
Demonic Path: I Can Optimise

Li Wei finds himself transmigrated into a cultivation world within a Demonic Sect. With a system that allows him to optimise cultivation techniques

numi_fy · Eastern
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83 Chs

Nice Enough

His eyes snap open, and he whirls around, ready to confront the intruder. The sight before him catches him off guard—a woman stands near the entrance of his cave. Her posture is timid, her fingers nervously entwined. She looks young, her face etched with apprehension.

Li Wei's initial anger softens slightly at her apparent unease, though he remains wary. "Who is it?" he asks, his tone edged with frustration.

Before him stands a petite woman with delicate features, her expression tinged with nervousness. Her dark hair falls softly around her face, framing her gentle eyes and a small, uncertain smile. Her posture has a certain fragility, her hands clasped tightly together as if seeking comfort in their own grip.

"Senior Brother," she begins, her voice betraying her nervousness. Her eyes flit around, avoiding his gaze. "I'm Mei Lin, 2nd-level Qi cultivation." 

Li Wei scrutinises her, his annoyance mingling with curiosity. The unexpected visit and her timid demeanour raise questions in his mind. "What does a 2nd level cultivator want with me?" he wonders silently. He waits for her to continue, his expression guarded, but his interest piqued.

Li Wei assesses her; his expression is neutral. "What do you want, Mei Lin?".

"Senior Brother," her voice a tad stronger, "I heard that you've been giving bone pills to those who bring herbs."

Mei Lin's fingers fumble with a small, worn pouch, her movements hesitant. She holds it out to Li Wei, her eyes hopeful yet uncertain. "I have some," she says softly. "Perhaps they could be of use to you?"

Li Wei takes the pouch, his hands steady. He unties the string and peers inside. The herbs are a jumbled mix, some crushed and others wilted, clearly not stored carefully. He raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. 

Mei Lin bites her lip, her face flushing with embarrassment. "I... I know they're not much, but it's all I have," she stammers. Her eyes are pleading, a clear sign of her desperation.

Li Wei closes the pouch and hands it back to her. "These herbs are hardly worth anything," he states bluntly. 

Mei Lin's shoulders slump, disappointment evident in her posture. She clutches the pouch to her chest, her fingers tightening around the fabric. "Please, Senior Brother," she begs, her voice quivering. "I'm struggling to advance. Could you... could you spare one pill?"

Li Wei's gaze remains impassive. "no."

Mei Lin's eyes well up with tears, the reality of her situation hitting her. "I... I don't have anything else," she whispers, the truth of her words heavy in the air.

Li Wei sighs, his expression softening slightly. He understands the desperation of those stuck in their cultivation, and Li Wei understands the importance of guarding his resources closely. "Giving away free handouts would be like opening the floodgates," he muses. "It would signal to every desperate soul out there that I'm an easy target, a free meal waiting to be taken advantage of. I need to be strategic with my resources; I can't afford to be seen as someone who yields to every plea for help. Showing any hint of weakness or generosity could quickly spiral into becoming a resource for others to exploit."

"I'm sorry, but I cannot help you," 

Mei Lin hesitates, then says, "I could assist you with your daily tasks or run errands for you."

Li Wei shakes his head slightly. "I don't need a servant."

Mei Lin falters, a flicker of disappointment crossing her face. After a moment of silence, she takes a deep breath. "Then... maybe I could offer myself to you... in another way." Her voice is soft, the offer clear yet tentative.

"This isn't shocking, given the desperation in the sect. But her directness is surprising. She's been here two years; shouldn't the sect's bone pills have helped her advance? Maybe she's struggling, or the resources aren't enough."

"She's undeniably attractive, that's clear. But now's not the time for these thoughts. I've got bigger things to worry about - like reaching the 8th level of Qi cultivation. Distractions like this could derail everything".

"But, there's another side of me craving some relief," he concedes internally. "This relentless pressure is taking its toll. Every day, under Senior Huo's watchful eye, and now with this looming attack against Xue Feng... It's enough to break anyone. A moment of respite, a brief escape from this never-ending tension, might be what I need to keep going."

