool · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

First steps.

"Let's start."

Having said that both walked a little far away from their house and each stood looking at each other in a good distance.

Alkan wasn't one of those that was a fighter, in his second chance the only thing he had was his talent at earth magic which made his farm business.

So like before, having a power and a talent granted to him for almost free, only taking his rest away, made him fearless towards death and as a previous old guy this courage only intensified.

However, differently from having only one talent, he had two, and this time he would do his best to live an amazing life, he would become so strong that nobody would be able to oppose him. Maybe even marry again.

"Are you ready?" Urian asked - "Yes, here I come." The child said as his eyes shined and his grip on the wooden sword got stronger showing his talent on the swords arts since this is the first time he held a sword with the intention of attacking or defending but his form wasn't that wrong.

With his right arm possessing the fake sword, he positioned the said arm in front while the left one rested a little farther back.

All of this preparation has not only gotten an surprise from his father but an praise - "Good, maybe in your past life you were an swordsman." He joked.

Smirking, Alkan didn't waste any time and finally bolted from his place, at least in top speed a child of his age could run.

However, suddently in the middle of the way, Alkan got faster as he was secretly using mana which was dangerous since when he arrived he notice that the system was a little different, but having a boost in the mana aspect, intelligence, that was an easy barrier to pass through.

So after training a bit, he could at least activate his mana points that he discovered that stayed in his body, but without a teacher, it would be extremely hard to learn or breakthrough the basics that he's currently learning.

Reaching his father, Alkan did a little crouch preparing his legs to burst upwards towards the tiny giant. In a ready position, he did a motion like that of removing the sword from a sheath that rested on his waist and using his legs he dashed diagonaly towards his father while swinging the wooden sword towards his enemie's stomach.

Unsurprisingly the attack was blocked with ease by the adult. But not without pressurising the man's hand with his boosted strength.

'Ugh, how?' Urian's thought - 'Maybe I can let that speed pass, but this force behind the attack...'

Of course this is nowhere near what could be a potential threat to Urian, being a C ranker showed what he was capable of.

Honoring his title, after receiving his son's attack he attacked back with a speed that Alkan would not be able to react since together with his unexperience, the kid's sword was currently point to the sky in response of the father's block.


The sound of Urian's sword hitting Alkan's ribs resounded and echoed through the trees as the child was sent flying in further into the forest.

After a couple of rolls on the ground the brown-headed managed to stop a get a grip on the ground to finally get up again.

Having been hit, Alkan placed his hand bellow his left armpit and even with mana reinforcing his body, the pain tolerance didn't change. His nerves on that region were screaming.

"How can you hit your own son like that old man..." The child said as he locked eyes with his male parent.

"Hmph, I need to see your limit before giving you a training regime so take the spar serious" Urian responded.

Irritated, he ignored the pain and placed his hand holding the weapon in front of him and took his stance - 'When did I agree?' Alkan thought but he wouldn't, this time, refuse teaching.

After getting up again Alkan had stopped using his mana but strengthening his body again, he sprinted not forgetting to be extra careful with any counter attack that could be laid on him.

His father having that muscle brain instantly become aware of the talent of his son, in each exchange that both made Alkan was getting at least a little bit better and he always tried to not let an opening.

For Urian of course, he could see openings and where to attack or maybe if he wanted he would breach the defense with ease.

Sometimes not having sympathy he would outright hit the son to test the stamina and constitution of his.

Getting his body flung back a few times, Alkan prepared to attack again with his body full of bruises only to be stopped by his father's voice.

"Let's stop."

As Alkan heard that he stopped fortifying his body with mana and as a result fell on he ground with sore muscles.

"Rest for a bit, I can guess more or less at what level you reside in." Urian said while having his own plans in mind.

The silence continued for a while as Alkan just rested on the ground relaxing his muscles.

His body started to recover, feeling a little bit better the dropped child had a question in his head - "When is my mother coming home?" Alkan asked.

"What is up with you? You almost never ask about us in general, the only reason that I can think of is that you want something." Urian smiled and said to his little rascal.

The fake sage inside a kid couldn't help but be surprised and angry at the same time. Both of the feelings came from getting read very easily like a book.

"Hn, yeah, I want to ask about magic..." Alkan spoke out in a shy voice.

The words made Urian happy, he first wanted to make his son a mage, and that path may be reachable yet, but seeing his talent using a sword it came in mind that Alkan would had a brighter future following his father's step. His own.

"With you being smart as you are I don't doubt that you'll be a good mage." Not knowing what truly was in his child's mind he said in awe. Alkan was kind of a special case.

"She'll be gone for today, only tomorrow we will see her again, so... to pass time, let's go hunting, I have the perfect idea for an enemy." Living in this forest for almost six years, he already developed the notion of where each of the majority of monsters kept their territory, like a community they protected the place lived by them.

"Oh... care to tell me which animal will I be killing?" Indeed curious, the 4 year old asked.

"Haha, I knew you would be curious..." Making a little of suspense he finally decided to tell - "we will look for a monster called Blue Bear."

With the word 'bear' in the name of the beast, Alkan knew better than to underestimate his future prey but yet had ti say what was in his mind - "I thought you would put me to go against something like a goblin or even some type of wolf..." Alkan spoke.

"Very nice observation my son, however, luckily here in this forest the goblins is not one of the dwellers, one thing you need to know is that their reproduction rate is too high and this place being near the settlement that resides inside the capital, there's no way such monster would be allowed to live here. One little signal of their type here, big troops would be sent to take care of them." In the past world Alkan knew what type of monsters they were, but it seems that comparing with his father's words, here, the goblins is too much of threat.

"So you can better understand, even if orcs or bears are dangerous, they wouldn't be a match against those little green guys, even they know by instinct that messing with an alone goblin could possibly bring them doom." Urian said but that wasn't the end.

"'Sigh' but look, most of the goblin settlements have been taken care of, so if you see one, they are probably very distant from here and they should have a large number or just a tiny one since if that race decided to grow in numbers, they would do that fast." Grasping the information, Alkan nodded.

Maybe goblins inside a dungeon would be different from the ones outside - "Okay, let's go, it seems you can move your body a little more."

Taking the sword from the ground, he got up from his sit.

"Stay here, seeing you hold that wooden weapon is not a good thing against a bear, let me take a real one." With that said, Urian went inside the house in direction of the storage room. The hunt will begin.