

having to have sensed what they where thinking lon_ chi looked at them and laughed a sarcastic laugh, as he looked at the kan_ Chong group, that where silently cursing him under their breath,

and to achieve that I will tame a whole lot of smaller beast and feed it to this demonic beast am about to tame having heard this, kan_ Chong group breath out a sign of relive as lon_ chi scanned around the area with his divine sense

as lon_ chi ordered the beast they where in to move around so that he could tame a lot of smaller beast, because his soul was not that strong so he couldn't tame a lot of beast after a while lon_ chi finished taming more than 290 smaller beast including water snake, water octopus and some other beast.

after a while they returned to where the beast was when they saw the beast was still there they all breathed out sign of relive, lon_ chi ordered the beast they where in to stay a little bit far from the beast,he was about to tame after the order lon_ chi ordered all the beast he tamed to move toward the Tunga,

when the Tunga sensed the beast approaching it opened it mouth and begin to attack and devour them,which everyone watch with interest, when the Tunga finished devouring all it's pray it went to a corner of the ocean to sleep, after kan_ Chong saw this he asked lon_ chi what the next move would be.

now we wait after it have entered a deep sleep you all attack it with your strongest move if it's succeed its mind would be in a weakened state so I will be able to tame it lon_ chi said, as he closed his eyes to cultivate.

kan_ chong looked at lon_ chi who had begin to cultivate kan_ Chong took out a tesmal and implied Parth of his spiritual sense into it, and then activated it, as the tesmal vanished as one of of kan_ Chong follow sect disciple came to him.

do you think senior brother min_ Chang would see the tesmal mol_ peng said,am not really sure but he should be able to see it as kan_ Chong closed his eyes.