He glances at Mei Lin again, noting the anticipation and apprehension in her eyes. She stands there, an offer of temporary escape.

"Alright," he says, his voice carrying a hint of resignation mixed with a desire for some semblance of relief, however fleeting it might be. 

Mei Lin nods, a sense of relief mixed with resignation in her posture. "Hahaha, she made her offer so easily, and now the reality of having to follow through is dawning on her."

Li Wei reaches into his robe and pulls out a bone pill. 

"One pill," he says, his voice firm. 

She nods, a mixture of relief and apprehension in her eyes. She reaches out, her hands shaking slightly as she takes the pill from him.

Li Wei watches as Mei Lin takes the pill, expecting her to tuck it into her robe for later use. Instead, she pauses, glances around momentarily as if making a decision, and then, to Li Wei's astonishment, she simply sits down.

She eats the pill and closes her eyes, beginning the consolidation process immediately. Li Wei's initial surprise quickly turns into annoyance. " Here, of all places?" he thinks, his irritation evident in the tightening of his jaw. "Doesn't she have her own space to do this? The entrance of my cave is not a communal meditation ground."

"Doesn't she understand the concept of privacy, or does she just lack respect?"

Oblivious to Li Wei's displeasure, Mei Lin remains focused on her task, breathing steadily.

Mei Lin finishes quicker than Li Wei had anticipated. She rises to her feet; her movements hint at unsteadiness, indicating she's still acclimating to the newfound energy within her.

Li Wei observes her, his irritation evident but controlled. "She should remember, at her mere 2nd level. If it comes down to it, I can end her in a blink." 

"Come inside," he instructs, gesturing for her to move further into the cave. 

Mei Lin nods. She takes slow, cautious steps into the cave, Mei Lin's eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. The cave's dim light and the stark, rugged walls contrast the outside world she just left.

Li Wei's gaze shifts momentarily to the crevice in the wall where he had hidden the intrusion talisman. His concern is evident; the possibility of Mei Lin triggering the talisman weighs on his mind. "If she sets it off, it'll be a mess to deal with," he thinks, the worry clear in his brow.

He watches her closely as she moves past the hidden spot on the wall, holding his breath momentarily. To his surprise and relief, the talisman remains inactive. Mei Lin, who focuses entirely on her cultivation, is unaware of its presence and the potential disruption she could have caused.

Li Wei exhales slowly, a subtle sense of relief washing over him. "It didn't go off," his tension easing slightly. "But why? Is it because she's not a threat, or because it only responds to a specific kind of intrusion?"

He considers the possibilities, his mind analysing the situation. "Perhaps it's attuned to aggressive intentions or specific energies," he speculates, pondering the nature of the talisman. "Is it not working?"

The realisation that Mei Lin could pass by the talisman without setting it off is intriguing and concerning for Li Wei. "I need to understand this better," he concludes, the need for more knowledge about the talisman's capabilities becoming apparent.

With a gesture, Li Wei motions her to go to his sleeping area. Mei Lin, understanding his intent, moves towards it, her steps hesitant yet resolute. 

In the dim light, Mei Lin undresses. The cave's shadows dance over her as she moves. Light plays across her form, small breasts, and lean bottom, each a testament to her rigorous Qi cultivation. Her skin, marked subtly by her training, tells a story of discipline. As she stands, her muscles subtly flex, the result of countless hours of practice. 

As she stands there, her figure is of a young woman caught in the throes of a life far removed from the ordinary, dictated by the harsh realities of her chosen path.

Her skin, marked by the rigours of cultivation, contrasts with her dark hair that falls simply around her shoulders.

Li Wei watches her. "She doesn't have a great body," he thinks, noting the lack of distinction in her figure. His gaze shifts to her face, finding a pleasantness there. "But her face, is nice enough," he acknowledges internally. "Oh well, can't complain too much. I just need to relieve some stress."

Mei Lin is timid, seemingly mindful of Li Wei's scrutiny. Her eyes meet his momentarily, revealing a mix of apprehension and resolve before she looks away.