
demonic fly system

Everything I own has been taken away from me. My properties, my happines...my family. I will never forgive whoever caused it. Fuck you, Akhenatosh! a great revenge story some chapters are R18 ❌Important Note❌ volume one is finished and i will stop uploading for a while.

King_Lando · Fantasy
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27 Chs

revenge's taste is sweet

Akhenatenush's phone rang, he had been nervous since the appearance of the fly man, since he was able to identify the hologram of Noah's father when he was forty years old. And what increased his tension is the threat broadcast by Noah on television. Every time he threatens and threatens, Akhenatenush feels his intestines turning, feeling that he is the target even though there is no conclusive evidence that he is the target. In fact, he is the target and his feeling were right.

Akhenatosh contacted the president of the country in which the fly man appeared, inquiring and trying to know who is the target of Noah, who kept threatening him. He wanted to comfort his heart, but he did not get a satisfactory answer.

After Noah disappeared from the presidential palace, he flew at high speed towards his home country. It was only 185 kilometers, which he traveled in a very short time, in about 30 minutes. This means that he was flying at a speed of 370 km / h. This is super fast.

Before Noah sets out allocate virtual merit points to buy some skills.

He bought the Radar skill, this skill enables him to choose a target that the player knows and search for it within a radius of 1000 km.

He also bought the Doctor's skill, this skill enables him to efficiently heal a target every time only if the target didn't die.

He bought the skill 'Magnetto' which enables him to control metals.

And the most expensive skill he bought was the God of Machines skill. This skill enables him to control every machine connected to electricity.

He has 865,500 virtual merit points left.

"I almost went broke!"

He said with a wry smile.

"It doesn't matter. This is an investment for the big picture."

Meanwhile, Noah had found Akhenatosh in one of his palaces, which he had built recently because of the wealth he had accumulated.

The master of machines' skill enabled him to trace his last calls and check the security cameras to find where he had gone.

Noah sat at the top of a mountain overlooking the sea while watching the palace surrounded by soldiers.

"You have good senses, Akhenatosh, I give you that."

he Opened the store and looked at an item.

[worlds necklace]

Then he took out the necklace, opened it, and reviewed the picture inside, a picture of him with his father, mother, and little sister. Whenever he remembers his family, his huge eyes become bloodshot, and what increases his anger is the way his little sister and mother died.

he Returned the necklace to the store.

"All my father wanted was to run his business in an honest manner. Who would have expected that clean money would lead to such tragic results. Now my father and our family will become an example for every businessman. Either you are a wolf and devour the ewes of the people with us, or you will be eaten by wolves. The most dangerous thing in life Not doing evil, but prohibiting doing good and analyzing the heinous act.This is how human beings are, they have supernatural ability, they can lie to themselves and believe their own lie.And I am no exception,since my conversion I have done a lot of bloodshed in order to get my revenge and achieve my goal I know that my ways are cruel and evil, but I have convinced myself that there is no other choice, and indeed there is no other choice."

Noah used his senses and radar skill and saw that Akhenatosh had finally fallen asleep.

"Hahahaha, you really slept! You will hate sleeping after today. Congratulations, you will be the first to try the skill of : thousand nightmares."

Noah flew quickly and activated the skill stealth and entered standing next to Akhenatenush who was sleeping deeply.

Noah looked at him as if looking at a bucket full of snot. snot of a person who has had a cold for 10 years.

"you are so fucking ugly you fucking piece of bacon?"

Noah clenched his fist until his claws were embedded in his hand in order to prevent himself from crushing that rotten skull.

Then he activated the skill Thousand Nightmares.

"See you in a little while. If my calculations are correct, each nightmare takes about 6 seconds. That's weird, but true. So see you in 6000 hours and forty minutes. A second."

It will be the longest hour of your life."

He said with a slight smile as convulsions began to appear on Ikhnatoush's face after exactly 6 seconds.

And he disappeared into the walls.

Noah returned to his position, waiting for the time for the skill of a thousand nightmares to pass while eating the fruit he had taken from the palace kitchen.

