
The voice

a voice sounded inside lon chi head why are you resisting am actually here to give you a gift the voice said,fuck you I don't want any of your gift just make this pain go,

hump", how ignorant there is nothing you can do because i have choose you even the heavens have to think twice before stopping me so stop resisting, fuck you,fuck you ten thousand times let the pain just go in don't want anything to do with you or your gift,

just let me be who are you exactly", hump sorry for the late introduction, my name is zho Feng am a god unparalleled against the heavens i have conquered realms even killed gods, haaaaaaaaaaaa lon chi laughed like a lunatic, a god you say fuck you go eat my shit, you claim to be a god bull shit",like I will believe that I don't have much time to explain to you cause this is just little of my consciousness,

listen up I don't care if you believe or not I will only tell you one thing the gift am giving you is a bloodline of my left eye, once you unleash it's full potential you will be able to look down on even gods conquer realms even the nine hells will not be your match,

what going on why can't i talk why would my mouth not open why am I felling terrified and what with that eyes looking down on me, the eye is so frightening it's as if the eye contain heaven and hell", why,why is this man before me so mysterious,

listen to my last word make sure your hide this bloodline as long as you can,ontill you are strong enough of course I can't tell you everything there will be a lot of people coming after you in the nearest feature, make sure you reach the highest ream if you die without achieving this, I will make sure I kill you even if you are dead and in hell,

why why just why did you pick me why not someone else", because I see potential in you, wait don't go yet why at that moment the lighting have stop in the outside word,

everything that happened took place in a strange ream in reality he was still in the altar getting stroke by lightning," look the lighting stoped third elder shouted, bring him to the clinic lab first elder said, ok the talent test have come to end result will be announced later now dismissed, thank you third elder everyone said in union and left.