

lon_ chi headed straight to the storage store because he couldn't keep carrying everything around it's was too risky welcome the storage attendant said am here to but a storage ring, okay you can look around and cheek if there is anyone you like,no prob lon_chi said and causally walked as he inspected some storage ring across the shelf Humm how much is this as lon_ chi took out a storage ring ooo that customer indeed has a good eye it's 50,000sliver oooo is that so then am buying this then as lon__ chi counted 50,000sliver and gave the store attendant as he put the storage ring in his index finger and also put a drop of blood on the storage ring which the ring shook slightly and turned from black to red hummmmm lon_ chi put his spirit consciousness into the ring and saw that it's was enough to store 2 small mountain hummm not bad as he slowly made his way to the pill shop which he brought various type of pills which could strength his foundation and even hep him brake through pills like strengthen pill,brake through pills,Golden sun pills,and washing marrow pill which cost his 100,000 sliver "which could change the live of a ordinary family for life he just spent just like" that what a pain in the ass lon_ chi lamented he also brought a bow and arrow" he didn't knew why but he felt the urge to buy it "maybe the formal owner of this bloodline used it on his way home he had a bold ideal he took off the storage ring and threw it at a far distance immediately he felt something was in the same index finger that he threw the ring,he looked at it and indeed found the ring lon_ chi was shocked as he also became happy he didn't have to worry about losing the ring as he increased his peace across the silent road.