The Nightmare skill places the target in Thousand Nightmares, each nightmare lasts 6 seconds in the real world but the target feels like years. This skill gives the target their worst nightmare and cannot be controlled or revoked by the player once activated.

The time of the skill passed quickly and then Akhenatosh's scream was heard.

"Ababghblablabal !!" (coughing)

The soldiers and guards entered terrified and saw Akhenatosh pale and his bed full of sweat and it looked as if he had lost 10 years of his life.

shouted one of the guards.

"Get some water and a doctor!"

Akhenatenush could not speak because he had been drained of all fluids by the sweat, tears, and mucus that had been expelled from his body.

After regaining some of his energy, he spoke.

"Is this the real world?"

The servants and guards marveled at his question.

"Excuse me, sir, what do you mean?"

Akhenatenush slapped the servant who spoke, then cried.

"Am I in the real world?"

The guards and servants were stunned, and Akhenatosh had a bit of panic.

The doctor said, "I will give him a sedative."

Then pull out the needle and prepare for the injection.

But when Akhenatenush heard the sedative needle, he knew that he would go back to sleep, and his madness erupted.

"Nooooo! I'm not going to sleep again! I'm not going to go through that experience again! No, no, no, no, no!"

Everyone tried to calm him down, but to no avail.

Then the doctor ordered the guards to hold him and steady him so that the doctor could give him an injection.

Akhenatenush got angry

"If you dare to put me to sleep, I will kill you and everyone you love."

the men hesitated but the doctor said it was for his own good, then they succeeded in putting him to sleep.

And fell asleep while cursing.

Noah was somewhere watching and laughing until he fell from the tree.

He licked his long disgusting tongue and said:

"Really, the taste of revenge is great, and these are just the appetizers."

Noah was confused whether to put Akhenatosh in the skill of a thousand nightmares once again, but he did not want to implicate the doctor and the poor servants, because they would be subjected to his oppression.

Then he decided to let it pass, in fact he visited Akhenatosh again and activated the Doctor's skill on him.

Then he saw that Akhenatosh's expressions were relaxing. It may have cured him of his hepatitis B disease.

"Just rest for today, we'll continue tomorrow."

Then he disappeared into the shadows.

The next day, Akhenatenush woke up energetic and called all the servants and the doctor and rewarded them well

Because he thought it was just a nightmare and thanked them for taking care of him.

Then one of the servants came and spoke.

"Sir, there is someone who says that it is from the palace doctor, and that he is here to help you solve the nightmares you had yesterday."

The doctor was shocked.

"Strange, I'm sure I didn't tell anyone about this."

Akhenatosh said.

let him in.

The person attended, it was an old man with a long white beard and he looked solemn and carried a white rosary.

As soon as the doctor saw him, he spoke.

"Ahhh! Yes, I remembered. It's Mr. Roshi Rouhani. I met him recently. He's not famous, but his methods are effective."

Akhenatenush said frowning.

"How did you forget something like that?"

"Sorry, sir."

Then the old man spoke in a low voice, pointing to Akhenatenush.

"I see that you are possessed my son. Have you seen many successive nightmares in your sleep, and every time you feel that it is real and that you have lived forever, but you are surprised that it is a nightmare, and you cannot wake up. Every time you think that you have woken up, you find yourself in another nightmare."

Akhenatenush began crying and trembling, because the old man's description was accurate, and he had not yet told anyone what happened.

Akhenatenush approached and wanted to hold the old man's hands.

"Please kind sir help me if you can, I can't imagine myself going through the same experience again."

"Don't touch me, you're possessed."

The old man raised his hand, blocking it.

It was just a hologram of the hologram skill.

" can you help me?"

Akhenatenush asked, hiding his anger.

"Yes, I can help you. Let's talk privately."

One of the guards spoke.

"Sorry, we can't leave you alone with the master."

It doesn't matter, bring your guard or the whole army, let's finish it.

They went to a room in the palace, and Akhenatosh sat behind a desk on an luxurious chair, and the old man sat in front of him, and the guards beside him.

"Then, Reverend Sir, tell me how you came to know of my illness. And can you exorcise that curse?"

