
Demonic Physics System

Betrayed by humanity orphan child Adam is reincarnated into another world and forced to share a soul with the devil, luckily he was also blessed with a system that lets him manipulate the physics of that world.

0_Static · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Bone Golem

Once again Adam finds himself inside a white room with Lucy standing over him.

[Welcome Back]

'Lucy just help me up, I could feel my limbs being snapped apart and reconstructed right before I went under' Lucy reaches down a pulls Adam to his feet before sitting him down on a chair made of the white material of the walls.

[I learned a new trick as you can see, oh I almost forgot so you have any trinkets for me?]

Remembering that Lucy wanted a trinket Adam reaches into his [Inventory] and grabs the shattered remains of the skeleton core before putting it on her desk.

'A trophy to help us remember our first kill' Adam leans back as Lucy inspects the core.

[How did you get this I never saw you go back for it?] Lucy makes a small shelf next to her desk out of the white material and places the damaged core on it.

'I got it from the [Form Evolution] bone golems don't have a core so my old skeleton form cut off connections to the cores remains when it evolved, I apparently had it the whole time it was just fused into me' Adam glaces over at the core on the shelf before returning his gaze to Lucy.

[How did you not notice it] Lucy points out a obvious flaw in Adam's explanation.

'I was to busy killing rabbits to even notice, I wonder who told me to do that?' Adam's sarcastic tone makes Lucy's face turn red in anger.

But before she can even make a reply to his remark the system chimes in.

[Form Evolution Complete, Waking Host]

The last thing Adam hears before his vision once again fades to black is Lucy.

[Your a jerk]

Adam wakes up and quickly stands the remains of his concrete armour lays shattered on the floor, He inspects his body only to find that some of his bones have fused together and changed shape to form several armour plates in his body.

Further inspection only reveals that some of the previously hollow areas of his body are now solid making sturdy mannequin like limbs while leaving his chest hollow with a small open area under his ribs were his belly would be.

'I get the limbs reinforcement but why is my chest have a open area?' Adam can't help but complain about his torso, that is untill Lucy reminds him.

[The hole in your torso is so that you can absorb material energy, your mouth is gone and only your eye sockets remain on your face]

Running over to the lake to see his reflection Adam is surprised by the glowing eyes that greet him.

'Glowing red left eye and a glowing blue right eye, if I did not look abnormal before I sure do now' Adam looks away from the lake and looks at the hole in his chest, a faint glow can be seen inside as a mix of red and blue energy forms a all consuming maw in his chest.

[You got the red glow from me, as for the blue I guess that's your magic]

Remembering what Lucy said about his chest Adam picks up a handful of loose dirt from the ground and sticks it in his chest.

[Material Energy Absorbed, +8]

Adam remembers his limit of 10 and sees that some of the dirt is spit out by the maw on his chest.

[You should try your [Bone Manipulation] out on a wood rabbit corpse]

Adam withdraws a single Wood Rabbit from his [Inventory] and trust to focus on moving it's skull via manipulation only to be shocked as he accidentally rips the head of the rabbit.

[Bit to much power there bud]