
Extra: The Bunker 2

"Holy mother of god, how the hell…?"

Adams was amazed as he walked through the road heading to the main part of the bunker. He still couldn't believe his eyes that Dean invited him into a military bunker. It had been fully refurbished by Dean with most of the interiors had been fixed by him. It included repainting the bunker and fixing the electronic system of that bunker.

"Welcome to the bunker, Adams," Dean said as the second blast door opened.

Inside of the formerly empty garage, now it was filled with multiple luxury vehicles of different origins alongside multiple armored vehicles alongside with two tanks. Adams' mouth widely opened from the amount of military hardware.

"God bloody darn it… where the hell did you get all of this thing?"

"Military base up north," Dean replied.

"Holy shit, that's an M90A4 main battle tank, how did you even get that thing?"

"Military base up north, just like I said," Dean replied.