The old man replied, "Yes, I know your illness, for I am the one who infected you with it. As for the treatment for it, do not worry, you will taste something from it."

Akhenatenush stood up and hit the desk with his hands while the guards drew their weapons.

"Do you know who you're talking to, old man? Are you bored of life?"

exclaimed Akhenatenush.

And do you know who I am?! "

Akhenatosh was silent because he felt a dangerous aura and heaved his chest and softened the intensity of his speech.

" who are you? "

"I am the one who will end your miserable life."

Before the guards and Akhenatenush could react to his statement, the hologram changed from an old man to the shape of Noah's father before he was assassinated.

Akhenatosh was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground. And the guards started shouting at him and asking for the order to shoot, but Akhenatosh remained silent as if he had seen a ghost.

One of the guards fired, but the bullet passed through the person. Then the guards were paralyzed.

"You are annoying mice, get lost."

And you, Broken Fang, do you recognize me?"

the holograme asked Akhenatenush with a serious smile..

"No way, I saw your corpse.. Are you a ghost?"

Akhenatosh remained mumbling.

The hologram stopped and raised the index finger towards Akhenatosh and said

"I am the man who crawled back from the bottom of hell to fuck you."

Akhenatenush fell on his neck in disbelief.

Noah's real body appeared from the shadows. And he stood staring in his frightening form.

"Remember me, I am Noah, the son of Mr. Salim, who was plotted against him and caused his death and the death of his wife and the drowning of his little daughter in the sea and the fish devoured her, even her corpse had no trace left of it."

Noah hit the desk and split it in half.

Believe me, I didn't do any of those things, your father died by suicide

I wanted to help you, but I heard that you emigrated and I couldn't find you. "

Noah got angry and the killing intent leaked out of him like a waterfall, and his body began to tremble with anger.

"Agh, i really want to skin you alive right now with a pencil, but I have other plans for you."

Everyone in the room was terrified.

"You stinking pig. tfff"

Noah left the room flying.

Akhenatosh was terrified and called the army and contacted some neighboring countries for support and told them that they could take Noah to study him.

Two countries accepted the offer. And in a short period, the surroundings of the palace were filled with soldiers and weapons of all kinds.

Noah watched what was happening quietly and said


Then he disappeared, and after a while he appeared in front of a twenty-year-old girl who was cursing in her room.

"Damn you, Dad, why do you keep me in my room without the Internet or any means of entertainment as if I were a criminal, what the hell is happening?"

Noah stood behind her and said.

"Because he's afraid of me."

The girl suddenly turned around and saw the scary creature in front of her. She screamed, but to no avail because she was in the Deafness skill realm. Even surveillance cameras was controlled by Noah to show the same clip with the skill of the master of machines.

Noah approached her and leaned close to her and said

"You have lived well under your father's piggy shoulder, now you must help him pay some of the debts he has accumulated."

He said while his frightened face was very close to hers.

Then he wounded her wrist and activated the title of ruler of blood and controled her.

Boom Boom A loud explosion happend in the young lady's room.

"Sir, the fly man took the young lady and flew away."

shouted one of the men.


Akhenatenush was dumbfounded, while watching what happened on the screen. Then he broke it.

"Damn you, chase him."

5 helicopters flew to catch Noah, they had no chance of catching him because he was fast. But he slowed down until they approached him and spoke through the Hologram skill.

"I'm going to borrow your lovely daughter for a while to amuse some guys, don't worry, I'll make sure you see this lovely experience." Then, with Magneto's skill he Crushed the Five Helicopters as if they were a piece of paper.

Akhenatenush kept cursing and doing his best to locate Noah,but to no avail.

Hours later there was a live broadcast showing on every device in the world. there was a beautiful girl in her twenties, surrounded by nearly a hundred men. Everyone guessed what would happen.

Welcome to this live broadcast of the match of the century, the beautiful girl, the daughter of the famous businessman Akhenatosh, against 100 men who had not touched a woman for 20 years.

Who do you think will win? "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"

This show is not suitable for a young audience.

Akhenatenush spat out blood in anger and fainted.